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Do you know where the famous Enlightenment philosopher Immanuel Kant is buried? In the Cathedral in Kaliningrad.

It was founded in the fourteenth century. During World War II, the building was badly damaged. The walls survived, but the fire destroyed the entire interior. The cathedral was in ruins for many years. Work on its cleaning and restoration began in 1972-1974. Before that, the building was also rebuilt, new towers were erected.

The walls of the cathedral were painted by both unknown artists and representatives of the school of the outstanding German painter Albrecht Dürer. There is also a beautiful organ there. In 1718-1721 it was replaced by a more powerful one. Today it is considered the largest in Russia.

There are Lutheran and Orthodox chapels at the cathedral. There is also an academic concert hall and a museum of Immanuel Kant.

In addition, the adjacent open-air square regularly hosts music festivals and fairs. Hundreds of thousands of people visit the cathedral every year.

#Russia #Kalinigrad #tourism #Cathedral #Kant
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia) invites foreign citizens who have a command of Russian at a level not lower than basic (A2) to take part in the annual Russian language contest “Online Russian Dictation”.

Russian Dictation is not only a linguistic contest for Russian language connoisseurs but also an opportunity to learn new things about the Russian language and culture. The contest is held since 2006 and annually includes a public mini-lecture on the topic of the Dictation. In 2024, the Dictation celebrates the 225th anniversary of Russian writer Alexander Pushkin and the 300th anniversary of Immanuel Kant, a philosopher of international importance.

Dictation texts are adapted to the required Russian proficiency level:
Level 1 – for participants with A2-B1 Russian proficiency level;
Level 2 – for participants with B2-C1 Russian proficiency level.

All the participants will receive e-certificates. Winners and prize-winners will receive valuable gifts!

The Online Russian Dictation 2024 will take place on January 25, 2024 at 14:00 (2:00 PM) Kaliningrad time (GMT+2). On this day, following a tradition that dates back to 1850, Russian students celebrate their main holiday – Tatiana Day or Russian Students' Day.

Read more about the Dictation on the IKBFU official website:
Registration is open until January 22, 23:59 (11:59 PM) Kaliningrad time (GMT+2):

#IKBFU #Kant #dictation #Kaliningrad #Russia