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Министр Российской Федерации по делам гражданской обороны, чрезвычайным ситуациям и ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствий Александр Куренков встретился в Русском доме с активом Индийской ассоциации российских соотечественников (ИАРС) делийского региона. В ходе неформального общения выступили посол России Денис Алипов и председатель ИАРС Елена Барман.

Глава МЧС проанализировал складывающуюся обстановку в мире, в частности, события на Востоке Европы. «Суть “плана Украина”, который реализует США – повернуть вспять финансовые потоки и заставить европейское население потерять волю к сопротивлению. Если попытаться перевести в золото 30 триллионов долларов, которые США печатают в три смены, то такого количества золота просто не существует. Себестоимость 100-долларовой купюры – 20 центов», – отметил он.

«Российские соотечественники в Индии, 90 процентов которых – женщины, занимают активную жизненную позицию, вовлечены в общественную деятельность, все – личности и представляют из себя большую силу», – заявил посол России Денис Алипов.

Елена Барман представила министру соотечественниц, которые живут в Индии от одного года до 40 лет, и они рассказали о своих судьбах. Среди женщин есть музыканты, бизнесмены, художники, врачи, переводчики, преподаватели английского языка и представители других профессий.

#РусскийДом #министр #МЧС #соотечественники

Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Relief Alexander Kurenkov met with members of the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots (IARS) in the Delhi region at the Russian House. Russian Ambassador Denis Alipov and IARS Chairman Elena Barman spoke during the informal discussion.

The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations analyzed the current situation in the world, in particular, the events in East of Europe. “The essence of the “Ukraine plan”, which is being implemented by the United States, is to reverse financial flows and make the European population lose their will to resist. If you try to convert the 30 trillion dollars that the United States prints in three shifts into gold, then this amount of gold simply does not exist. The cost of a $100 bill is 20 cents,” he said.

“Russian compatriots in India, 90 percent of whom are women, take an active life position, are involved in social activities, all are individuals and represent a great force,” said Russian Ambassador Denis Alipov.

Elena Barman introduced the compatriots who live in India from one to 40 years to the minister, and they told about their destinies. Among women there are musicians, businessmen, artists, doctors, translators, teachers of English and representatives of other professions.

#RussianHouse #Minister #MinistryofEmergencySituations #compatriots
В Нью-Дели прошли торжества по случаю 78-й годовщины Победы в Великой Отечественной войне.

Индийская ассоциация российских соотечественников (ИАРС) организовала митинг «Бессмертный полк». В нем приняли участие несколько поколений проживающих в Индии граждан из республик бывшего СССР, а также индийцы.

«Наша задача – передать молодежи, которая сейчас проживает вдалеке от России, ту информацию о событиях 80-летней давности, которую мы сами получили от своих бабушек и дедушек, принимавших непосредственное участие в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 годов», – заявила председатель ИАРС Елена Барман.

В ходе «Бессмертного полка» состоялась акция по вручению Георгиевсктх ленточек.

#БессмертныйПолк #соотечественники #ГеоргиевскаяЛенточка #Победа

New Delhi hosted celebrations on the occasion of the 78th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The Indian Association of Russian Compatriots (IARS) organized the Immortal Regiment rally. It was attended by several generations of citizens living in India from the republics of the former USSR, as well as Indians.

“Our task is to convey to the youth, who now lives far from Russia, that information about the events of 80 years ago, which we ourselves received from our grandparents, who were directly involved in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945,” said the chairman of the IARS Elena Barman.

During the "Immortal Regiment," an action was held to present St. George's ribbons.

#ImmortalRegiment #compatriots #StGeorgeRibbon #Victory
Three exhibitions opened at the Russian House in New Delhi for National Unity Day, which is celebrated on November 4.
The first is a documentary photo report on the participation of Russian compatriots living in India in a humanitarian mission in Donbass this autumn. The second is an exhibition of children's drawings about the events taking place in the Donbass and Lugansk People’s Republics. The third is an exhibition of works by Russian-speaking art lovers from New Delhi and its environs.
The ceremonial part was attended by the Chairman of the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots, Elena Barman, representatives of the Russian House and the Russian Embassy, as well as Indian public figures.
There was a fashion show of beauties from both countries in Indian saris and traditional Russian dresses.
The holiday was organized with the support of the Government Commission for Russian Compatriots Abroad - GCRCA.

#NationalUnityDay #RussianHouse #compatriots #Government
Two Russian compatriots living in India became participants in a humanitarian mission to the Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republics. The expedition took place in the autumn of this year, and volunteers from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk and India took part in it.
Larisa Rai is an opera singer, graduated from the St. Petersburg State Conservatory named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. In India - 26 years.
Ekaterina Sagatova is a doctor by training and enjoys music.
“Since 2014, Katya and I have been praying for such a trip to take place,” says Larisa Rai.
With the blessing of their Indian families, the women set off on their journey; their husbands paid for the increased price of air tickets “without question.” They took gifts to the residents of Donbass: the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots (IARC), led by Elena Barman, collected clothes for children, souvenirs, medicines, and blankets.
The mission’s path first ran through the Russian Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, then through Lugansk, Donetsk, Makeevka, Gorlovka and other settlements of the LPR and DPR. In Lugansk, one day they gave three concerts at once - at a nursing home, at a machine-building plant and at the Lutugino boarding school. They sang war songs and performed Indian dances.
– There is an indescribable state of upliftment and internal readiness there. State of truth, crunch of spirit! Bells are ringing throughout the Universe!
“We were approaching the front line and heard cannonade,” says Larisa. “We brought Indian tabla drums, so their sound scared the children at first. But then they started trying to play. And the children themselves know a lot about India and girls love to dress in sari.
#Donbass #India #compatriots #charity
Here they say “Happy New Year!” in Russian. The Indian Association of Russian Compatriots (IARC) donated a batch of humanitarian aid to the Mala Smriti orphanage in Noida, a satellite city of New Delhi.
IARC collected warm clothes, footwear, toys, and sweet gifts. The families of employees of the Russian Embassy in India and the Russian House joined the action.
The children made a surprise and congratulated the guests on the new year 2024 in Russian.

#compatriots #action #help #shelter #Smriti
Elena Barman, who heads the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots, became the first citizen of the Russian Federation in the Asian country to receive the BRICS Annual “Cross Cultural Excellence Award”, established by the BRICS Chamber of Commerce and Industry. During the ceremony in New Delhi, signs of recognition were presented to representatives of other countries that are members of this interstate association.
Svetlana Lukash, Deputy Head of the Expert Directorate of the President of Russia, Russia’s Sherpa in the G20, spoke at the opening. The ceremonial part included her awarding in the “Sustainability Champion” and “Special Contribution” categories.
Russian compatriot, choral singing and piano teacher Nadezhda Balyan was given the “Cultural Performer” award by the BRICS CCI.
The award ceremony was dedicated to the entry of new members into BRICS. It was attended by the 14th President of the Republic of India Ram Nath Kovind and other prominent public figures.
#BRICS #India #compatriots #ElenaBarman
In the Russian Houses in India, the first tournament among compatriots for assembling spils maps of Russia took place: its participants connected parts in the form of all subjects of the Federation into a single outline of their vast Motherland.
Knowledge in the field of geography was demonstrated by compatriots in New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Trivandrum, Bangalore. The first assembly was carried out in a mixed offline/online format and it wasn’t yet a speed competition.
The event was organized by the Autonomous non-profit organization “Dialogue” together with the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots with the support of Russian Houses in India.
“With this event, we provide an opportunity to improve knowledge about Russia in a fun way and make people feel that She is always nearby,” said Ilya Bannikov, co-organizer of the event, head of the “Dialogue”.
#RussianHouse #SpilsMap #compatriots #RusDialogue
Indians had to strain their phantasy to imagine themselves in March Russia, when the snowdrifts were melting, the temperature is barely above zero and everyone was waiting for the arrival of warmth. But artists from the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots (IARC) and the Russian House helped immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the East Slavic traditional holiday Maslenitsa in tropical Delhi.
Russian folk songs, ditties and round dances, Russian mobile round dance game “rucheyok” (“streamlet”) and athletic contest tug-of-war... And then - pancakes with tea for Indian students and schoolchildren and respectable VIPs and foreign diplomats.
#Maslenitsa #RussianHouse #compatriots #schoolchildren
"Simply space! The film “The Challenge” immersed us in an incredible atmosphere and left an indelible impression. It was amazing!” – compatriots share their emotions after the film.
As part of the III Eurasian meeting of Russian compatriots, a screening of the space drama film “The Challenge” directed by Klim Shipenko took place at the Russian House in New Delhi.
The spectators in the Russian House were Russian compatriots who arrived to India from different countries, senators were also present at the screening of the film and deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, diplomats and representatives of public associations.
“The Challenge” was the first film in the world to be filmed in space - on board the International Space Station. The world premiere of the film took place in 2023. The main roles were played by Yulia Peresild, Milos Bikovich and cosmonauts Oleg Novitsky, Anton Shkaplerov and Pyotr Dubrov.
#RussianHouse #cinema #Challange #compatriots
On April 9, Deputy Head of Rossotrudnichestvo Pavel Shevtsov took part in the III Eurasian Meeting of Russian compatriots, which began its work in New Delhi. The theme of the forum is “The women's agenda of the compatriots of the movement in the context of preserving traditional family values.” On the sidelines of the forum, Pavel Shevtsov presented the President of the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots Elena Barman with a letter of gratitude from the head of Rossotrudnichestvo.
In his speech at the opening ceremony Russian Ambassador to India Denis Alipov especially emphasized the contribution of the Russian diaspora abroad to the popularization of the Russian language, the promotion of cultural and family values.
More than 60 representatives of Russian compatriots’ organizations from 38 countries of the world who are engaged in active social work took part in the event.
The forum will continue on April 10.
#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #forum #compatriots
🏢 The Russian House in New Delhi together with the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots (IARC) visited the Mala Smriti orphanage in the city of Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
👥 Employees of the Russian House and IARS activists handed over a batch of humanitarian aid to a shelter for orphans. We collected clothes, shoes, toys and sweet gifts. The children made a surprise for the guests, recited poems and shared their knowledge in the field of biology.
👨‍💼 The director of the shelter, Shaikhar Vishvas, thanked the Russian House in New Delhi and the IARS and noted: “The assistance provided will help cover part of our large expenses. We value your trust very much and are sincerely glad to see you again.”

#RussianHouse #IARS #compatriots #help #shelter #Smriti
🚴🏊‍♂️ The VIII World Games of Young Compatriots started in Moscow, participants came from more than 30 countries. Chess player Prithvir Prokhorov from Kolkata is taking part from India at the world games.
👦 The young participant shared his emotions about the upcoming trip to Russia: “For me, this is the first serious competition at this level that will be held in Russia. In anticipation of a big event, I hope to show my best side at the youth games and get to know the modern cultural life of Russia better.
👥 A total of 450 athletes will take part in the games.
🔹 They will compete in popular school sports: basketball, volleyball, chess, table tennis, wrestling and swimming, as well as in the “Dialogues in Russian” competition program.
Since 2015, Rossotrudnichestvo, together with the Russian Ministry of Sports and the All-Russian School Sports Federation, has been organizing the World Games of Young Compatriots.

#RussianHouse #VIIIWorldGames #compatriots #Rossotrudnichestvo
🏆The VIII World Games of Young Compatriots have ended in Moscow.
Chess player Prithvir Prokhorov took part in the world games from India. The young participant took 10th place among 28 participants in the chess competition.
🚶‍♀️A sightseeing tour of Moscow was organized for the athletes, during which the children visited the Tretyakov Gallery and got acquainted with the works of famous Russian artists, visited Red Square, and studied the history of the capital of the Russian Federation.
👥 450 athletes from more than 30 countries took part in the World Games of Young Compatriots, including Egypt, Zambia, India, China, Sweden and South Ossetia.
📎 Since 2015, Rossotrudnichestvo, together with the Russian Ministry of Sports, the All-Russian political party "United Russia" and the All-Russian School Sports Federation, has been organizing the World Games of Young Compatriots.

#RussianHouse #VIIIWorldGames #compatriots #Rossotrudnichestvo
🏫 The work of the Summer School for Advanced Studies for Compatriots-Teachers of Russian as a Foreign Language ended in St. Petersburg.
📆 For the sixth year in a row, the program organized by the Administration of the Northern Capital, the Russkiy Mir Foundation and St. Petersburg State University is supported by Rossotrudnichestvo. The School participants were greeted by Pavel Shevtsov, Deputy Head of Rossotrudnichestvo, and Dr. Elena Remizova, Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in the Republic of India.
📈 Every year the number of School participants is increasing, this year representatives from 24 countries came to St. Petersburg, among which there were 4 participants from India: Evgenia Solovchuk and Valentina Mayorova (University of Madras), Olga Ilyina (Teremok Center in Bangalore), Nilima Singh (University of Delhi).
📖 The new knowledge and teaching methods gained during the two weeks spent in the city on the Neva river inspired the program participants to modernize and intensify the educational process, as well as new projects in the field of Russian as a Foreign Language, which can be implemented, including with the support of Rossotrudnichestvo.
#RussianHome #Russianlanguage #compatriots #India #Rossotrudnichestvo
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The delegation of compatriots from India, participating in the VIII World Congress of Compatriots, handed over 10 kg of Indian tea from the Rossotrudnichestvo representative office in New Delhi, which, together with parcels from other representative offices, will be included in a large New Year's gift from the Agency to our soldiers in the special military operation zone.
Recall that more than 400 representatives of Russian communities and associations of other indigenous peoples of Russia from almost a hundred countries of the world are participating in the Congress, which is taking place in Moscow. The presidium of the meeting includes Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, and Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko. The delegation from India is headed by Elena Barman.

#RussianHouse #compatriots #Congress #India
A round table on the topic: "Interaction of the Moscow Government with compatriots living in the Republic of India" was held at the Russian House in New Delhi.
The Deputy Head of Rossotrudnichestvo Mr Pavel Shevtsov, the Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India Dr Elena Remizova, the Counselor of the Russian Embassy in India Mrs Yulia Aryaeva, and the Chairperson of the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots (IARC) Elena Barman addressed the audience with welcoming remarks.
The round table was also attended by the Deputy Head of the Department for Work with Compatriots of the Department of Foreign Economic and International Relations of Moscow Mr Georgy Yakovlev, the Deputy Head of the Department of Foreign Economic and International Relations of Moscow Mr Alexey Bondaruk, and the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg Mr Sergey Markov.
The Chairperson of the IARC Elena Barman introduced compatriots who have lived in India for a long time and told about their lives. Among them are musicians, artists, doctors, translators, English teachers and representatives of other professions.
During the meeting, the topic of consolidation of the Russian-speaking community was called very important. They noted the importance of promoting the Russian language, more active work with the younger generation of compatriots, and outlined plans for joint work for the next year. They especially emphasized that work with compatriots abroad remains an important and relevant area.

#RussianHouse #compatriots #IARC #India
On December 12, the Russian House in New Delhi hosted the 12th All-India Conference of Russian Compatriots, organized by the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India, the Russian Embassy in India and the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots (IARC).
The welcoming speech was given by Mr Roman Babushkin, Minister Counselor of the Russian Embassy in India, Dr Elena Remizova, Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India, Mrs Yulia Aryaeva, Counselor of the Russian Embassy in India and Elena Barman, Chairperson of the IARC.
The participants of the meeting discussed the work of Russian compatriots' organizations in India this year and listened to reports from IAIC representatives from Chennai, Kolkata, Trivandrum, Bangalore, Mumbai, Goa and Hyderabad. Expressed their readiness to take an active part in the preparation and holding of the 80th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War in India next year, including in the Immortal Regiment, St. George Ribbon, and Garden of Memory campaigns, as well as the preparation and celebration of the 100th anniversary of Rossotrudnichestvo.
They also discussed proposals for areas of activity of the IARC for 2025.
The Declaration of the XII All-India Conference of Russian Compatriots was adopted at the meeting, where it was established to continue work on uniting Russian compatriots in India by organizing joint events, to continue work aimed at strengthening the position of the Russian language in India, preserving the historical memory, cultural and spiritual heritage of Russia.

#RussianHouse #compatriots #conference #India