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#Infografika #Summary #Инфографика

Yil oxiriga qadar, 25 km suv tarmoqlari tortilib, 4 ta inshoot quriladi. Aholining suv bilan taʼminlanish darajasi 80 foizdan oshiriladi.

2030-yilga qadar, bu koʻrsatkich 100 foiz etib belgilangan. Buning uchun dastlabki hisob-kitoblarga koʻra, 287,4 milliard soʻm mablagʻ talab etilib, 554,5 km ichimlik suv tarmogʻi tortish va 76 ta suv inshooti qurish ishlari amalga oshiriladi.

Analysis of the region's first half-year results and the priorities for the second half-year.
This includes the region's gross regional product volume, directed investment and export indicators, and recorded tax revenues.
Measures are being taken to rehabilitate 36 enterprises that have reduced output by 2.5 trillion soums compared to last year. Additionally, investment projects expected to be launched in the next six months and indicators of the poverty rate by the end of the year have been announced.

До конца года запланировано проведение 25 километров водопроводных сетей, строительство 4 гидросооружений. Уровень обеспечения населения водопроводной сетью превысит показатель в 80 процентов.

До 2030 года этот показатель определён в 100 %. По предварительным данным, на эти цели потребуется 287,4 миллиарда сумов, необходимо будет провести 554,5 км водопроводных сетей и строительство 76 гидросооружений.

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#Sarhisob #Summary #Подведение_итогов

Viloyatda Ijtimoiy himoyaga muhtoj aholiga salkam 1 trillion so`mlik nafaqalar

In the region, nearly 1 trillion som worth of social benefits
are paid to those in need of social protection

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