#IT #School #Design #Contest
🗿 Antik davr va oʻrta asrlarda paydo boʻlgan grafik dizayn 19-asrda Gʻarbda alohida kasb sifatida paydo boʻldi va uning evolyutsiyasi 20-asrda tobora oʻsishiga imkon yaraldi. Bugungi kunda axborot almashinuvining jadal va ommaviy oʻsishini hisobga olgan holda, tajribali dizaynerlarga boʻlgan talab, ayniqsa, har qachongidan ham ortib bormoqda. Va bunga yangi texnologiyalarning rivojlanishi va ularni ishlab chiquvchi muhandislarning vakolatidan tashqari, inson omillariga eʼtibor berish zarurati sabab boʻlmoqda.
✅ 9-10-11-sinf oʻquvchilari o’rtasida ushbu yo'nalish boʻyicha ilk marotaba oʻtkazilayotgan "IT-School Design Contest" tanlovi bo’lib o’tdi.
Tanlovda Muhammad al-Xorazmiy nomidagi ixtisoslashtirilgan maktab 9-10-11-sinf oʻquvchilari qatnashishdi.
Tanlov 2 bosqichda bo'lib,1-bosqich online tarzda oʻtkazilib, ishtirokchilarga vazifani bajarib topshirish uchun 72 soat vaqt ajratildi.
Final bosqichida esa oʻquvchilar topshirgan ishlari boʻyicha suhbatdan oʻtishdi.
Tanlov ishtirokchilarining ishlari ko’rib chiqilgach g'oliblar aniqlandi:
🥇 -o'rin: Abdullayev Javohir
🥈 -o'rin: Axmedov Asadbek
🥉 -o'rin: Tursunov Abdurazzoq
🏆 Tanlov g'oliblarini tabriklaymiz va kelajakda hayotning ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy va madaniy sohalarini rivojlantirishga hissa qo'shadigan soha vakillari bo’lishini tilab qolamiz❗️
🟣 🟣 🟣
🗿Зародившись в античности и средневековье, графический дизайн стал отдельной профессией на Западе в 19 веке, и его эволюция продолжилась в 20 веке. Учитывая быстрый и массовый рост обмена информацией сегодня, спрос на опытных дизайнеров особенно высок, как никогда. И вызвано это развитием новых технологий и необходимостью уделять внимание человеческому фактору, помимо компетенции инженеров, которые их разрабатывают.
✅ Среди учащихся 9-10-11 классов впервые провели "IT-School Design Contest".
В конкурсе приняли участие учащиеся 9-10-11 классов специализированной школы имени Мухаммада ал-Хоразми.
Соревнование состояло из 2-х этапов, 1-й этап проходил онлайн, на выполнение задания участникам отводилось 72 часа.
На заключительном этапе школьники рассказали об их портфолио.
После просмотра работ конкурсантов были определены победители:
🥇 место: Абдуллаев Жовохир
🥈 место: Ахмедов Асадбек
🥉 место: Турсунов Абдураззок
🏆 Поздравляем победителей конкурса и желаем им и впредь быть представителями отрасли, вносящими вклад в развитие социально-экономической и культурной сфер жизни!❗️
✈️ Telegram 📒 Facebook 📷 Instagram 🌐 Web
Tanlovda Muhammad al-Xorazmiy nomidagi ixtisoslashtirilgan maktab 9-10-11-sinf oʻquvchilari qatnashishdi.
Tanlov 2 bosqichda bo'lib,1-bosqich online tarzda oʻtkazilib, ishtirokchilarga vazifani bajarib topshirish uchun 72 soat vaqt ajratildi.
Final bosqichida esa oʻquvchilar topshirgan ishlari boʻyicha suhbatdan oʻtishdi.
Tanlov ishtirokchilarining ishlari ko’rib chiqilgach g'oliblar aniqlandi:
🗿Зародившись в античности и средневековье, графический дизайн стал отдельной профессией на Западе в 19 веке, и его эволюция продолжилась в 20 веке. Учитывая быстрый и массовый рост обмена информацией сегодня, спрос на опытных дизайнеров особенно высок, как никогда. И вызвано это развитием новых технологий и необходимостью уделять внимание человеческому фактору, помимо компетенции инженеров, которые их разрабатывают.
В конкурсе приняли участие учащиеся 9-10-11 классов специализированной школы имени Мухаммада ал-Хоразми.
Соревнование состояло из 2-х этапов, 1-й этап проходил онлайн, на выполнение задания участникам отводилось 72 часа.
На заключительном этапе школьники рассказали об их портфолио.
После просмотра работ конкурсантов были определены победители:
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Forwarded from TED-Ed al-Khwarizmi
Meet our team!
Shakhrizoda Karimova – Head of TED-Ed al-Khwarizmi season 2. With her leadership, communication and organizational skills she promises to do her best to ensure the success of the event and also for the speakers to have an unforgettable experience.
Zumradkhon Akbarova - tenth grade student at Al-Khwarizmi. In TED-Ed al-Khwarizmi she is responsible for event management. Zumrad believes that with her creativity she will create an unforgettable experience for each participant, and make this journey truly legendary and unique.
Behruz Ilhomov - Student with extensive experience in education. As Executive Producer of ted-ed al-khwarizmi, he is responsible for overseeing the organization and ensuring that it remains at the forefront of educational innovation.
Ibrohimxo’ja Yunusxo’jayev - Student of al-Khwarizmi IT School. Ibrohimxo’ja is head of marketing in different companies. In TED-Ed al-Khwarizmi he will be responsible for the media, marketing, sponsorship and budgets.
We would also like to thank Zufarbek Mukhtorov, the person who came up with this project and also the first Head for giving us this opportunity to continue TED-Ed al-Khwarizmi. We believe that each team member from last year did an excellent job in successfully organizing the event.
We hope we will live up to your expectations. Your trust in us is greatly appreciated, and we are grateful for your loyalty.
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Shakhrizoda Karimova – Head of TED-Ed al-Khwarizmi season 2. With her leadership, communication and organizational skills she promises to do her best to ensure the success of the event and also for the speakers to have an unforgettable experience.
Zumradkhon Akbarova - tenth grade student at Al-Khwarizmi. In TED-Ed al-Khwarizmi she is responsible for event management. Zumrad believes that with her creativity she will create an unforgettable experience for each participant, and make this journey truly legendary and unique.
Behruz Ilhomov - Student with extensive experience in education. As Executive Producer of ted-ed al-khwarizmi, he is responsible for overseeing the organization and ensuring that it remains at the forefront of educational innovation.
Ibrohimxo’ja Yunusxo’jayev - Student of al-Khwarizmi IT School. Ibrohimxo’ja is head of marketing in different companies. In TED-Ed al-Khwarizmi he will be responsible for the media, marketing, sponsorship and budgets.
We would also like to thank Zufarbek Mukhtorov, the person who came up with this project and also the first Head for giving us this opportunity to continue TED-Ed al-Khwarizmi. We believe that each team member from last year did an excellent job in successfully organizing the event.
We hope we will live up to your expectations. Your trust in us is greatly appreciated, and we are grateful for your loyalty.
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Forwarded from TED-Ed al-Khwarizmi
Meet our mentor's!
We are pleased to announce that last year's TED-Ed al-Khwarizmi speakers Sitora Alieva and Malika Ramazanova will be serving as mentors for this year's event.
As speakers in last year's TED-Ed al-Khwarizmi event, they each offered inspiring and authentic talks, and they have kindly agreed to share their expertise and mentor new speakers in this year's event.
They are as passionate about the TED-Ed mission as we are, and we are thrilled to welcome them to our team.
Through their guidance, this year's speakers will receive coaching and thorough feedback to help them hone their presentations and deliver a powerful, authentic message that resonates with the audience.
We are very thankful to our last year’s TED-Ed al-Khwarizmi speakers for agreeing to mentor this year’s event!
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We are pleased to announce that last year's TED-Ed al-Khwarizmi speakers Sitora Alieva and Malika Ramazanova will be serving as mentors for this year's event.
As speakers in last year's TED-Ed al-Khwarizmi event, they each offered inspiring and authentic talks, and they have kindly agreed to share their expertise and mentor new speakers in this year's event.
They are as passionate about the TED-Ed mission as we are, and we are thrilled to welcome them to our team.
Through their guidance, this year's speakers will receive coaching and thorough feedback to help them hone their presentations and deliver a powerful, authentic message that resonates with the audience.
We are very thankful to our last year’s TED-Ed al-Khwarizmi speakers for agreeing to mentor this year’s event!
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Forwarded from IT-School Presidency | al-Khwarizmi
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