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🇺🇿🇩🇪 Germaniyada oʻtkaziladigan “Uzbekistan Outsourcing Conference” tadbiriga qoʻshiling

🗓 Sana va vaqt: 23-aprel, 10:30
📍 Manzil: Berlin, Oʻzbekiston Respublikasining Germaniyadagi elchixonasi

🔘 Tadbir nimalarni taklif qiladi? Oʻzbekistonning IT va autsorsing sohasidagi salohiyatini kashf eting:

➡️ Soliq imtiyozlari: 0% korporativ, ijtimoiy, mol-mulk va yer soligʻi hamda IT va autsorsing kompaniyalarini qoʻllab-quvvatlashning boshqa vositalari haqida batafsil bilib oling.
➡️ Malakali isteʼdodlar: 20 million mehnatga layoqatli aholi orasidan turli va koʻp tillarni biladigan iqtidorlar zaxirasi, jumladan, 500 000 dan ortiq nemis tilida soʻzlashuvchi mutaxassislarni taklif qiluvchi yosh va dinamik ishchi kuchi bilan tanishing.
➡️ IT viza: investorlar, kompaniya asoschilari va IT-mutaxassislar uchun 3 yilgacha amal qiluvchi koʻp martalik viza oling.
➡️ Biznes yuritishning qulayligi: faoliyatni tezda yoʻlga qoʻyish uchun zarur barcha yordamni olgan holda 3-6 hafta ichida kompaniyangizni ishga tushiring.
➡️ “Zero Risk” dasturi: 12 oy davomida bepul ofis maydoni va xodimlarning ish haqi va malakasini oshirish xarajatlarini qoplash imkoniyatlaridan foydalaning.
➡️ Xizmat koʻrsatishga yoʻnaltirilgan IT boʻlmagan kompaniyalar uchun imtiyozlar: IT Park rezidentligi orqali Markaziy Osiyo bozoriga kirish.

📥 Taklifnoma olish uchun hoziroq roʻyxatdan oʻting.

Sizni nafaqat qimmatli maʼlumotlar vaʼda qiladigan, balki Oʻzbekiston ITES sohasida yangi imkoniyatlar eshigini ochib beradigan tadbirda bilan kutib qolamiz.

#Uzbekistan #IT #Outsourcing #BPO #KPO #ITConference #Event #ITOutsourcing

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🇺🇿🇩🇪 Join the Uzbekistan Outsourcing Conference in Germany

🗓 Date & Time: 23rd of April, 10:30 AM
📍 Location: Berlin, Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Germany

🔘 Why attend? Discover the potential of Uzbekistan's IT and Outsourcing landscape with compelling reasons to join us:

➡️ Tax Incentives: Learn more about 0% corporate, social, property, and land taxes, and other means of support for IT and Outsourcing companies.
➡️ Skilled Talents: Tap into a youthful and dynamic workforce from a 20 million working-age population offering a diverse and multilingual talent pool, including more than 500.000 German speaking people.
➡️ IT Visa: Get a multiple-entry visa valid for up to 3 years for investors, company founders and IT professionals.
➡️Ease of Doing Business: Start your company swiftly within 3-6 weeks with all the necessary support to hit the ground running.
➡️ Zero Risk Program: Take advantage of free office space for 12 months plus reimbursements on employee salaries and professional development costs.
➡️ Benefits for service-oriented non-IT companies: Entering the Central Asian market through the membership in IT Park.

📥 Register Now to Secure Your Invitation.

We look forward to welcoming you to an event that promises not just insights but a gateway to new opportunities in the ITES sector of Uzbekistan.

#Uzbekistan #IT #Outsourcing #BPO #KPO #ITConference #Event #ITOutsourcing

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Don’t miss the next Tashkent International Investment Forum, which will be held on May 2-3, 2024!

Register online at:
It is a great opportunity to explore more about Uzbekistan and meet new people.

If you have any investment proposals in the area of Digital Technologies Development in Uzbekistan, please contact our team as well: [email protected]

#Investment #Opportunity #Uzbekistan #Digital
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Join Our Team of AI Specialists!

We are seeking experts to develop AI strategy and policy documents, and ensure their successful implementation. Be a part of shaping the future of AI in Uzbekistan.

For more information see the links below 👇🏻

#DigitalTransformation #AI #Opportunities #Uzbekistan #JoinUs
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🥇 Диёра Келдиёровани тарихий ғалаба билан табриклаймиз!

Диёра Ўзбекистонликлар биринчи бўлишини кўрсатиб бериши билан бирга барча спортчиларимиз учун ҳам илҳомбахш йўл очиб берди.

Ўзбек қизларининг салоҳияти чексиз, ва Диёранинг муваффақияти бунга яққол мисолдир. Ушбу ғалаба қизларимизга бошқа барча соҳаларда ҳам муваффақиятга эришишлари учун уларга илҳом бериши аниқ.

Биз келажакда аёлларимиздан технологиялар соҳасида ҳам шу каби муваффақиятларни кутиб қоламиз. Иқтидорли ўзбек қизларимиз томонидан юникорн стартаплар яратилишига ҳам шубҳам йўқ.

#Olympics #Judo #Uzbekistan
#Champion #Sports #WomenEmpoweringWomen
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Ўзбекистон Париж Олимпиадасида тарихий ғалабани қўлга киритди!

Ўзбекистон Олимпиадада 8 та олтин, 2 та кумуш ва 3 та бронза медали билан иқтисодиёти ривожланган давлатлар ўртасидаги ТОП 15 таликда ягона ривожланаётган давлат сифатида 13-ўринни эгаллади.

Бокс бўйича эса дунёда биринчи ўринни эгаллади.

Ҳақиқатдан ҳам ушбу Олимпиада юртимиз учун эсда қоларли воқеликларга бой бўлиб, нафақат ўзбек халқи, балки бутун Марказий Осиёдаги қардош халқларни ҳам бирлаштира олди.

Ғалаба барчамизга муборак бўлсин, азизлар!

Давлатимиз Раҳбари бошчиликларида барча соҳаларда юртимиз ютуқлари бардавом бўлсин!

#Uzbekistan #CentralAsia #Olympics #SportsAchievement #YouthPower #HumanCapital #GlobalRecognition #TechnologyAndTalent
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ITES export companies are welcome in Uzbekistan with a Softlanding program!

Grow your business with us:

PS. Subscribe to LinkedIn profile to get more content in English:

#ITES_exports #Softlanding #Uzbekistan #IT_Park
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Video from ICT Week Uzbekistan opening, please share among your friends to invite them to Uzbekistan!

We help to grow your business with us!

You can watch the opening ceremony in full from live recorded video:

#Uzbekistan #IT_hub #Breaking_stereotypes #ICT_Week
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The New Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan is opening up new opportunities for Digital Startups!

All details will be available soon at:

Uzbekistan is committed to continually craft the best conditions for ITES exporting companies as well as for improving Startups and AI ecosystems!

Follow in Linkedin:

#Startups #Uzbekistan
Forwarded from Sherzod Shermatov
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Uzbekistan is the right place now to look for growing your business - this message was given by many distinguished panelists at International partnership initiatives week.

Only this year the number of companies with foreign capital, who decided to utilize these opportunities to grow their business increased by 250!

You can also get the best tax regime up until 2040 for ITES companies, affordable talents and low cost of starting your business with the Zero Risk programme in the regions of Uzbekistan:

Guest Insights:

📌 Boris Tadić - former president of Serbia: "Uzbekistan is one of the most #favorable countries for business operations and investments for European companies and IT firms."

📌 Raimonds Vejonis - former president of Latvia: "The extension of #benefits for IT Park residents until 2040 will increase investor #confidence."

📌Hamadoun Toure - former head of ITU: “Uzbekistan has taken the leading position in the International Telecommunication Union’s ranking for the most #affordable internet prices.”

📌 Akihiro Sakurai: "Uzbekistan has the #potential to supply 300,000 young specialists to the international IT market, generating high incomes."

📌 Seán McEllin:Uzbekistan is becoming the #ideal_location for major IT companies to open their regional offices.”

With its forward-looking #digitalstrategy and #commitment to innovation, Uzbekistan is emerging as a dynamic regional hub for international businesses and tech #startups alike. Exciting times ahead for #partnerships and #growth!

Uzbekistan is shaping up to be a vibrant regional hub, creating countless opportunities for innovation and foreign partnerships.

Follow in Linkedin:

#Uzbekistan #ITES #DigitalTransformation #GlobalBusiness #Investment