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🔴2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasiga kelib tushgan (prezident xalq qabulxonasi, prezident pochtasi, veb-sayt, sayyor qabul, ishonch telefoni orqali) murojaatlar ijrosi yuzasidan ma’lumot 01.10.2023 holatiga.

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🔴 Information on the performance of applications in 2023 (through the president's people's reception, the president's post office, website, mobile reception, hotline) in 2023. 01.10.2023

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#Vakansiya #Xorazm_Kadastr

📣 Diqqat, Vakansiya!!!

🔴Davlat kadastrlari palatasining Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasining hududiy tumanlaridagi "Kadastr yig'ma jildlarini tayyorlash sho'basi kadastr muhandisi" lavozimiga mavjud bo‘lgan bo‘sh ish o‘rinlari.

🔴 Jumladan:

✔️ Bog‘ot tumanida - 1 ta
✔️ Qo‘shko‘pir tumanida - 2 ta
✔️Tuproqqalʼa tumanida - 3 ta
✔️Hazorasp tumanida - 3 ta
✔️Xiva shahrida - 1 ta
✔️Xonqa tumanida- 2 ta
✔️Yangiariq tumanida - 2 ta

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#Vacancy #Khorazm_Cadastre

📣 Attention, Vacancy!!!

🔴 Vacancies for the position of "Cadastre engineer of the department for preparation of cadastral volumes" in the territorial districts of the Khorezm Regional Department of the Chamber of State Cadastres.

🔴 Including:

✔️ In Bagat district - 1
✔️ in Kushkupir district - 2
✔️In Tuproqkala District - 3
✔️ In Hazorasp district - 3
✔️ in Khiva city - 1
✔️ In Khanka district - 2
✔️ In Yangiaryk district - 2

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🔴2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasiga kelib tushgan (prezident xalq qabulxonasi, prezident pochtasi, veb-sayt, sayyor qabul, ishonch telefoni orqali) murojaatlar ijrosi yuzasidan ma’lumot 16.10.2023 holatiga.

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🔴 Information on the performance of applications in 2023 (through the president's people's reception, the president's post office, website, mobile reception, hotline) in 2023. 16.10.2023

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🔴2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasiga kelib tushgan (prezident xalq qabulxonasi, prezident pochtasi, veb-sayt, sayyor qabul, ishonch telefoni orqali) murojaatlar ijrosi yuzasidan ma’lumot 20.10.2023 holatiga.

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🔴 Information on the performance of applications in 2023 (through the president's people's reception, the president's post office, website, mobile reception, hotline). 20.10.2023

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🔴2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasiga kelib tushgan (prezident xalq qabulxonasi, prezident pochtasi, veb-sayt, sayyor qabul, ishonch telefoni orqali) murojaatlar ijrosi yuzasidan ma’lumot 30.10.2023 holatiga.

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🔴 Information on the performance of applications in 2023 (through the president's people's reception, the president's post office, website, mobile reception, hotline). 30.10.2023

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#Xorazm_Kadastr #nfografiya

Davlat kadastrlari palatasi Xorazm viloyati boshqarmasining oktyabr oyi davomida ko‘chmas mulkka bo‘lgan huquqlarni davlat ro‘yxatidan o‘tkazish maqsadida kelib tushgan murojaatlar soni bo'yicha tahliliy maʼlumot.

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#Khorazm_Cadastre #infography

Analytical information on the number of applications received for the purpose of state registration of rights to real estate during the month of October.

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🔴2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasiga kelib tushgan (prezident xalq qabulxonasi, prezident pochtasi, veb-sayt, sayyor qabul, ishonch telefoni orqali) murojaatlar ijrosi yuzasidan ma’lumot 14.11.2023 holatiga.

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🔴 Information on the performance of applications in 2023 (through the president's people's reception, the president's post office, website, mobile reception, hotline).14.11.2023

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🔺2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasiga kelib tushgan (prezident xalq qabulxonasi, prezident pochtasi, veb-sayt, sayyor qabul, ishonch telefoni orqali) murojaatlar ijrosi yuzasidan ma’lumot 18.12.2023 holatiga.

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🔺Information on the performance of applications in 2023 (through the president's people's reception, the president's post office, website, mobile reception, hotline).18.12.2023

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#Xorazm_Kadastr #Infografika

Joriy yilning dekabr davomida Xorazm viloyati bo‘yicha  ko‘chmas mulkka bo‘lgan huquqlarni davlat ro‘yxatidan o‘tkazilishi bo‘yicha maʼlumot.

🔺Hisobot davri: 01-21 - dekabr, 2023-yil

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#Khorazm_Cadastre #Infographics

Information on the state registration of rights to real estate in Khorezm region during December of this year.

🔺Reporting period: December 01-21, 2023-year

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🔺2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasiga kelib tushgan (prezident xalq qabulxonasi, prezident pochtasi, veb-sayt, sayyor qabul, ishonch telefoni orqali) murojaatlar ijrosi yuzasidan ma’lumot 27.12.2023 holatiga.

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🔺Information on the performance of applications in 2023 (through the president's people's reception, the president's post office, website, mobile reception, hotline) 27.12.2023

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#Xorazm_Kadastr #Murojaatlar

🔺Joriy yil boshidan Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasi tomonidan kelib tushgan murojaatlarni koʻrib chiqish natijalari toʻgʻrisida ma'lumot.

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#Khorazm_Cadastre #Applications

🔺Information about the results of the review of appeals received by the Khorezm Regional Administration of the Cadastre Agency since the beginning of this year.

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