Russian House New Delhi
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Художественный фильм «Подкидыш» вошел в программу кинофестиваля «Чистота: утраченная и обретенная», который открылся в делийском государственном университете Джамия-Миллия-Исламия (ДМИ). Лента 1939 года о потерявшейся в Москве 5-летней Наташе рассказывает, наряду с другими картинами, о бережном отношении окружающих к «нашему самому главному» – детям.

В фестивале участвуют также фильмы из Бразилии, Доминиканской Республики, Испании и Италии.
Презентация киносмотра состоялась в Центре европейских и латиноамериканских исследований ДМИ с участием директоров культурных центров стран-участниц. Русский дом в Нью-Дели оказал университету содействие в подготовке показов.
Индийские сотрудники Центра отметили, что выросли на советских и российских фильмах и благодаря ним захотели выучить русский язык.

#Индия #Россия #кино #русскийязык

The feature film "The Foundling" was included in the program of the "Innocence: Lost and Found" Film Festival, which opened at the Jamia Millia Islamia State University (DMI) in Delhi. The 1939 film about 5-year-old Natasha, lost in Moscow, tells, along with other movies, about the careful attitude of others towards “our most important thing” - children.

Films from Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Spain and Italy also participate in the festival.
The presentation of the film review took place at the DMI Center for European and Latin American Studies with the participation of the directors of the cultural centers of the participating countries. The Russian House in New Delhi assisted the university in preparing the screenings.
The Indian lecturers of the Center noted that they grew up on Soviet and Russian films and thanks to them they wanted to learn Russian.

#India #Russia #cinema #Russian
В Индии вышел учебник «Введение в деловую коммуникацию», автор – профессор Центра русских исследований Университета им. Джавахарлала Неру (JNU) Мита Нараян. Книга представляет из себя сборник разножанровых текстов на русском и английском языках из множества секторов делового общения – банковская система, цены и валюта, страхование, биржевая и налоговая система и т.д.
«Введение в деловую коммуникацию» будет способствовать изучению финансово-экономических систем России и Индии, взаимодействию двух стран в данной сфере и призвано помочь будущему специалисту компетентно овладеть навыками предпринимательства.
«Эта книга – одновременно научный труд и практическое пособие, очень полезна и легко читается. Она написана и издана в момент активизации деловых связей между Россией и Индией», – отметил на презентации директор Русского дома в Нью-Дели Олег Осипов.
По видеосвязи к аудитории в JNU присоединились профессора из Московского, Санкт-Петербургского и Томского государсвтенных университетов.
За большие заслуги в распространении русского языка, литературы и культуры Мита Нараян удостоена медали А.С. Пушкина.

#русскийязык #учебник #бизнес #университет

In India, the textbook "An Introduction to the Business World" was published, the author is a professor at the Center for Russian Studies at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) Meeta Narain. The book is a collection of texts in Russian and English from various sectors of business communication - the banking system, prices and currency, insurance, the exchange and tax system, etc.
"An Introduction to the Business World" promotes the study of the financial and economic systems of Russia and India, the interaction of the two countries in this area and is designed to help the future specialist to competently master the skills of business communication.
“This book is both a scientific work and a practical guide. It was written and published at the moment of intensification of business relations between Russia and India,” said Oleg Osipov, director of the Russia House in New Delhi, at the presentation.
Professors from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Tomsk State Universities joined the audience at JNU via video link.
For great merits in the dissemination of the Russian language, literature and culture, Meeta Narain was awarded the A.S. Pushkin medal.

#Russian language #textbook #business #university
Online-olympiad "Femida" for foreigners
From November 7 to 24, the Russian State University of Justice (RSUJ) will hold the online-olympiad "Femida". It will be held in two stages in Russian and English according to the profile "Law".

Schoolchildren and students from different countries can take part. The winners and prize-winners will be enrolled in the University and its branches within the quota of the Russian Government.

Register by following the link ( until November 7. Detailed information on the website:

#Russian #olimpiad #RSUJ #Femida
At the Chaudhary Charan Singh University in the Indian city of Meerut (Uttar-Pradesh), the Exchange Center for Open Education in Russian & Russian Language Teaching was opened. It offers free courses for everyone who is interested in Russia. The center is opened by the Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical University named after K. Minin.

At the opening ceremony, the rector of NGPU Viktor Odonyakov, director of the Russian house in New Delhi Oleg Osipov, performed.
In a video message entry, Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Denis Gribov noted: “The new center begins work at one of the youngest universities in India. Children and adults will have the opportunity to learn Russian for free, and students themselves will be able to improve their knowledge in order to continue education at Russian universities”.

It is expected that by the end of the year the center will launch six courses for both teachers and students.

#India #Russia #University #Russian
A film festival in honor of the 100th anniversary of the famous Soviet and Russian director Leonid Gaidai started in the Indian capital. At the University of Delhi, the Department of Slavic Languages organized a screening of the famous 1968 comedy “The Diamond Arm” in Russian with English subtitles.

Before the start of the session, Delhi University professor Girish Munjal spoke about Gaidai’s life and creative path, as well as how the director wittily circumvented the bureaucratic prohibitions that existed in the film industry at that time.

Russian house director Oleg Osipov urged viewers to study the Russian language more deeply in order to understand all its subtleties and, in particular, the humor of Gaidai’s films without translation. After the viewing there was a discussion of the movie.
“The Caucasian Prisoner” will be shown at the Russian House on October 11 at 3:00 p.m. as part of the festival.

#Gaidai #festival #film #Russian #language
Dear friends,

We are happy to announce that the deadline for submitting applications to get a scholarship within the quota of the Russian Government has been extended till December 15, 2023.
We remind you that applicants who want to study in Russia for free need to register on the website
To participate in the competition, you need to fill out an application form, attach a photo as well as scanned copies of your passport and educational document (or a certificate of the period of study).
For more information, please contact + 7 985 638 38 30 (WhatsApp) or by email: [email protected]

#EducationInRussia #Scholarships #Russian House #Success