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#job The World Bank is seeking expressions of interest from Regulatory Governance Experts with experience from developing countries (and preferably Fragile and Conflicted affected States).
#Trump Trump, speaking with CEOs including Kevin Plank of Under Armour, Elon Musk of Tesla, and Mark Fields of Ford, promised to "cut regulations by 75%, maybe more." Trump said regulations regarding worker safety would be "just as strong" and "just as protective of the people," but that current regulations "make it impossible to get anything built."
#nudge # BIAP Over the past decade, behavioural insights have helped make consumer policies more evidence-based and effective. This report examines how behavioural insights have been used by governments and other public policy organisations to develop and implement consumer policy initiatives, ...
%one in - two out Chief of Staff Reince Priebus issued a memorandum (pg. 1, pg. 2) asking federal agency heads to postpone or freeze any new or pending regulations, with some exceptions noted in Sec. 3 of the memo. Regulations are defined by the Office of Management and Budget as “general statements issued by an agency, board, or commission that have the force and effect of law”. A further explainer on regulations and agency rules can be found here:
Priebus memorandum on Regulatory Freeze
FIA president and CEO Walt Lukken sent an open letter to President Trump and key congressional and regulatory leaders calling for a comprehensive review of all financial reform regulation.
The letter notes that after the financial crisis, the Dodd-Frank Act has generated more than 22,000 pages of regulations and fundamentally changed the regulatory structure of financial markets. Now is the appropriate time to review and simplify the regulatory framework developed following the financial crisis and determine whether these regulations are in fact meeting their public objectives.
#МЭР #ОРВ 17 февраля, на конференции в г. Светлогорске (Калининградская область) состоится презентация рейтинга субъектов Российской Федерации по ОРВ:
потихоньку терминология просачивается)) "Для развития внутреннего туризма вся сфера перевозок – и автомобильных, и железнодорожных, и авиационных – очень важна. Здесь необходимо умное государственное регулирование, – заявил Савельев."
#RIA #worldbank Global RIA Awards: Всембанк объявил конкурс на лучшее проведенное ОРВ. The World Bank, in collaboration with Centre for European Governance, University of Exeter, has just launched the “2017 Global RIA Awards”. The purpose of the competition is to acknowledge and share innovative approaches and outcomes of actual Regulatory Impact Assessments – as opposed to purely looking at design features of RIA systems.
The nomination period for the award is open until March 17:
#RIA #junkfood “Research of the full range of health, regulatory and economic impacts of a tax is required and should include a total dietary intake study; a detailed socio-economic impact assessment study and regulatory impact assessment.”
Хороший термин: last-minute rules)) These last minute regulations are a special example of regulations that get pushed through the regulatory process for political reasons. Their genesis creates self-imposed deadlines that favor action over accuracy.
#trump Perhaps the more important news on the regulatory front, however, is that the new President has reaffirmed his campaign promise to significantly roll back regulatory reforms to the financial sector under Dodd-Frank.
#OECD #stakeholders The draft OECD Best Practice Principles on Stakeholder Engagement in Regulatory Policy (the Principles) is hereby presented for public consultation.

The aim of the Principles is to provide policy makers and civil servants in both OECD member and partner countries with a practical instrument to better design their stakeholder engagement strategies in developing, enforcing and reviewing regulations. The objective is to complement the 2012 Recommendation on Regulatory and Policy Governance which, albeit clear on the necessity to engage with stakeholders and adhering to the open government principles, is rather general on providing specific guidance.

The Principles pay particular attention to the objectives of regulatory policy and governance. More specifically, the aim is to make regulatory policy and governance more inclusive, to strengthen the accountability of governments when developing, reviewing and enforcing regulations and to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of stakeholder engagement processes in gathering valuable input for improving countries' regulatory frameworks.

Please send your comments on the scope of the draft Principles and explanatory text to [email protected] by 15 March 2017. By submitting comments you authorise OECD to publish them on its website.
#sandbox Банк России планирует создать регулятивные «песочницы», в которых банки и другие финансовые компании смогут тестировать новые технологии, не рискуя нарушить закон. «Мы сейчас в Банке России активно прорабатываем идею создания регулятивных «песочниц», по-русски это называется «эксперимент», по-английски — regulatory sandbox. Это создание такого режима для банков и участников финрынка, когда регулятор сознательно разрешает провести какие-то вещи, протестировать технологии в «пилоте», не применяя жесткие методы наказания на период этого эксперимента», — заявила Скоробогатова
#Trump #omb The action gives substantial power to the Director of the Office of Management & Budget, who has yet to be confirmed. Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-South Carolina) is currently up for that position and Senate hearings were held last week as part of his confirmation bid. The Director, under Monday's executive order, would determine the incremental costs allowed for each agency as well as how the costs of regulations would be measured.