#REFIT #EU Ролики немецких профсоюзов с критикой Европейской Комиссии. И, конечно, угроза безопасности на рабочем месте как основной аргумент против вредительских целей better regulation😱 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvvOyvVi9fk и https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaHNTpsPSxE
Was bedeuten Better Regulation und REFIT für Arbeitnehmerrechte?
Was bedeuten die EU-Programme "Better Regulation" und "REFIT" für Arbeitnehmerrechte? Die EU-Kommission will mit den Programmen "Better Regulation" und "REFI...
#EU #REFIT This high-level conference, organised by the Regulatory Scrutiny Board, will bring together representatives of EU institutions, public administrations and think tanks, as well as the broader research and stakeholder communities. Speakers will discuss how to promote higher quality legislation. The event is an opportunity to reflect on different aspects of ex-ante impact assessments and ex-post evaluations design and techniques, best practices and quantification.
The conference will explore the appropriate scope of regulatory oversight and how to measure the effectiveness of impact assessments for the regulatory scrutiny process. It will consider challenges of conducting ex-post evaluations and how to make these more useful for policy making. https://ec.europa.eu/info/events/second-annual-conference-regulatory-scrutiny-eu-2018-jun-15_en
The conference will explore the appropriate scope of regulatory oversight and how to measure the effectiveness of impact assessments for the regulatory scrutiny process. It will consider challenges of conducting ex-post evaluations and how to make these more useful for policy making. https://ec.europa.eu/info/events/second-annual-conference-regulatory-scrutiny-eu-2018-jun-15_en
European Commission - European Commission
Second Annual Conference on Regulatory Scrutiny in the EU
The Regulatory Scrutiny Board is an independent body of the Commission that offers advice to the College. It provides a central quality control and support