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STEM sohasida ayollar uchun Britaniya Kengashi stipendiyalari

Siz STEM fanida ilmiy daraja yoki PhD darajasiga ega bo‘lishni va o‘rganishga ishtiyoqi bor ayol qizlardanmisiz? Buyuk Britaniyaning yetakchi universitetlaridan birida fan, texnologiya, muhandislik yoki matematika bo‘yicha magistrlik dasturi uchun stipendiya olishingiz mumkin.

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Vebinar: STEM sohasida ayollar uchun Britaniya Kengashi stipendiyalari

STEM sohasida ayollar uchun Britaniya Kengashi stipendiyalarini taklif etuvchi universitetlar va 2023-yilda Buyuk Britaniya universitetlarida to‘liq moliyalashtirilgan aspirantura dasturida o’qish haqida batafsil bilish uchun British Council Uzbekistan tomonidan tashkil etilayotgan vebinarda qatnashing.

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STEM sohasida xotin-qizlar imkoniyatlarini kengaytirish” mavzusida tadbir bo‘lib o‘tdi

Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetida Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti Taraqqiyot dasturi (BMTTD)ning “STEM sohasida xotin-qizlar imkoniyatlarini kengaytirish” mavzusida tadbir bo‘lib o‘tdi.

Shuningdek, tadbir ishtirokchilariga Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligi tomonidan xotin-qizlarni IT sohasiga jalb qilishda va sohada ularning ulushini oshirishda amalga oshirilayotgan ishlar bo’yicha ma’lumot taqdim etildi.

Batafsil: 👉


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Forwarded from Sherzod Shermatov
Media is too big
Uzbekistan has made a historic leap in the Gender Equality and Governance Index, rising 51 positions, from 103rd to 52nd place!

This success shows real progress in women’s education, economic empowerment, and the growth of innovative IT initiatives.

We’re committed to increasing women’s participation in the IT sector. Our educational programs aim to ensure that every woman can thrive, benefiting from the accessible public services created by the state.

Uzbekistan is a country full of talented youth, and our ambitious, creative girls are at the forefront. Empowering young women in tech is a source of national pride.

By breaking down barriers, we’re opening doors for women to lead in technology. With talent, creativity, and determination, there are no limits to what can be achieved!

This achievement reflects the power of teamwork. Thanks to international organizations, private companies, and local initiatives, Uzbekistan is building an inclusive IT ecosystem driven by diversity.

Supporting women in tech is an investment in the future—one that benefits everyone.

While progress has been made, we know there’s more to do. Women remain underrepresented, especially in rural areas. We’re working to boost computer literacy and provide technology access for rural women.

Our Vision: Every woman should have the opportunity to reach her potential, be well-educated, and equipped to earn a living—maybe even lead the next tech unicorns!

By 2030, under the Digital Uzbekistan Strategy, we aim for 300,000 IT specialists, with women making up at least half of them.

Together, we can build an inclusive, innovative future, where every girl and woman can shape the digital world.

Join us in this mission! We welcome international organizations, private companies, and individuals to collaborate in empowering girls in STEM and STEAM fields.

Let’s continue working to ensure equality and diversity in every corner of Uzbekistan!

#Uzbekistan #WomenInTech #Inclusion #STEM #Innovation #Empowerment