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On December 6, 1741, Elizabeth Petrovna came to power in Russia

The daughter of Peter the Great carried out a coup – she overthrew the young Tsar Ivan VI, whose regent was his mother Anna Leopoldovna.

The 18th century in Russian history is often called the ‘Era of Palace Coups’ (or ‘Battle of the Palaces’). Political groups fought fiercely among themselves and the elite part of the Russian army, the guard, provided them with force.

The guardsmen were not without their role in this case, either. The soldiers were irritated by the procedure for assigning ranks, the constant drill and the toughening of punishments. The last straw was Anna Leopoldovna’s order to send the guards regiments to war against Sweden.

Elizabeth Petrovna, on the contrary, had earned the trust and love of the guardsmen long before the coup. She always treated them with great attention, showered them with money and gifts.

Therefore, when she came to the barracks of the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment on the evening of December 5 to lead the soldiers, they did not hesitate for a second – they immediately followed "mother".

The guards took the oath to the new empress and headed to the Winter Palace, where Ivan VI and his mother were arrested – they died in captivity.

Elizaveta Petrovna would go on to occupy the Russian throne for more than 20 years.

Credit: Charles-André van Loo/Petergof

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❄️ It’s getting colder in places where there's winter, so I want to know how you all are feeling!

The following video is for anyone who's gone down with the cold - it contains some delicious methods to get better!

P.S. Catch more of my lessons on TikTok!


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On December 2, 1971, the Soviet station landed on Mars for the first time

“A new era in the exploration of outer space,” is how scientists described the world’s first soft landing of the automatic interplanetary station ‘Mars-3’ on the red planet.

The journey to Mars – about 60 million kilometers – took more than six months. The successful landing of the Soviet station was, however, preceded by two fiascos.

‘Mars-3’ was equipped with everything necessary for studying the temperature and atmosphere, solar radio emission, wind speed and properties of the planet’s surface, as well as creating panoramic images.

On December 2, scientists observed one of the most dramatic moments in the history of space exploration. At the time, the topography and soil properties of Mars were poorly understood. Difficulties were also created by winds in the planet's rarefied atmosphere. The descent of the spacecraft from the station took a little more than three minutes.

The ‘Mars 3’ program continued to operate until mid-August 1972, during which time the orbital station managed to complete 20 orbits around the planet.

Credit: Stolbovsky (CC BY 4.0); B. Borisov/Sputnik; Sputnik

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How Soviet Russia used a unique "freezing" technology to build a skyscraper

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Why on Earth did Russian tsars eat SWANS? 🦢

Before Peter the Great came to power and built St. Petersburg, Russian great princes and tsars lived in the Moscow Kremlin. 🏰
The deeply religious Old Russian society followed a large number of fast days. But, for the rest of the year, the tsar feast would begin with a roasted swan. 😱

The following is what an Austrian diplomat Sigismund Herberstein wrote in his ‘Notes on Muscovy’ in the early 16th century: “The servants went out for the meal and brought the vodka they always drink at the beginning of the dinner and then the fried swans, which, on ‘meat’ days, they almost always serve to the guests as the first course. Three of them were placed before the sovereign; he pierced them with a knife to see which was better and preferable to the others, after which he immediately ordered servants to carry them away. Near the door to the dining room, there was a table for cutting food; there, the swan was cut, putting on each dish then four wings, then four legs…”

The best pieces were served to the most honored guests. One Italian ambassador once complained that the ceremony took place so often that, before tasting the dish, the appetite had been played up.
After the swan, other poultry dishes were brought to the table, including cranes, larks, partridges, ducks and chickens.

📷 Victor Shilov. Boyar's Feast. 2000 (Public domain)

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Russian songs translated: ‘A True Friend’ (‘Настоящий друг’)

Every Russian kid is raised on this song!


Дружба крепкая не сломается,
Не расклеится от дождей и вьюг.

A strong friendship won't break,
Won't come apart by rain or blizzards.

Друг в беде не бросит, лишнего не спросит -
Вот что значит настоящий верный друг.

A friend won't leave you in need, won't ask too much.
That's what a true, loyal friend means.

Друг в беде не бросит, лишнего не спросит -
Вот что значит настоящий верный друг.

A friend won't leave you in need, won't ask too much.
That's what a true, loyal friend means.

Мы поссоримся и помиримся,
«Не разлить водой», – шутят все вокруг.

We'll fight and make up,
“You can’t split them with water,” everyone jokes.

В полдень или в полночь друг придёт на помощь -
Вот что значит настоящий верный друг.

At midday or at midnight, a friend will come to help.
That's what a true, loyal friend means.

В полдень или в полночь друг придёт на помощь -
Вот что значит настоящий верный друг.

At midday or at midnight, a friend will come to help.
That's what a true, loyal friend means.

Друг всегда меня сможет выручить,
Если что-нибудь приключится вдруг.

A friend will always be able to help me out,
If something happens suddenly.

Нужным быть кому-то в трудную минуту -
Вот что значит настоящий верный друг.

To be needed by someone in a difficult minute –
That's what a true, loyal friend means.

Нужным быть кому-то в трудную минуту -
Вот что значит настоящий верный друг.

To be needed by someone in a difficult minute –
That's what a true, loyal friend means.


📷 Kira Lisitskaya (Photo: Swen Pförtner/dpa/Global Look Press; Marta Lubyanikova/Belarusfilm, 1975)

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Did you know that famous writer Alexandre Dumas fils was married to a Russian?

It's a whole detective story! In the end, she fled Russia after a scandal… involving murder!
Moscow socialite Nadezhda Naryshkina was a seductive beauty. Being already married, she had an affair with writer Alexander Sukhovo-Kobylin, who had a Frenchwoman named Louise Simon-Demanche on his payroll. And, soon, this Louise was soon found dead with her throat slit…
All traces led to Sukhovo-Kobylin and Naryshkina. Even Nadezhda's threatening letters to Louise were found.

The scandal was huge, but the lovers got off with a slight fright and, after the interrogation, Nadezhda hurriedly left Russia for Paris. There, she continued to lead a social life and attract French men.
One of her admirers was Alexander Dumas fils, the son of the ‘Musketeers’ creator and the author of the resounding ‘Lady of the Camellias’. She bore the writer two daughters and, after the death of her official husband Naryshkin, married him.

The Frenchman admired the femininity of Nadine: “She captivates me with the elegance of lines and perfection of forms.”
However, their marriage was also unhappy and Nadine fell into a deep depression at the end of her life.

📷 Palace of Versailles; Musée Alexandre Dumas, Villers-Cotterêts

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How a simple metronome saved thousands of lives during WWII

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How about ice cream in a flying saucer or coffee at an altitude of 330 meters? These original cafes were especially popular with Soviet youth.

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A resident of Russia’s Far Eastern Yakutia captured a falling asteroid between the towns of Olekminsk and Lensk

Credits: Ruptly

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