Russian House New Delhi
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III Научно-практическая конференция «ЦЕННОСТЬ КАЖДОГО»: жизнь человека с психическими нарушениями: жизнеустройство, сопровождение, социальная интеграция.

Научно-практическая конференция «Ценность каждого» – экспертная площадка, которая объединяет государственные и общественные организации, благотворительные фонды, профессиональные и родительские сообщества, заинтересованные в совершенствовании системы предоставления социальных, реабилитационных, образовательных и иных услуг «особым» детям, подросткам и взрослым.

Целью Конференции является Продвижение в профессиональном сообществе разработок современной науки и практики в области нормализации жизни людей с психическими нарушениями на разных этапах жизненного цикла. Конференция включает 3 тематические секции:

⭐️ образование для всех, в том числе детей и взрослых, проживающих в стационарных организациях социального обслуживания;
⭐️ современные формы жизнеустройства людей с психическими нарушениями и поддержка семей;
⭐️ медицинское обслуживание и реабилитация людей с психическими нарушениями: вызовы и решения.

Мероприятие пройдет 13-14 июня 2023 года с 10:00 до 18:00
в смешанном формате.
Онлайн-трансляция Конференции будет доступна по ссылке:
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Более подробную информацию о Конференции Вы можете прочитать
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Будем рады видеть Вас среди участников Конференции!

#конференция #ценностькаждого #социальнаяподдержка #интеграция

III Scientific and practical conference "THE VALUE OF EVERYONE": the life of a person with mental disabilities: life disorder, support, social integration.

The scientific and practical conference "The Value of Everyone" is an expert platform that unites state and public organizations, charitable foundations, and professional and parental communities interested in improving the system of providing social, rehabilitation, educational, and other services to "special" children, adolescents and adults.

The purpose of the Conference is to promote in the professional community the development of modern science and practice in the field of normalizing the lives of people with mental disabilities at different stages of the life cycle. The conference includes 3 thematic sections:

⭐️ education for all, including children and adults, living in inpatient social service organizations;
⭐️ modern forms of life management for people with mental disabilities and support for families;
⭐️ medical care and rehabilitation of people with mental disabilities: challenges and solutions.

The event will be held June 13-14, 2023 from 10:00 to 18:00
mixed format.
An online broadcast of the Conference will be available at:
To take part, you have to register at the link:
Read more about the Conference
on the website

We will be glad to see you among the participants of the Conference!

#conference #valueofeveryone #socialsupport #integration
The international conference “Preservation of the Russian language and Russian culture” took place in Bangkok. It was attended by teachers of Russian studies and compatriots from the countries of the Asian region.
The conference participants discussed the peculiarities of organizing the process of teaching the Russian language in Asian countries, as well as issues of preserving the Russian language among compatriots. The Russian Ambassador to Thailand Evgeny Tomikhin and the director of the Moscow House of Compatriots Dmitry Kozhaev spoke at the conference.
From India, the conference was attended by the heads of Russian language courses in Russian houses in New Delhi, Tatyana Shipilova, and in Chennai, Valentina Mayorova.

#RussianLanguage #conference #Bangkok #India
The Department of Applied Linguistics and Intercultural Communication of the Volga Region Institute of Management RANEPA invites undergraduates, graduate students and scientific and pedagogical workers of Russian and foreign universities to take part in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “Modern linguocommunicative and sociocultural practices.”

Deadline: until January 28, 2024 inclusive
Applications for participation in the Conference are accepted through the google form:
Date of the Conference: February 1, 2024
Format: mixed
Venue: Russia, Saratov, st. Moskovskaya, 164, military station No. 2
Organizer of the Conference: Department of Applied Linguistics and Intercultural Communication of the Volga Region Institute of Management - branch of the Russian State Archives and Public Administration

You can learn more about the main directions of the conference on the website:
For questions regarding participation, please contact: [email protected]

#RANEPA #conference #Saratov #Russia #science #education
On February 11-12, a discussion is being held in New Delhi on the issues of literary translation from Indian languages into Russian and from Russian into numerous dialects of the Asian country. The first day of the international conference “Rethinking the meaning of culture, literature and literary translation” is hosted by the Russian House, the second - by the Sahitya National Academy of Literature.
The opening speakers included the director of the Institute of World Literature named after A.M. Gorky of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vadim Polonsky, executive director of the Institute of Translation Evgeny Reznichenko, former head of the department of Slavic and Finno-Ugric languages at the University of Delhi Ranjana Saxena, professor at the Center for Russian Studies at the University. Jawaharlal Nehru (JNU) Ranjan Banerjee and JNU Professor Sonu Saini.
#RussianHouse #conference #translation #languages
On April 18, an International Conference was held on the topic: “Contemporary Reflections on Intersectionality and Justice” at Bennett University, Greater Noida.
The conference was organized by the School of Law and Academic Collaborations Committee of Bennett University in collaboration with the School of Law of the Far Eastern Federal University, Russia.
In his remarks at the opening ceremony, Bennett University Vice-Chancellor Ajith Abraham noted that the intersectionality perspective is currently attracting particularly broad scientific interest and is being used across many different disciplines.
The conference was also attended by Dean, School of Law, Bennett University Pradeep Kulshreshtha, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and History of State and Law, School of Law, Far Eastern Federal University Olga Miroshnichenko, as well as representatives of the Russian House in New Delhi.

#RussianHouse #conference #BennettUniversity
Charge d'Affaires of Russia in India Mr. Roman Babushkin and Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Mission in India Dr. Elena Remizova attended a conference «Promoting BRICS Multi-Dimensional Agenda». The event was organized by the Institute of Social Sciences and the People's Forum for a Multi-Polar World.
In his welcoming speech, Mr. Babushkin noted the importance of the BRICS format for resolving multilateral issues. "Russia, being the BRICS Chairman, now pays great attention to the integration of new members of the association. Also on the agenda of the Russian presidency are issues of security in various fields, trade and economic cooperation, an increase in the use of national currencies in cross-country settlements, cooperation in the field of lawmaking and artificial intelligence," Mr. Babushkin emphasized.
Speaking about cultural interaction within the BRICS members, Dr.Remizova stressed that the format of the association is unique in its essence, as it is a platform for a respectful dialogue of various cultures and civilizations, without the desire for thoughtless unification. "The time of vulgar globalization, in which Western patterns of consumer society, passed off as universal values, were imposed on the whole world, is over. Today we are focused on strengthening our cultural identity, preserving historical memory. It is cultural diversity that is the key to a successful and stable future, " Dr. Remizova said.
At the end of the event, Dr. Remizova invited all those present to participate in the conference dedicated to the outcomes of the BRICS Summit, which will be held on the basis of the Russian House in New Delhi in November this year.

#RussianHouse #BRICS #conference #Russia #India
On August 22, representatives of the Russian House in New Delhi took part in a two-day meeting devoted to the topic: "National Conference on India, Central Asia and the Arab World: History, Politics and Society".
The conference was held at the Indian-Arab Cultural Centre and the Jamia Millia Islamia University (New Delhi).
They also met with the heads of a number of departments of the Jamia Millia Islamia. They discussed the prospects for cooperation between the Jamia Millia Islamia and Russian organizations in the field of education and scientific research. They talked about the main areas of activity of the Russian House. They agreed to establish interaction on a permanent basis.
#RussianHouse #conference #university #India

22 августа представители Русского дома в Нью-Дели приняли участие на двухдневном заседании, посвященное теме: «Национальная конференция по Индии, Центральной Азии и арабскому миру: история, политика и общество».
Конференция проходила в Индийско-арабском культурном центре и университете Джамия-Миллия-Исламия (г. Нью-Дели).
Также встретились с руководителями ряда департаментов Джамия-Миллия-Исламия. Обсудили перспективы сотрудничества между Джамия-Миллия-Исламия и российскими организациями в сфере образования и научных исследований. Рассказали об основных направлениях деятельности Русского дома. Договорились об установлении взаимодействия на постоянной основе. #Русскийдом #конференция #университет #Индия
🏢 The representatives of the Russian House in New Delhi visited Amity University, Noida, where a scientific conference was held dedicated to the National Space Day and the memory of the first Indian space mission "Chandrayaan-3", which landed on the lunar surface.
🚀 The conference discussed the future direction of space research, and a documentary film about the development of space science in India was shown. After the conference, a scientific exhibition was organized, where samples of research works of university students studying the space industry were presented.
🤝 They discussed the prospects for cooperation between Amity University and Russian organizations in the field of scientific research. They talked about the main areas of activity of the Russian House. They agreed to establish interaction on a permanent basis.
📎 The event was organized by the Institute of Space Science and Technology of Amity University.
#RussianHouse #space #conference #India
👥 Russian House staff visited St. Xavier's High School in Gurgaon and took part in the closing ceremony of the school conference "Model UN". The event summed up the results of the conference, recognized outstanding delegates, and discussed important issues of diplomacy and international cooperation.
📚 Schoolchildren were told about the activities of Russian Houses in India, Russian language courses at the Russian House in New Delhi, the possibility of receiving a scholarship from the Government of the Russian Federation, which allows them to study for free at the best universities in Russia, as well as the status of the Russian language in the world.
🖇 They recalled that the Russian language is one of the six official languages ​​of the UN and plays a significant role in international communication: it is used in diplomatic negotiations, official documents and meetings of the United Nations.
📌 According to recent studies, the Russian language has about 260 million native speakers, making it one of the most widespread languages ​​in the world.
🤝 Representatives of the Russian House in New Delhi discussed ways of further cooperation with the school management and noted the importance of establishing contacts between the Indian school and Russian educational institutions.
#RussianHouse #school #conference #India
Dear friends!
📚 The Russian House in New Delhi invites you to a conference and exhibition dedicated to the 155th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
📆 We are waiting for you on October 3 at 4:00 p.m.
🏢 Venue: Russian House in New Delhi.
Entrance for visitors to the event is free.
💎 Don't miss the opportunity to become part of an important event!
We are waiting for you!

#RussianHouse #conference #exhibition #India

Дорогие друзья!
📚 Русский дом в Нью-Дели приглашает вас на конференцию и выставку, посвящённые 155-летию со дня рождения Махатмы Ганди.
📆 Ждем вас 3 октября в 16:00.
🏢 Место проведения: Русский дом в Нью-Дели.
Вход для посетителей мероприятия бесплатный.
💎 Не упустите возможность стать частью важного события!
Ждем вас!

#Русскийдом #конференция #Выставка #Индия
Conference and exhibitions dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the "Father of the Nation" Mahatma Gandhi were held at the Russian House in New Delhi.
More than 40 graphic art posters were handed over to the Russian House by the Russian State University for the Humanities, the main moments of the life of Mahatma Gandhi were presented, quotes from his works in Hindi and English were given. In turn, students of the Amity University paid great attention to the relationship between Gandhi and Leo Tolstoy. Their works were devoted to the creativity and correspondence of famous thinkers.
Dr. Elena Remizova, Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo in India, greeted the conference participants. She noted that many of the ideas of Mahandas Karamchand Gandhi, who dedicated his life to the national liberation movement for the independence, still inspire millions of people around the world.
The conference was opened by speeches of the General Secretary of the Indian Council for Philosophical Research Professor S.Mishra and the Additional Secretary of the Indian Council of World Affairs HE H.Rajpal. Within the framework of the conference, professors of various Indian universities, political scientists, Russianists, writers, journalists and students spoke. More than 100 participants took part in the event.

#RussianHouse #Conference #Gandhi #India
At the initiative of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India, a conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Russian researcher, artist and philosopher N.K. Roerich was held at the Russian House in New Delhi.
The Ambassador of the Russian Federation to India Mr Denis Alipov, the Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India Dr Elena Remizova, and the Minister-Counselor of the Embassy of Mongolia in India Mr Ulziit Luvsanjav addressed the audience with welcoming remarks. The event was attended by the director of the St. Petersburg State Museum-Institute of the Roerich Family, president of the International Charitable Foundation "Roerich Heritage" Mr Aleksei Bondarenko, director of the House-Museum of the Roerich Family from Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) Dr Yanjmaa Biraa, chairman of the St. Petersburg branch of the National Roerich Committee, member of the Governing Council of the International Roerich Memorial Trust (Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, India) Mr Mikhail Chiriatev, national lecturer of the Indian Section of the Theosophical Society Ms V. Saxena, teachers of the Russian language Prof. Ranjana Saxena, Prof. Meeta Narain, Dr. Suman Beniwal, artist Mr. Akshat Sinha. Representatives of the State Museum of the East, Director of the Roerich Museum (branch of the State Museum of the East) Mr Boris Ioganson and General Director of the State Museum of Oriental Art Mr Alexander Sedov, representative of the Museum-Estate of N.K. Roerich in Izvara (Leningrad Region), Head of the Museum-Estate Mr Kirill Zhdanov also joined the event via video link.
The participants of the discussion discussed the importance of the artistic and philosophical heritage of N.K. Roerich for the modern cultural development of Russia and India, the spiritual and moral improvement of man. They noted the contribution of the artist and his family to the establishment of closer ties between our countries.

#RussianHouse #Roerich #conference #India
On November 8, the Russian House in New Delhi hosted the conference "India-Russia: International Seminar for Young Researchers". The Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India Dr Elena Remizova and the Counselor of the Russian Embassy in India Mrs Yulia Aryaeva addressed the audience with a welcoming speech.
The conference was attended by the President of the Indian Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (INDAPRYAL), Professor Charanjit Singh, and Professor of Russian Studies Abhai Maurya.
The President of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (MAPRYAL) Vladimir Tolstoy joined the event via video link.
The conference noted that today there is a great need for teachers from Russia, Russian textbooks for educational institutions in different parts of India.
Also during the event, Professor of Russian Studies Abhai Maurya presented his new book "Literature - a Mirror Image of Life?". In the book, the author talks about comparative literary studies and literary relationships, and also discusses different views on modern Russian literature and the role of the Russian peasantry in history and literature.

#RussianHouse #conference #Russianlanguage #India
On December 12, the Russian House in New Delhi hosted the 12th All-India Conference of Russian Compatriots, organized by the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India, the Russian Embassy in India and the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots (IARC).
The welcoming speech was given by Mr Roman Babushkin, Minister Counselor of the Russian Embassy in India, Dr Elena Remizova, Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India, Mrs Yulia Aryaeva, Counselor of the Russian Embassy in India and Elena Barman, Chairperson of the IARC.
The participants of the meeting discussed the work of Russian compatriots' organizations in India this year and listened to reports from IAIC representatives from Chennai, Kolkata, Trivandrum, Bangalore, Mumbai, Goa and Hyderabad. Expressed their readiness to take an active part in the preparation and holding of the 80th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War in India next year, including in the Immortal Regiment, St. George Ribbon, and Garden of Memory campaigns, as well as the preparation and celebration of the 100th anniversary of Rossotrudnichestvo.
They also discussed proposals for areas of activity of the IARC for 2025.
The Declaration of the XII All-India Conference of Russian Compatriots was adopted at the meeting, where it was established to continue work on uniting Russian compatriots in India by organizing joint events, to continue work aimed at strengthening the position of the Russian language in India, preserving the historical memory, cultural and spiritual heritage of Russia.

#RussianHouse #compatriots #conference #India
Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo in India Dr Elena Remizova and Russian Consul General in Mumbai Mr Ivan Fetisov took part in an international conference on the development of women's entrepreneurship and business skills, organized by the Association of Women Entrepreneurs with the support of the Government of Madhya Pradesh.In her speech, Dr Elena Remizova noted the need to develop cooperation between women's organizations in Russia and India. "A good example is the Eurasian Women's Forum, which is the largest authoritative platform for dialogue between women leaders from all continents and developing joint positions on topical issues," Remizova emphasized. She also held a presentation of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, which annually hosts special sessions dedicated to both Russian-Indian cooperation and Women's entrepreneurship.
The conference was also attended by representatives from Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, Thailand, Egypt and Maldives.

#RussianHouse #conference #India