#Vakansiya #Xorazm_Kadastr
📣 Diqqat, Vakansiya!!!
🔴 Davlat kadastrlari palatasining Xorazm viloyat boshqarmasining hududiy tumanlaridagi "Kadastr yig'ma jildlarini tayyorlash sho'basi kadastr muhandisi" lavozimiga mavjud bo‘lgan bo‘sh ish o‘rinlari.
🔴 Jumladan:
✔️ Bog‘ot tumanida - 1 ta
✔️ Qo‘shko‘pir tumanida - 2 ta
✔️ Tuproqqalʼa tumanida - 3 ta
✔️ Hazorasp tumanida - 3 ta
✔️ Xiva shahrida - 1 ta
✔️ Xonqa tumanida- 2 ta
✔️ Yangiariq tumanida - 2 ta
Ijtimoiy tarmoqlardagi sahifalarimiz:
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#Vacancy #Khorazm_Cadastre
📣 Attention, Vacancy!!!
🔴 Vacancies for the position of "Cadastre engineer of the department for preparation of cadastral volumes" in the territorial districts of the Khorezm Regional Department of the Chamber of State Cadastres.
🔴 Including:
✔️ In Bagat district - 1
✔️ in Kushkupir district - 2
✔️ In Tuproqkala District - 3
✔️ In Hazorasp district - 3
✔️ in Khiva city - 1
✔️ In Khanka district - 2
✔️ In Yangiaryk district - 2
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#Vacancy #Khorazm_Cadastre
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