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Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia) invites foreign citizens who have a command of Russian at a level not lower than basic (A2) to take part in the annual Russian language contest “Online Russian Dictation”.

Russian Dictation is not only a linguistic contest for Russian language connoisseurs but also an opportunity to learn new things about the Russian language and culture. The contest is held since 2006 and annually includes a public mini-lecture on the topic of the Dictation. In 2024, the Dictation celebrates the 225th anniversary of Russian writer Alexander Pushkin and the 300th anniversary of Immanuel Kant, a philosopher of international importance.

Dictation texts are adapted to the required Russian proficiency level:
Level 1 – for participants with A2-B1 Russian proficiency level;
Level 2 – for participants with B2-C1 Russian proficiency level.

All the participants will receive e-certificates. Winners and prize-winners will receive valuable gifts!

The Online Russian Dictation 2024 will take place on January 25, 2024 at 14:00 (2:00 PM) Kaliningrad time (GMT+2). On this day, following a tradition that dates back to 1850, Russian students celebrate their main holiday – Tatiana Day or Russian Students' Day.

Read more about the Dictation on the IKBFU official website:
Registration is open until January 22, 23:59 (11:59 PM) Kaliningrad time (GMT+2):

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