#volontyor #xalqaro
🗓24:00 on 30 June 2021 Beijing Time
Announcement on Global Recruitment of Games Volunteers for Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games
The Beijing Organising Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (Beijing 2022) is committed to a green, inclusive, open and clean approach to hosting the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (Games).
To attract talent from all over the world for a fantastic, extraordinary and excellent Games, Beijing 2022 starts its global recruitment of Games volunteers on 5 December 2019.
(I) Individuals who meet all of the following criteria are eligible to apply:
* Must abide by Chinese laws and regulations, be willing to serve the Games on a voluntary basis, and accept the guidance and supervision of Beijing 2022;
* Must be minimum 18 years old on 1 January 2022 (born on or before 1 January 2004), and be in good health;
* Must have the knowledge and skills required for their positions;
* Must be able to effectively communicate in Chinese and/or English; and
* Must be able to participate in all required training and provide volunteering services for the Games.
(II) Favourable consideration will be given to applicants who:
* Will serve as a volunteer for the “Experience Beijing” Test Events;
* Will serve as a volunteer for both the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games;
* Have a considerable level of professional knowledge and expertise in areas including translation and interpretation, medical services, driving, and technology; or
* Will fill in volunteer positions that solve urgent needs that may arise in Games operations.
👉 Beijing 2022 Volunteer Application Portal
🍀 @yourchanceuz
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🗓24:00 on 30 June 2021 Beijing Time
Announcement on Global Recruitment of Games Volunteers for Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games
The Beijing Organising Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (Beijing 2022) is committed to a green, inclusive, open and clean approach to hosting the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (Games).
To attract talent from all over the world for a fantastic, extraordinary and excellent Games, Beijing 2022 starts its global recruitment of Games volunteers on 5 December 2019.
(I) Individuals who meet all of the following criteria are eligible to apply:
* Must abide by Chinese laws and regulations, be willing to serve the Games on a voluntary basis, and accept the guidance and supervision of Beijing 2022;
* Must be minimum 18 years old on 1 January 2022 (born on or before 1 January 2004), and be in good health;
* Must have the knowledge and skills required for their positions;
* Must be able to effectively communicate in Chinese and/or English; and
* Must be able to participate in all required training and provide volunteering services for the Games.
(II) Favourable consideration will be given to applicants who:
* Will serve as a volunteer for the “Experience Beijing” Test Events;
* Will serve as a volunteer for both the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games;
* Have a considerable level of professional knowledge and expertise in areas including translation and interpretation, medical services, driving, and technology; or
* Will fill in volunteer positions that solve urgent needs that may arise in Games operations.
👉 Beijing 2022 Volunteer Application Portal
🍀 @yourchanceuz
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#stajorlik #xalqaro
🗓 1st May – 31st August, 2020
📍 Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan or Partner University
The duration of the Taiwan Internship is 2-3 months. The paid internship in Taiwan will be starting from 1st May – 31st August 2020. There is no application fee is required for the TIGP- IIP Summer Internship Programme.
The best thing about this internship program is that TOFEL, IETLS is not compulsory. The selected interns will get NTD 30,000/month-tax free (~USD 1000) for two months and half of the cheapest round-way airfare.
Undergraduates and master’s students can apply for the Taiwan International internship.
Don’t wait till the last date and apply as soon as possible for this amazing internship opportunity. This is one of the best internship programs in the world.
Tap ⏩ here ⏪ for more info!
🍀 @yourchanceuz
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🗓 1st May – 31st August, 2020
📍 Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan or Partner University
The duration of the Taiwan Internship is 2-3 months. The paid internship in Taiwan will be starting from 1st May – 31st August 2020. There is no application fee is required for the TIGP- IIP Summer Internship Programme.
The best thing about this internship program is that TOFEL, IETLS is not compulsory. The selected interns will get NTD 30,000/month-tax free (~USD 1000) for two months and half of the cheapest round-way airfare.
Undergraduates and master’s students can apply for the Taiwan International internship.
Don’t wait till the last date and apply as soon as possible for this amazing internship opportunity. This is one of the best internship programs in the world.
Tap ⏩ here ⏪ for more info!
🍀 @yourchanceuz
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#seminar #milliy
🗓 January 11
⏰ 9.30 a.m.
📍 Kitob Olami Ground Zero
The guest speaker Laurie Wolfe will share useful insights on how to live effectively and switch your mind to positive thinking.
A day-long workshop will serve as a tangible asset and a perfect chance to network.
Go Viral. Go Learn.
Click ⏩ here ⏪ to register!
🍀 @yourchanceuz
Telegram | Instagram | Facebook
🗓 January 11
⏰ 9.30 a.m.
📍 Kitob Olami Ground Zero
Here is an opportunity for you to upgrade your mindset for a better start of the year.
The guest speaker Laurie Wolfe will share useful insights on how to live effectively and switch your mind to positive thinking.
A day-long workshop will serve as a tangible asset and a perfect chance to network.
Go Viral. Go Learn.
Click ⏩ here ⏪ to register!
🍀 @yourchanceuz
Telegram | Instagram | Facebook
#seminar #milliy
🗓 18 – 19 yanvar
⏰ 10:00 – 18:00
📍 INHA universiteti
Sovrin jamg'armasi 100 000 AQSh dollarini tashkil etadigan tanlov doirasida 18-19 yanvar kunlari mobil ilovalarni ishlab chiquvchilar uchun “Workshop” bo'lib o'tadi!
Sizga mobil ilovani ishlab chiqishda duch kelgan qiyinchiliklarni yengishda yordam beramiz! Shuningdek, ishtirokchilar tanlov sovrini uchun kurashish imkoniyatiga ega bo'ladilar:
1️⃣ o’rin - $50 000
2️⃣ o’rin - $30 000
3️⃣ o’rin - $20 000
Ro'yxatdan o'tish ⏩ bu yerda ⏪!
#techmeetup #inhauniversityintashkent #itparkuzbekistan #onemillionuzbekcoders
🍀 @yourchanceuz
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🗓 18 – 19 yanvar
⏰ 10:00 – 18:00
📍 INHA universiteti
Sovrin jamg'armasi 100 000 AQSh dollarini tashkil etadigan tanlov doirasida 18-19 yanvar kunlari mobil ilovalarni ishlab chiquvchilar uchun “Workshop” bo'lib o'tadi!
Sizga mobil ilovani ishlab chiqishda duch kelgan qiyinchiliklarni yengishda yordam beramiz! Shuningdek, ishtirokchilar tanlov sovrini uchun kurashish imkoniyatiga ega bo'ladilar:
1️⃣ o’rin - $50 000
2️⃣ o’rin - $30 000
3️⃣ o’rin - $20 000
Ro'yxatdan o'tish ⏩ bu yerda ⏪!
#techmeetup #inhauniversityintashkent #itparkuzbekistan #onemillionuzbekcoders
🍀 @yourchanceuz
Telegram | Instagram | Facebook
Bugungi tinch va farovon hayotimizning sababchilari bõlmish, mard-jasur o'ğlonlar!
Siz kimningdir otasi, kimningdir turmush o'rtog'i, kimningdir akasi yoki ukasi, suyangan tog'isiz.
Yelkangizda doim og'ir ma'suliyat va siz uni g'urur va iftixor bilan ko'tarib yurasiz.
Bizning osoyishta hayotimiz sizning borligingiz bilan.
Biz siz bilan baxtlimiz!
Baxtimizga bor bo'ling. Barcha yaxshi tilaklarimiz siz uchun.
Bayramingiz muborak bo'lsin!
🍀 @yourchanceuz
Telegram | Instagram | Facebook
Siz kimningdir otasi, kimningdir turmush o'rtog'i, kimningdir akasi yoki ukasi, suyangan tog'isiz.
Yelkangizda doim og'ir ma'suliyat va siz uni g'urur va iftixor bilan ko'tarib yurasiz.
Bizning osoyishta hayotimiz sizning borligingiz bilan.
Biz siz bilan baxtlimiz!
Baxtimizga bor bo'ling. Barcha yaxshi tilaklarimiz siz uchun.
Bayramingiz muborak bo'lsin!
🍀 @yourchanceuz
Telegram | Instagram | Facebook
#seminar #xalqaro #tõliq_qoplanuvchi
🗓 21-23 – fevral
💳 bepul
📍 Nursulton, Qozog'iston
Yevropa ittifoqining Internews tashkiloti va AQSH ning Xalqaro rivojlanish agentligi USAID hamkorligida MediaCAMP medialoyihasi doirasida tashkil etilgan Эдьютон 2020 dasturiga arizalar qabul qilinmoqda.
Dasturda mediata‘lim va mediasavodxonlikni rivojlantirish ta‘lim sifatini oshirishda mediadan foydalanishni niyat qilgan OTM, Litsey, kollej o‘qituvchilari va mediatrenerlar qatnashishlari mumkin.
Seminar dasturi asosan tajriba almanishuv va innovatsion usullar orqali media va raqamli texnologiyalardan foydalanish savodxonligini oshirishga qaratilgan. Dastur 2020-yilning 21-23-fevral kunlari Nursulton shahrida bo‘lib o‘tadi.
Seminar mavzusi: Aholining barcha qatlamlariga, shu jumladan talabalar, maktab o'quvchilari, fuqarolik faollari va OAV xodimlariga ommaviy axborot vositalarida savodxonlikni o'rgatishda interfaol usullar, o'yinlar va vizualizatsiya
Dasturda qatnashish imkoniyatini qo‘lga kiritgan nomzodlarning barcha xarajatlari to‘liq qoplab beriladi.
Nomzod quyidagi talablarga mos bo‘lishi kerak:
1. Nomzod Qozog‘iston, Tojikiston va O‘zbekiston fuqarosi bo‘lishi kerak.
2. Nomzod mediasavodxonlik sohasida faoliyat olib borayotgan OTM, litsey, kollej o‘qituvchisi yoki mediatrener bo‘lishi mumkin.
3. Nomzod rus tilini yaxshi bilishi kerak.
Dasturga 2020-yil 20-yanvargacha hujjat topshirish mumkin. Dasturda ishtirok etish uchun shu yerda anketani to‘ldirishi kerak bo‘ladi.
Dastur haqida batafsil ma‘lumot olish uchun shu yerda berilgan ma‘lumotlarni o‘qib chiqing.
Qo‘shimcha ma‘lumot uchun: [email protected]
🍀 @yourchanceuz
Telegram | Instagram | Facebook
🗓 21-23 – fevral
💳 bepul
📍 Nursulton, Qozog'iston
Yevropa ittifoqining Internews tashkiloti va AQSH ning Xalqaro rivojlanish agentligi USAID hamkorligida MediaCAMP medialoyihasi doirasida tashkil etilgan Эдьютон 2020 dasturiga arizalar qabul qilinmoqda.
Dasturda mediata‘lim va mediasavodxonlikni rivojlantirish ta‘lim sifatini oshirishda mediadan foydalanishni niyat qilgan OTM, Litsey, kollej o‘qituvchilari va mediatrenerlar qatnashishlari mumkin.
Seminar dasturi asosan tajriba almanishuv va innovatsion usullar orqali media va raqamli texnologiyalardan foydalanish savodxonligini oshirishga qaratilgan. Dastur 2020-yilning 21-23-fevral kunlari Nursulton shahrida bo‘lib o‘tadi.
Seminar mavzusi: Aholining barcha qatlamlariga, shu jumladan talabalar, maktab o'quvchilari, fuqarolik faollari va OAV xodimlariga ommaviy axborot vositalarida savodxonlikni o'rgatishda interfaol usullar, o'yinlar va vizualizatsiya
Dasturda qatnashish imkoniyatini qo‘lga kiritgan nomzodlarning barcha xarajatlari to‘liq qoplab beriladi.
Nomzod quyidagi talablarga mos bo‘lishi kerak:
1. Nomzod Qozog‘iston, Tojikiston va O‘zbekiston fuqarosi bo‘lishi kerak.
2. Nomzod mediasavodxonlik sohasida faoliyat olib borayotgan OTM, litsey, kollej o‘qituvchisi yoki mediatrener bo‘lishi mumkin.
3. Nomzod rus tilini yaxshi bilishi kerak.
Dasturga 2020-yil 20-yanvargacha hujjat topshirish mumkin. Dasturda ishtirok etish uchun shu yerda anketani to‘ldirishi kerak bo‘ladi.
Dastur haqida batafsil ma‘lumot olish uchun shu yerda berilgan ma‘lumotlarni o‘qib chiqing.
Qo‘shimcha ma‘lumot uchun: [email protected]
🍀 @yourchanceuz
Telegram | Instagram | Facebook
#forum #milliy
When: May 29-30-31
Where: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Location: Youth Creative Palace
No. of Delegates: 350
No. of committees: 6
Application form will open in 10th February, 2020!
P.S. Yoshlar kuchli🔥
🍀 @yourchanceuz
Telegram | Instagram | Facebook
When: May 29-30-31
Where: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Location: Youth Creative Palace
No. of Delegates: 350
No. of committees: 6
Application form will open in 10th February, 2020!
P.S. Yoshlar kuchli🔥
🍀 @yourchanceuz
Telegram | Instagram | Facebook
#stajorlik #milliy
The British Embassy in Tashkent is seeking three (3) interns to work in the Political and Public Diplomacy Section, the Commercial Section, and the Programmes Team of the mission.
Duration: 3 months (with the possibility to extend)
Start date: from 10 February 2020
🔸We are looking for people who are creative and driven and can demonstrate a range of skills. Good English, Uzbek and Russian language skills - both written and oral - are essential. The key tasks during the internship include but are not limited to:
✅ Assisting the teams' outreach efforts by maintaining a database of relevant contacts;
✅ Compiling monthly media searches on trade and business issues and monitoring tender opportunities;
✅ Assisting with event planning and administration of Bimonthly Lunches for UK companies (prepare invitations, track RSVPs etc.);
✅ Providing general administrative assistance to the Commercial Team;
✅ Assisting in organising meetings and logistics for UK visitors;
✅ Attending trade shows, exhibition and other trade related events in Tashkent;
✅ Assisting with social and mass media monitoring, Public Diplomacy events, communications work;
✅ Providing general administrative and logistical support to the Programmes Team;
✅ Attending project events, preparing texts and creative communication materials for Embassy's social media channels about projects funded by British Embassy in Tashkent.
☝️The role requires enthusiasm, flexibility, good interpersonal and communication skills, creativity and strong teamwork. You should have strong IT skills, and able to work with minimum supervision. Good photography skills are an added bonus.
The Internship would ideally suit a 3-4 course student who is looking to gain experience in international and domestic affairs and make good use of their IT skills. You will be working in a team with local and British staff so this is a fantastic and unique opportunity to work in a native English-speaking environment. The Embassy also offers an inclusive, friendly and sociable environment.
📩 Interested applicants must submit their CV along with motivation letters via email to the Embassy at [email protected] by COB 31 January 2020. Please indicate "British Embassy Internship Vacancy" in the subject line of your email.
🍀 @yourchanceuz
Telegram | Instagram | Facebook
The British Embassy in Tashkent is seeking three (3) interns to work in the Political and Public Diplomacy Section, the Commercial Section, and the Programmes Team of the mission.
Duration: 3 months (with the possibility to extend)
Start date: from 10 February 2020
🔸We are looking for people who are creative and driven and can demonstrate a range of skills. Good English, Uzbek and Russian language skills - both written and oral - are essential. The key tasks during the internship include but are not limited to:
✅ Assisting the teams' outreach efforts by maintaining a database of relevant contacts;
✅ Compiling monthly media searches on trade and business issues and monitoring tender opportunities;
✅ Assisting with event planning and administration of Bimonthly Lunches for UK companies (prepare invitations, track RSVPs etc.);
✅ Providing general administrative assistance to the Commercial Team;
✅ Assisting in organising meetings and logistics for UK visitors;
✅ Attending trade shows, exhibition and other trade related events in Tashkent;
✅ Assisting with social and mass media monitoring, Public Diplomacy events, communications work;
✅ Providing general administrative and logistical support to the Programmes Team;
✅ Attending project events, preparing texts and creative communication materials for Embassy's social media channels about projects funded by British Embassy in Tashkent.
☝️The role requires enthusiasm, flexibility, good interpersonal and communication skills, creativity and strong teamwork. You should have strong IT skills, and able to work with minimum supervision. Good photography skills are an added bonus.
The Internship would ideally suit a 3-4 course student who is looking to gain experience in international and domestic affairs and make good use of their IT skills. You will be working in a team with local and British staff so this is a fantastic and unique opportunity to work in a native English-speaking environment. The Embassy also offers an inclusive, friendly and sociable environment.
📩 Interested applicants must submit their CV along with motivation letters via email to the Embassy at [email protected] by COB 31 January 2020. Please indicate "British Embassy Internship Vacancy" in the subject line of your email.
🍀 @yourchanceuz
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#seminar #milliy
🗓 29-yanvar
⏰ 10:00
📍Universitet asosiy faollar zali
📑O'zDJTU universitetida Oliy Majlis Qonunchilik Palatasi deputati Rasul Kusherbayev bilan seminar-trening o'tkaziladi.
🍀 @yourchanceuz
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🗓 29-yanvar
⏰ 10:00
📍Universitet asosiy faollar zali
📑O'zDJTU universitetida Oliy Majlis Qonunchilik Palatasi deputati Rasul Kusherbayev bilan seminar-trening o'tkaziladi.
🍀 @yourchanceuz
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#seminar #milliy
🗓 07.02.2020
⏰ 13:30 (ro'yhatdan o'tish)
📍 Turin Politexnika Universiteti
Xalqaro Robototexnika kuniga bag'ishlab Yoshlar akademiyasi tomonidan TechDay yoshlar uchun bepul seminar-trening o'tkaziladi.
Dastur davomida yosh mutaxassis va Strartapchilarga malakali mutaxassislar tomonidan mahorat darslari o'tiladi.
Ro'yhatdan o'tish ⏩ bu yerda ⏪!
🍀 @yourchanceuz
Telegram | Instagram | Facebook
🗓 07.02.2020
⏰ 13:30 (ro'yhatdan o'tish)
📍 Turin Politexnika Universiteti
Xalqaro Robototexnika kuniga bag'ishlab Yoshlar akademiyasi tomonidan TechDay yoshlar uchun bepul seminar-trening o'tkaziladi.
Dastur davomida yosh mutaxassis va Strartapchilarga malakali mutaxassislar tomonidan mahorat darslari o'tiladi.
Ro'yhatdan o'tish ⏩ bu yerda ⏪!
🍀 @yourchanceuz
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