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🚂 How about an autumn trip to Ruskeala Mountain Park in Karelia on a retro steam train?

An impressive black steam locomotive with a solid red star on the boiler, which smokes and steams so much that sometimes you can't see anything around. This is the locomotive of the "Ruskeala Express" - a train that runs between the Sortavala and Ruskeala stations.

📸 The only branded steam train in Russia takes tourists daily to the amazingly beautiful Ruskeala Marble Mountain Park.

🚂 Осеннее путешествие в горный парк Рускеала в Карелию на ретропоезде на паровой тяге. Вот так выглядит это с высоты птичьего поле‌та!

Внушительный черный паровоз с солидной красной звездой на котле, который дымит и парит так, что порой ничего вокруг не видно. Это локомотив "Рускеальского экспресса" — поезда, что курсирует между станциями Сортавала и Рускеала.
🌄 Путешествия по России

#Russia #Karelia #SteamEngine #RepublicofKarelia #Steamtrain #Railway #RetroTrain #Карелия #Ruskeala #MarbldCanyon
🌏 Online Crash Course of Russian Language

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russian Federation) invites to register for the online crash course of Russian language, which be be held from October 8 to 14, 2024.

The crash course offers three levels – starter, intermediate, and advanced – and two sessions to accommodate different time zones. Participation is free of charge! We would greatly appreciate it if you could share this information about the crash course with your target audience.

Registration form:

#Russia #RussianLanguage #Online #OnlineCourse #Language #Russian #Kaliningrad #Русскийязык
🎓 The Higher School of Economics invites international students to take part in the "Study Tour Experience"

The HSE International Study Tour Experience will be held in Moscow from November 11 to 23. It is conducted in 7 directions:
- Business and Management;
- Finance and Economics;
- Social and political sciences;
- Jurisprudence;
- Media;
- Education: management and development;
- Foreign languages and intercultural communication.

Languages of instruction: Russian and English.
Internship format: online and offline.

Foreign citizens are invited to participate — students of the last bachelor's degree/specialty courses, graduates of foreign higher educational institutions.
You can apply until October 6 on the website:
The results of the selection of candidates will appear on October 13.
Participation is free of charge.

🎓 Высшая школа экономики приглашает иностранных студентов принять участие в «Study Tour Experience»

С 11 по 23 ноября в Москве пройдет Международная учебная стажировка НИУ ВШЭ «Study Tour Experience». Она проводится по 7 направлениям:
- Бизнес и менеджмент;
- Финансы и экономика;
- Социальные и политические науки;
- Юриспруденция;
- Медиа;
- Образование: управление и развитие;
- Иностранные языки и межкультурная коммуникация.

Языки обучения: русский и английский.
Формат стажировки: онлайн и офлайн.

К участию приглашаются иностранные граждане — студенты последних курсов бакалавриата/специалитета, выпускники зарубежных высших учебных заведений.
Подать заявку можно до 6 октября на сайте:
Результаты отбора кандидатов появятся 13 октября. Участие бесплатное.

#Russia #Education #Internship #HSE #ApplyNow #EducationinRussia
Dear friends, do you want to get a profession of the future at a Russian university? The international magazine Higher Education Discovery presents Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov where you can choose any major out of 350+ popular majors.

When you become a NArFU student, you will live and study on a unique campus where you will have everything for professional, creative and sports development. After graduation, you will be able to work for top Russian and international companies involved in megaprojects in oil and gas extraction, mining engineering, civil engineering, power engineering, information technologies, chemical engineering and biotechnologies, and other areas.

The Higher Education Discovery website has a special service “Chat with University Staff” that helps international applicants to get first-hand information about studying in Russia. If you have any questions about admission and studies, feel free to contact the university staff member on the HED magazine page at

#Russia #HED #education
Media is too big
Ballet season grand opening at the Mariinsky Theatre

🔹The 2024/2025 ballet season at the Mariinsky Theatre has opened with Tchaikovsky's masterpiece "Swan Lake". The performance is dedicated to Marina Alexandrovna Vasilyeva, professor at the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet, who passed on her skills to several generations of famous soloists and prima ballerinas of the theatre.

🔹The ballet was first staged in Moscow in 1877. The stunning music of Swan Lake is now instantly recognizable and it has highly influenced the modern culture.

Торжественное открытие балетного сезона в Мариинском театре

🔹Балетный сезон 2024/2025 в Мариинском театре откроется шедевром Чайковского «Лебединое озеро». Спектакль посвящен Марине Александровне Васильевой, профессору Академии Русского балета им. А. Я. Вагановой, передавшей свое мастерство нескольким поколениям знаменитых солисток и прима-балерин театра.

🔹Балет был впервые поставлен в Москве в 1877 году. Потрясающая музыка «Лебединого озера» сейчас мгновенно узнаваема и оказала большое влияние на современную культуру.

📸 Mariinsky

#Russia #Ballet #Tchaikovsky #SwanLake #mariinskytheatre #saintpetersburg #Theatre
😍 Avacha Bay is one of the most picturesque places, the heart of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. This is one of the largest bays in the world! We tell you where to go if you are planning a trip.

Three Brothers Rocks

According to legend, these rocks are brothers turned into stones by the gods. Now they protect the bay from the waves. In 1983, the Three Brothers received the status of a regional natural monument and were included in the list of specially protected areas of Kamchatka. The first Russian explorers arrived in these places back in 1737 and marked the rocks on maps.

🧗‍♂️ Mishennaya Sopka

For those who love active recreation, we suggest climbing this mountain. The view from the top will definitely not leave you indifferent - from the peak you can see Avacha Bay, the cities of Vilyuchinsky and Koryaksky, as well as volcanoes on the horizon.

🚤 Seroglazka Bay

This is a small bay that is part of Avacha Bay. The name comes from the river of the same name that flows into it. The banks of Seroglazka are surrounded by green hills and rocky cliffs. The bay is popular among lovers of water sports, fishing and the wild nature of Kamchatka.

😍 Авачинская бухта — одно из самых живописных мест, сердце Петропавловска-Камчатского. Это одна из крупнейших бухт мира! Рассказываем, куда сходить, если вы планируете поездку.

Скалы «Три брата»

По легенде, эти скалы — братья, превращенные богами в камни. Теперь они охраняют бухту от волн. В 1983 году «Три брата» получили статус регионального памятника природы и были включены в список особо охраняемых территорий Камчатки. Первые русские исследователи прибыли в эти места еще в 1737 году и нанесли скалы на карты.

🧗‍♂️ Мишенная сопка

Для тех, кто любит активный отдых, предлагаем подняться на эту гору. Вид сверху точно не оставит вас равнодушным – с пика видны Авачинская бухта, города Вилючинский и Корякский, а также вулканы на горизонте.

🚤 Бухта Сероглазка

Это небольшой залив, входящий в состав Авачинской бухты. Название происходит от одноименной речки, которая впадает в неё. Берега Сероглазки окружены зелеными холмами и скалистыми утёсами. Бухта популярна среди любителей водных видов спорта, рыбалки и дикой природы Камчатки.

#Россия #Russia #AvachaBay #kamchatka #kamchatkapeninsula
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🎆 This is how bright and colorful the closing of the fountains in Peterhof was.

From October 14, admission to Peterhof Palace Gardens will be free for the entire winter period.

🎆 Вот так ярко и красочно прошло закрытие фонтанов в Петергофе.

С 14 октября вход в Петергоф станет бесплатным на весь зимний период.

📸 Путешествия по России

#Russia #SaintPetersburg #Peterhof #PETERHOFPALACE #Fountains #fireworkshow
877th anniversary of Moscow was marked in Kolkata

On September 23, Institute of Russian Language commemorated the 877th anniversary of Moscow City foundation.

Students of the language courses performed a song and a poem, dedicated to Moscow. This was followed by the presentation on history of Moscow and its tourist attractions.

Concluding the event, the head of the Russian House, Sergey Shushin, presented the students with certificates on successful completion of the Russian language courses.

877-летие основания Москвы отметили в Калькутте

23 сентября Институт русского языка отметил 877-ю годовщину основания города Москвы.

Студенты языковых курсов исполнили песню и стихотворение, посвященные Москве. Затем последовала презентация об истории Москвы и её достопримечательностях.

В завершение мероприятия руководитель Русского дома Сергей Шушин вручил студентам сертификаты об успешном окончании курсов русского языка.

#Russia #RussianHouse #Kolkata #RussianLanguage #Moscow #Русскийязык
Students of the Russian House in Kolkata have completed the online course by the RUDN university

9 students of our Institute of Russian Language have successfully completed the online crash course of the Russian language (A1 level), offered online by the #RUDN university, Moscow.

✅️ You are free to undertake it too!

This course comprises 4 modules: “Hello”, “In city”, “My day”, “My homeland”.

At the end of the course you will be able to speak Russian and understand the companion in many situations so your trip to Russia will become really comfortable and interesting.

Study now:

#Russia #RussianLangiage #RussianLanguagecourse #RussianOnline #LanguageCourse #Russian #РУДН #online #language
🇷🇺 Russian schoolchildren took gold at the International Olympiad in Informatics

Russian schoolchildren won 4 gold medals at the 36th IOI in Egypt.

Awards received:

🏅 Gimran Abdullin, Kazan;
🏅Daria Grekova, Moscow;
🏅Peter Losev, Moscow;
🏅Ivan Piskarev, Moscow.

The IOI has been held since 1989. In 2024, the competition brought together representatives of Russia, China, the USA, Israel, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Iran and other countries. Each state was represented by four students who passed the national selection. In 2023, all Russian participants of the competition also received gold medals.

Congratulations to the guys and their mentors, we wish you new victories!

🇷🇺 Российские школьники взяли золото на Международной олимпиаде по информатике

Российские школьники завоевали 4 золотые медали на 36-й международной олимпиаде по информатике в Египте.

Награды получили:

🏅Гимран Абдулин, г. Казань;
🏅Дарья Грекова, г. Москва;
🏅Петр Лосев, г. Москва;
🏅Иван Пискарев, г. Москва.

Международная олимпиада по информатике проводится с 1989 года. В 2024 году состязание объединило представителей России, Китая, США, Израиля, Республики Кореи, Японии, Ирана и других стран. Каждое государство представляли четыре школьника, которые прошли национальные отборы. В 2023 году все российские участники состязания также получили золотые медали.

Поздравляем ребят и их наставников, желаем новых побед!

#Russia #Egypt #IOI #informatics #Olympiad
Registration for the MGIMO International School Olympiad

On September 23, registration for participants in the MGIMO International School Olympiad began on the website

The competition for foreign applicants will be held for the 3rd time and will allow them to enter MGIMO on a budget.

Over the 2 years of the Competition, more than 4,000 participants were able to test their knowledge, dozens of them are now studying at MGIMO.

Knowledge will be tested:
🟣 Russian and English languages
🟣 general erudition in the fields of geography, world history and international relations.

#Russia #MGIMO #Olympiad #India
Take part in the International scientific and practical conference "Culture - a system of spiritual and material values ​​of modern youth. Exchange of experience".

The event will be held within the framework of the VIII International Festival for the Development of Tourism, Culture and Education "I LOVE RUSSIA-2024" on October 24, 2024 in Novorossiysk.

Format: hybrid

Venue and time
October 24, 2024 from 14:00 to 16:30 (local time)

The following are invited to participate:

representatives of culture, tourism, education, youth communities of the subjects
of the Russian Federation and foreign partners of the Russian Federation, Russian universities that train specialists for the tourism sector, schools with in-depth study of foreign

Registration link:

Contact email: [email protected]

#Russia #Conference
Dear friends, do you want to become world-class architects or engineers? Come to study in Russia. The international magazine Higher Education Discovery presents Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering that trains top-notch specialists in architecture, urban development, construction science, and environmental engineering.

You will live in Nizhny Novgorod, a beautiful city famous for its numerous historical and cultural landmarks and leisure destinations. The cost of living in Nizhny Novgorod is much lower than in the capital.

The Higher Education Discovery website has a special service “Chat with University Staff” that helps international applicants to get first-hand information about studying in Russia. If you have any questions about admission and studies, feel free to contact the university staff member on the HED magazine page at

#Russia #Education #HED #EducationinRussia #architecture #NizhnyNovgorod