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#Bartaraf #XorazmKadastrAgentlik

⭐️Kadastr agentligi Xonqa tuman bo‘limi tomonidan Xonqa tumani «Gulg’uncha» mahallasida yashovchi fuqaro J.D tomonidan o‘zboshimchalik bilan qurilgan jami 100 kv.metrdan iborat noqonuniy qurilma aniqlandi.

🔴 Mazkur holat yuzasidan yer qonunbuzilishini sodir etgan shaxsga tushuntirish ishlari olib borildi hamda fuqaroning o‘z hisobidan ixtiyoriy ravishda buzilishi taʼminlanib, qurilma joyida bartaraf qilindi.


⭐️The Khanka district branch of the cadastral agency discovered an illegal construction of 100 square meters, which was arbitrarily built by J.D a resident of the Gulguncha neighborhood of the Khanka district.

🔴 In connection with this situation, the person who committed the violation of the land law was informed, and the citizen's voluntary violation was ensured at his own expense, and the building was removed on the spot.

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🔴2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasiga kelib tushgan (prezident xalq qabulxonasi, prezident pochtasi, veb-sayt, sayyor qabul, ishonch telefoni orqali) murojaatlar ijrosi yuzasidan ma’lumot 01.08.2023 holatiga.



🔴 Information on the performance of applications in 2023 (through the president's people's reception, the president's post office, website, mobile reception, hotline) in 2023. 01.08.2023

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🔴2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasiga kelib tushgan (prezident xalq qabulxonasi, prezident pochtasi, veb-sayt, sayyor qabul, ishonch telefoni orqali) murojaatlar ijrosi yuzasidan ma’lumot 11.08.2023 holatiga.



🔴 Information on the performance of applications in 2023 (through the president's people's reception, the president's post office, website, mobile reception, hotline) in 2023. 11.08.2023

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🔴2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasiga kelib tushgan (prezident xalq qabulxonasi, prezident pochtasi, veb-sayt, sayyor qabul, ishonch telefoni orqali) murojaatlar ijrosi yuzasidan ma’lumot 16.08.2023 holatiga.



🔴 Information on the performance of applications in 2023 (through the president's people's reception, the president's post office, website, mobile reception, hotline) in 2023. 16.08.2023

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🔴2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasiga kelib tushgan (prezident xalq qabulxonasi, prezident pochtasi, veb-sayt, sayyor qabul, ishonch telefoni orqali) murojaatlar ijrosi yuzasidan ma’lumot 01.09.2023 holatiga.



🔴 Information on the performance of applications in 2023 (through the president's people's reception, the president's post office, website, mobile reception, hotline) in 2023. 01.09.2023

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🔴2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasiga kelib tushgan (prezident xalq qabulxonasi, prezident pochtasi, veb-sayt, sayyor qabul, ishonch telefoni orqali) murojaatlar ijrosi yuzasidan ma’lumot 13.09.2023 holatiga.



🔴 Information on the performance of applications in 2023 (through the president's people's reception, the president's post office, website, mobile reception, hotline) in 2023. 13.09.2023

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🔴2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasiga kelib tushgan (prezident xalq qabulxonasi, prezident pochtasi, veb-sayt, sayyor qabul, ishonch telefoni orqali) murojaatlar ijrosi yuzasidan ma’lumot 01.10.2023 holatiga.

ijtimoiy tarmoqlardagi sahifalarimiz:
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🔴 Information on the performance of applications in 2023 (through the president's people's reception, the president's post office, website, mobile reception, hotline) in 2023. 01.10.2023

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🔴2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasiga kelib tushgan (prezident xalq qabulxonasi, prezident pochtasi, veb-sayt, sayyor qabul, ishonch telefoni orqali) murojaatlar ijrosi yuzasidan ma’lumot 16.10.2023 holatiga.

ijtimoiy tarmoqlardagi sahifalarimiz:
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🔴 Information on the performance of applications in 2023 (through the president's people's reception, the president's post office, website, mobile reception, hotline) in 2023. 16.10.2023

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🔴2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasiga kelib tushgan (prezident xalq qabulxonasi, prezident pochtasi, veb-sayt, sayyor qabul, ishonch telefoni orqali) murojaatlar ijrosi yuzasidan ma’lumot 20.10.2023 holatiga.

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🔴 Information on the performance of applications in 2023 (through the president's people's reception, the president's post office, website, mobile reception, hotline). 20.10.2023

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🔴2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasiga kelib tushgan (prezident xalq qabulxonasi, prezident pochtasi, veb-sayt, sayyor qabul, ishonch telefoni orqali) murojaatlar ijrosi yuzasidan ma’lumot 30.10.2023 holatiga.

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🔴 Information on the performance of applications in 2023 (through the president's people's reception, the president's post office, website, mobile reception, hotline). 30.10.2023

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🔴2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasiga kelib tushgan (prezident xalq qabulxonasi, prezident pochtasi, veb-sayt, sayyor qabul, ishonch telefoni orqali) murojaatlar ijrosi yuzasidan ma’lumot 14.11.2023 holatiga.

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🔴 Information on the performance of applications in 2023 (through the president's people's reception, the president's post office, website, mobile reception, hotline).14.11.2023

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🔺2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasiga kelib tushgan (prezident xalq qabulxonasi, prezident pochtasi, veb-sayt, sayyor qabul, ishonch telefoni orqali) murojaatlar ijrosi yuzasidan ma’lumot 18.12.2023 holatiga.

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🔺Information on the performance of applications in 2023 (through the president's people's reception, the president's post office, website, mobile reception, hotline).18.12.2023

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🔺2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasiga kelib tushgan (prezident xalq qabulxonasi, prezident pochtasi, veb-sayt, sayyor qabul, ishonch telefoni orqali) murojaatlar ijrosi yuzasidan ma’lumot 27.12.2023 holatiga.

ijtimoiy tarmoqlardagi sahifalarimiz:
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🔺Information on the performance of applications in 2023 (through the president's people's reception, the president's post office, website, mobile reception, hotline) 27.12.2023

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