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Erkin Vohidov she'ri

Xotirangdan qilma shikoyat,
Yoddan chiqarmoq ham yaxshi odatdir.
Yoddan chiqarmoq ham bir saodatdir,
Unutmaslik dardi ogʻir nihoyat.
Vaqtida unutsang,
Orom topar jon,
Qalb koʻtarib yurmas ortiq jafoni.
Mana men,
Yillarki, bir bevafoni
Esdan chiqarolmay kuyaman hamon.

Abdulla Oripov nomidagi ijod maktabining 10-sinf o‘quvchisi Shodiyeva Iroda


My friend,
Don't complain from your memento,
Forgetting is good habit also.
Forgetting is happiness too,
Unforgettable is too hard sore.
If you forget in time,
Soul finds peaceful spot,
Heart doesn't carry torment anymore.
Here I am,
For several years, still opressed
By unable to forget the betrayer.

🔰Abdulla Oripov nomidagi ijod maktabining 7 "B"-sinf o'quvchilari, "Yosh tarjimon" to'garagining a'zosi Najimova Nozima va Eshmurodova Sevinch O'zbekiston Xalq shoiri  Muhammad Yusufning "Iqror" she'rini o'zbek tilidan ingliz tiliga tarjima qildi


O, ota makonim,
Onajon oʻlkam,
Oʻzbekiston, jonim toʻshay soyangga.
Senday mehribon yoʻq,
Seningdek koʻrkam.
Rimni alishmasman bedapoyangga.

Bir goʻsha suv boʻlsa, bir goʻsha qirlar,
Qancha yurtni koʻrdim, qancha taqdirlar.
Qayga borsam suyab, boshni tik tut deb,
Togʻlaring ortimdan ergashib yurar.

Koʻrdim suluvlarning eng faranglarin,
Yo xudbinman men yo bir sodda kasman men —
Parijning eng goʻzal restoranlarin,
Bitta tandiringga alishmasman men.

Na gapga koʻnayin,
Na til bilayin,
Koʻzdan uyqu qochdi, dildan halovat —
Uch kunda sogʻinsam nima qilayin,
Chala qolar boʻldi hamma sayohat.

Bildimki, baridan ulugʻim oʻzing,
Bildimki, yaqini shu tuproq menga.
Bahorda Baxmalda tugʻilgan qoʻzing,
Arab ohusidan azizroq menga.

Sen bilan oʻtgan har kun bayram — bazm,
Sensiz bir on qolsam vahmim keladi.
Seni bilganlarga qilaman taʼzim,
Seni bilmaslarga rahmim keladi.


Oh, my father’s birthplace,
My lovely motherland.
Let me lay my soul on your shade,
Uzbekistan, you’re the kindest,
You’re so great.
For Rome – your clover-field -
I cannot trade.

There is water, there is a corner of hills,
How many countries have I seen, how many destinies.
I lean on it wherever I go, keeping my head up,
Your mountains follow me.

I met the most adorable white hands.
It seems I am trusting or self-lover
-Since for me the best Paris restaurants
Before your tandoor are out of favor.

I’m stubborn, I can’t speak a foreign language,
I don’t sleep and comfort leaves my mind
-What to do in three days if I miss you?
Will remain unfinished all ride.

I perceive that you are my most sublime,
I accept this soil the closest stop.
A lamb that’s born in Bakhmal in springtime
To me is better than the Arabian antelope.

Each day I spend with you is a big fete,
Without you I’m scared, I’m full of worry.
I welcome those who know you and respect.
For those who don’t know you I feel sorry.

🔰Abdulla Oripov nomidagi ijod maktabining 7 "B"-sinf o'quvchisi, "Yosh tarjimon" to'garagining a'zosi Ergashev Shohruz "Ayiq nima dedi?" deb nomlangan O'zbek xalq ertagini O'zbek tilidan Ingliz tiliga tarjima qildi.

Ayiq nima dedi?
Bir kuni ikki do‘st o‘rmonda ketayotgan ekan, to‘satdan oldilaridan bir ayiq chiqib qolibdi va ularga hamla qilibdi. Ulardan biri tezda qochib ketibdi-da, yashirinib olibdi. Ikkinchisi esa qochishga ulgurolmay qolibdi. Shunda yerga yiqilib, o‘zini o‘likka solib, jimgina yotaveribdi. Ayiq uning yoniga kelib, hamma yerini iskab ko‘rgach, o‘lik gumon qilib, qaytib ketibdi. Ayiq ketgach, yashiringan do‘sti kulimsirab chiqib kelibdi va sherigidan so‘rabdi:
— Ey do‘stim, ayiq sening qulog‘ingga nimalar dedi?
— U menga «xavf-xatar duch kelganda o‘z do‘stini tashlab ketish — bu eng yomon odat» dedi, —deb javob bergan ekan.

What did the bear say?

A couple of friends were walking in the forest when suddenly a bear came out in front of them and attacked to them. One of them quickly ran away and hid. The second one couldn't run, Then, he fell to the ground and laid down quietly. After, the bear came to him and smelled everywhere, he thought he was dead and went back. When the bear left, his hiding friend came out with a smile and asked his partner:

"My friend, what did the bear say in your ear?"

"He told me that 'abandoning a friend in danger is the worst habit,'" he answered.

🔰Abdulla Oripov nomidagi ijod maktabining 7 "B"-sinf o'quvchisi, "
Yosh tarjimon" to'garagining a'zosi Shakirova Niliufar o'z ijodidagi she'rni Ingliz tiliga tarjima qildi

Halima xudoyberdiyeva she’riga Nazira


Men shunchaki uxlagim kelmas,
She’rlar yozsam yig’lasa tonglar
Men shunchaki yozgim ham kelmas,
Tug’ulsaydi nurli ohanglar.

Men shunchaki yig’lagim  kelmas,
Olam kuysa dilim ohidan
Men shunchaki yashagim kelmas,
Baxt yog’ilsa samo toqidan.

Shokirova Nilufar

My wish

I just don’t want to sleep,
If I wrote poem, mornings will cry.
I just don’t want to write,
Wishing there will be born light tones.

I just don’t want to cry,
If world will burn from my soul.
I just don’t want to live,
If happiness falls from to sky.

Philip Larkin

I saw three ships go sailing by,
Over the sea, the lifting sea,
And the wind rose in the morning sky,
And one was rigged for a long journey.

The first ship turned towards the west,
Over the sea, the running sea,
And by the wind was all possessed
And carried to a rich country.

The second ship turned towards the east,
Over the sea, the quaking sea,
And the wind hunted it like a beast
To anchor in captivity.

The third ship drove towards the north,
Over the sea, the darkening sea,
But no breath of wind came forth,
And the decks shone frostily.

The northern sky rose high and black
Over the proud unfruitful sea,
East and west the ships came back
Happily or unhappily:

But the third went wide and far
Into an unforgiving sea
Under a fire-spilling star,
And it was rigged for a long journey.

O‘zbek tiliga tarjimasi


Ko‘rdim uch kemaning suzayotganin,
Biri olislarni maqsad qilgandi.
Oltin va vuqorli dengiz ustida,
Shamol erta tongdan ko‘tarilgandi.

Ilk kema vujudin g‘arbga to‘g‘irlab,
Oltin dengiz ila poyga ayladi.
Shamol ilk kemani sekin o‘g‘irlab,
Tilla mamlakatga yo‘lin boyladi.

Ikkinchisi esa sharqni ko‘zladi,
Go‘zal dengiz uzra sekin, ohista,
Shamol yirtqich kabi uni quvladi.
Bilmam qamal uchun yo neni istar?

Shimolga yo‘l oldi uchinchi vujud
Tunga yuz tutguvchi dengiz chorladi.
Biroq shamol xuddi bo‘lgandek nobud
Shu on palubalar shamdek porladi.

Shimollik osmonlar baland va qora
Dengiz g‘ururlangan, ko‘maksiz, behush.
Qaytdi ikki kema bo‘lmay deb pora
Ularning taqdiri xush yoki noxush.

Biroq so‘nggi kema suzar uzoqqa
Bir dam to‘xtamasdan go‘yoki sayyor.
Balki uning yo‘li to‘la tuzoqqa
Lek olis safarga u edi tayyor.

Abdulla Oripov nomidagi ijod maktabining 9-sinf o'quvchisi Ismatullayev Eldurbek tarjimasi.

Abdulla Oripov


Kuz ham ketdi, mana,
Qish keldi qayta,
Eski ashulamni yana aytaman.
Seni qarshi oldim nechanchi marta,
Qish, senga nechanchi bora qaytaman.

Gaz oʻchoq joyida, poʻstin ham tayyor,
Sening hurmating bu, qirchillama qish.
Undov belgisidek teraklar qator,
Qishga shu tariqa aytishar olqish.

Bunday payt gashtlidir choyxona koʻproq,
Chollarga oʻsha joy boʻladi shafye.
Choyxona tomonga tortsa-da oyoq
Duch kelaveradi negadir kafe.

Shundoq  davom etar hayot baribir,
Topilar biz uchun xilvat goʻsha ham.
Koʻpdan sogʻintirgan davramiz qizir,
Axir eski doʻstlar yana boʻlmish jam.

Yana yodga tushar u olis yillar,
Qishning qadamiga alyor aytamiz.
Tongda chumoliday chiqqan boʻlsak gar,
Shomda arslon boʻlib uyga qaytamiz.

Abdulla Oripov nomidagi ijod maktabining 9-sinf o'quvchisi
Ismatullayev Eldurbek.


Autumn has passed, and here you are,
Winter returns, a bright northern star.
The old song I sing, once more it’s true,w
How many times have I welcomed you?
Winter, I greet you as I always do.

The stove is lit, my coat’s prepared,
For your chill, winter, respect is declared.
Like exclamation marks, trees stand tall,
To honor the season with nature’s call.

Tea houses now hold a special charm,
For old men, they bring a welcome warm.
Though my feet lead me to the teahouse door,
A café appears where none stood before.

Yet life moves on, it finds its way,
A quiet corner awaits someday.
Our circle of friends, long missed, will thrive,
Together once more, our spirits alive.

Old days return to our hearts once more,
As winter’s steps knock on the door.
At dawn, like ants, we begin the race,
By dusk, like lions, we claim our space.