#Hokim_qarori #Decree_of_the_governor
Viloyatning barcha hududlarida “Mahalla servis kompaniyasi” tashkil etildi
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A "Mahalla Service Company" is established in all areas of the region
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Во всех регионах области будут организованы "Маҳалла сервис компанияси"
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Viloyatning barcha hududlarida “Mahalla servis kompaniyasi” tashkil etildi
A "Mahalla Service Company" is established in all areas of the region
Во всех регионах области будут организованы "Маҳалла сервис компанияси"
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#Hokim_qarori #Decree_of_the_Governor #Решение_хокима
Viloyatda 39 ta tashkilotga yer ajratib berildi
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In the region, the land is allocated to 39 organizations
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В Ташкентской области выделены земельные участки 39 организациям
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Viloyatda 39 ta tashkilotga yer ajratib berildi
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In the region, the land is allocated to 39 organizations
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В Ташкентской области выделены земельные участки 39 организациям
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