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πŸ’²πŸš« That war of the West against Russia is the current phase of US wars, military and hybrid, to stall and reverse the slide in its (attempted) world dominance.

They have targeted countries who merely assert their right to manage their economies and their international economic and political relations on their own terms, rather than those convenient to and/or dictated by the US.

Things are really bad when employing the only means left to stave off disaster brings it closer.

That is the story of the most powerful of the numerous sanctions the US has used, and convinced EU countries to use, against Russia in the war the West is waging against it over Ukraine, the freezing of its central bank reserves.

Not only are US and EU sanctions illegal under the UN charter, the US freezing of Russia’s reserves is simply theft.

It smacks not of independence either of institutions or the legal system, but of their profound politicization, nay criminalization, in US interests, writes Valdai Club expert Radhika Desai.

πŸ”— Financial Sanctions vs the US Dollar

#Asia_and_Eurasia #sanctions #dollar

@valdai_club β€” The Valdai Discussion Club
πŸ’ΈπŸŒ The US dollar is one of the cornerstones of the US global hegemony.

Without the dollar, US hegemony will no longer be stable.

The so-called Thucydides trap also exists between the US dollar and any potential challengers.

The United States will try its best to maintain the hegemony of the US dollar with its existing policy tools. Therefore, caution must be exercised in the competition for more important international monetary roles, writes Valdai Club expert Yu Xiang.

πŸ”— Prospects for De-Dollarisation of the World Monetary System and Settlements in National Currencies

#Valdai_WorldEconomy #Dollar

@valdai_club β€” The Valdai Discussion Club
πŸ’Έ The birth of the Euro changed the international monetary order, placing the Euro alongside the dollar as a payment and international reserve currency.

In the immediate post-war period, the dollar was joined by the pound; the importance of the currency of Great Britain is derived from the past, it has seen the role it once played gradually decline, with the disappearance of the empire and a series of anti-historical sovereign options in the country.

Today the world’s central banks are witnessing a decrease of the share of dollars in their reserves, while the euro and gold increase. The latter testifies to a situation of uncertainty.

The euro partially rebalanced the international monetary order, but did not call into question its fundamental characteristics.

The international monetary order began to be questioned when the Russian Federation and China, thanks to their own development, found themselves in a position to aspire to give their currency an international role. The international role of the Chinese currency is the natural effect of the country's economic development, which has become the world’s third largest economic power, surpassed only by the United States and the European Union. In turn, the role of the ruble at the international level can be supported by the ability of the Russian Federation to export strategic raw materials, primarily in the energy sector.

The possibility of creating a democratic monetary order as part of the European experience was greeted with scepticism at the time of the creation of the European Monetary Union. An equal scepticism is bound to welcome the project to establish a new international monetary order. The most dangerous alternative is to surrender to sovereignty and to war to resolve the tensions between the most powerful states and their vassals: monetary, financial and political disorder, writes Valdai Club expert Dario Velo.

#Norms_and_Values #Euro #Dollar #currency

πŸ’Έ Brazil and China have recently struck a multi-billion-dollar currency swap agreement which is expected to fuel de-dollarization in the United States’ near abroad, Latin America.

It is just one major piece of evidence of the ever-growing geopolitical and geo-economic importance played by the Western Hemisphere in the context of great power competition.

However, it is essential to calm enthusiasm and maintain objectivity. The US dollar might look like the walking dead, but it is still walking and will walk for a long time

In a growingly multipolar world, where the United States is slowly ceasing to be the primary pole of power, it is not strange, but absolutely normal and physiological, to witness a worldwide process of reserve currency diversification, writes Valdai Club expert Emanuel Pietrobon.

#ModernDiplomacy #dollar #currency #Brazil #China #yuan

πŸ’Έ The blocking of the reserves of the Bank of Russia by Western countries, coupled with large-scale financial sanctions against Russian banks and companies, have raised the question of whether the advantages of dollarization can be offset.

The non-economic risks of US dollar transactions and dollar-denominated assets have become apparent to everyone, especially to central banks.

The share of the American currency in international reserves has been steadily declining over the past decades, but this has been happening quite slowly. If in the early 2000s about 70% of the reserves of the world’s central banks were in US dollars, since 2020 it has been below 60%. There was no drastic reduction in US dollar reserves in 2022. Its share in reserves fell by 0.44 percentage points, while its share in interbank transfers even increased.

The main reason for such rigidity in the seemingly understandable increased political risks is the lack of serious alternatives that can absorb significant amounts of savings from central banks.

The de-dollarization of the global financial system will continue. This will be facilitated primarily by the development of technology in the financial sector. The development of automated trading platforms helps to reduce the cost of exchanging one currency for another. Central banks will seek to conduct direct clearing with each other, not directly using the currencies of developed countries.

In the future, the digital currencies of central banks can also be used for international transactions, reducing costs for economic agents. However, this is a rather slow process, writes Marsel Salikhov.

#Valdai_WorldEconomy #dedollarization #dollar #economy #currencies

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πŸ’° The US dollar (USD) as the major currency of international financial transactions and its use as global strategic reserve is key to US hegemony. This monopoly is being challenged for the first time.

Countries outside the collective West desire to shift away or at least diversify from using the dollar for international transactions and as strategic reserve currency. This collective anxiety of the global majority has accelerated after the US sanctioned Russia and froze billions of dollars of Russian strategic reserves.

The use of multiple national currencies in trade, of energy and food imports, are steps towards diversification and risk reduction. This gives countries outside the collective West options and choices that have become available as multipolarity consolidates. As dollar transactions decline, the value of US based strategic reserves will also decline – since the two are linked, writes Anuradha Chenoy.

#ModernDiplomacy #dollar #dedollarization #BRICS #India

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Media is too big
πŸ’Έ In 2023, the topic of abandoning the dollar as the main world currency became relevant as never before.

When and why the US dollar began to play the main role in international transfers and what is its position now, what alternatives have appeared you can learn from our video infographic.

#VALDAI2023 #valdai_infogaphics #dollar #dedollarisation

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πŸ’Έ The financialized dollar system has increased international inequality massively.

Here is an incomplete list of the ways it has:

β–ͺ️ It systematically undervalues World Majority currencies, allowing dollar holders to buy World Majority products and services dirt cheap.

β–ͺ️ It rests on persistent imbalances. They spell underdevelopment as no systemic imperative either imposes self-sufficiency or addresses un-competitiveness.

β–ͺ️ It offers World Majority governments and firms credit, at usurious interest rates, not when they need it but only when
dollar creditors need to lend, usually not counter-cyclically but pro-cyclically.
They have induced debt crises when western monetary authorities have increased interest rates, as in the 1980s and again today.

In the debt restructurings that follow, the principle of creditor responsibility is erased by the IMF and the World Bank who act exclusively as bailiffs for western financial institutions, resulting in the nefarious reverse capital flows through which poor countries have repaid many times the debt they originally contracted, imposing economic retardation on millions.

The dollar system requires the lifting of capital controls to free capital flows which transfer of even more wealth from World Majority countries to the core capitalist countries as the rich transfer wealth to evade taxes at home and to participate in the speculative activity that abounds in the dollar denominated international financial system.

The system has diverted investment from production to speculation, weakening development efforts, writes Radhika Desai.

#GlobalAlternatives #dollar #dedollarisation

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