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Abdulla Oripov nomidagi ijod maktabida Qashqadaryo viloyat hokimligi, viloyat Maktabgacha va maktab ta'limi boshqarmasi, ijod maktabi va O'zbekiston Yozuvchilar uyushmasi viloyat bo'limi bilan hamkorlikda O'zbekiston Yozuvchilar uyushmasi a'zosi, shoira, ijod maktabining "Ijodiy to'garak" rahbari Nilufar Umarovaning "Havorang nasimlar" va yozuvchi, Ijodiy-madaniy masalalar bo'yicha targ'ibotchisi Azizbek Norovning "Azal va abad yo'li" kitoblari taqdimoti bo'lib o'tdi.

Tadbirda so'zga chiqqanlar ikkala kitob va ijodkorlarning ijodiy faoliyati haqida o'z fikr-mulohazalarini bildirib o'tdilar.

Ijod maktabining ijodkor-o'quvchilari Nilufar Umarovaning she'rlaridan badiiy kompozitsiya namoyish etishdi, Azizbek Norovning hikoyalari haqida o'z qarashlari bildirishdi.

Tadbirda viloyat hokimining maslahatchisi Ziyoda Aminova so'z yuritib, ikki ijodkorga viloyat hokimligining esdalik sovg'asi va kitoblar to'plamini taqdim etdi.


10-aprel - o'zbek adabiyotining atoqli yozuvchisi, o'zbek romanchilik maktabining asoschisi Abdulla Qodiriy tavallud kuni. Abdulla Oripov nomidagi ijod maktabining "Tarjimon" to'garagi a'zosi, 11-sinf o‘quvchisi Norqulova Marjona adibning "Mehrobdan chayon" romanidan "Xayr, endi, Ra'no" bobidan parchani inglizchaga tarjima qildi.


The women’s will is strong,even we have seen such kind of women who are more brave than their husbands.However,no matter how strong they are,they have the weakness called “emotion’’. For example,the main hero of our story Rano’s bravery,her rebellion against the khan,and the way she encouraged disappointed Anvar can be pride not only for her own life,but also for our current age,and Rano is an example for our young girls.Nevertheless,strong-willed Rano emotionally defeated again.
This night Anvar and his brother decided to go to Tashkent.Initially,it didn’t seem hard to leave Kokan for Ra’no.However,after all problems had been solved,she felt somewhat terrified,but later she came up with brave idea:According to her,she and the old woman go to her own village and Rano tells her to bring her mother out from home.
Rano thought about it all night,ans she has been making Anvar sad insisting on her own decision.
-You are so emotional,Rano… You may be in danger every second.For me,It is hard to believe even your mother.
-No one is going to recognize Rano with ,and why is it hard to believe my mother
-Because you have spoiled you mum’s reputation!..
-No,no.I know my mother inside out.She is not as you think.
-OK,I want no one to recognize you,The old woman brings your mother luring her.Well, let’s believe your mother too, but can’t you give up on your this decision for me,Rano.We can write a letter saying sorry after we have come to Tashkent,my dear.
Suddenly Rano began to cry instead of replying to him.
-maybe,I… I will not see my mother again.
-Uh,Rano,Rano- said Anvar -Khudyar’s life is long.Do you think we will die in Tashkent. Let’s say Khudayar will live 5 years again,but if we consider how cruel he is,even this amount of time is longer.Because the more the violence strengthen,the more he tends to live shorter.If you can’t be patient enough,we may find another way.
For example,we say to your mum to come to Tashkent or after some days we may ourselves go to Kokan.
Rano went on crying without answer.Anvar looked at Rano who was sad about this situation.
-OK,don’t weep.We may no be able to go there these days.My brother is coming this night,he will go to Bazar and will do some preparations.It is not obvious we may go away this night.Therefore,you had better not hurry.Also,your idea is very risky,we may be able to find another option.Rano did not say anything,just breathed out and wiped her tears as they were sitting like that,some kind of voice was heard.
-He is not a stranger said Anvar after few minutes,-he is Mr.Safar.We had planned to knock the door as a hint.Tell the old woman to open the door.
Rano went out from the room.Then,some people came into the house.Anvar thought it was Mr.Safar because of unwanted visit and was little bit worried.As the door opened,Kobilbay and Safarbay came after each other.Anvar was confused again.Safar’s nervous eyes reminded Anvar about his old memories.Anvar showed them the place to sit
-Maybe ,you have the reason for thevisit out of time.-said Anvar slowly.-Did they become aware of us?
-Safar looked at his friend roling up his sleeves.
-Did they arrest Sultanali?-Anvar asked again
-Yes,they did.We were astonished too.
Anvar felt weird and scared.
-Don’t worry.We will rescue him.When have they imprisoned Sultanali?
-Yesterdat at night..Sultanali’s wife came to my home,I have heard from her.Also,your brother came too.
-whom did you hear from?
Kabilbay narrated about herald’s news and the decision made by with his friends.Anvar listened to him carefully and thought about it a while.
-Thank you and your friends for help.But it is harder to rescue Sultanali with this plan.Maybe it is completely impossible…
-If we know when they have arrested him,why is it impossible,Anvar?My friends are not weak,believe us.
-Thanks,of course only brave people can do this.The reason why I am hopeless is that these kind of prisoners are arrested inside of the hord.
-Is it difficult to enter the hord?
-It is impossible.There are 50 guys who stand around the hord all night.

Kobil looked at Anvar being disappointed.Safar were biting and cutting off his moutache
-Maybe they have arrested him in dungeos
-Alas,but it is not likely
There wassilence for a moment.Kobilbay was itching his head.Anvar was holdinghis hand as if trying to cud a thread from a sandal bed.
We need to get a message from the prison,don’t we Anvar?
-Yes,we need…
Kabilbay looked at Safar after getting this answer from Anvar .
-We will send someone to Sultanali’s home.Her wife should go to the jail as if bringing some food for her husband.What do you think about this plan.
-What do you say Anvar?
Anvar gave ahint that he was agree
-Lets mention about one thing-said Kobil
-We made our mind on the way,Anvar.The truth is…You had better leave this home.Anyway,he is also imperfect human,what may happen if hells about all because of fear.
Anvar smiled:
-Sultonali is not such kin of person,I am sure and confident about this-said Anvar. –However it is more dangerous when it comes to his wife,all maybe destroyed if she do something stupid in order to rescue her husband.
Then,Safar said when Sultonali’s wife had come there,she had felt confident about Kobilbay’s aim.
-Well done,thanks. It is essential to make her calm again as soon as you send someone to her home.she has to be such convinced that she will not have any doubt about her husband getting out of jail.Tell her:
He might be rescued till the afternoon,in case he might not,Anvar will go himself to rescue.If you cant be patient till that,you may cause him to be punished
-One more service to you,Safar aka-said Anvar.Safar said they were ready.
-Please,take your sister with yourself,she shouldn’t be staying with me.

Translated by Norqulova Marjona

🔰Abdulla Oripov nomidagi ijod maktabi "Kompyuter grafikasi" to'garagi a'zolari 10-aprel - XX asr yangi oʻzbek adabiyotining ulkan namoyandasi, oʻzbek romanchiligining asoschisi Abdulla Qodiriy tavalludiga bag'ishlab, Abdulla Qodiriyning turli asarlariga muqova uchun kompyuter grafikasi yordamida fotodizayn tayyorlashdi.

📌Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzatib boring👇
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📚10-aprel - o'zbek adabiyotining atoqli yozuvchisi, o'zbek romanchilik maktabining asoschisi Abdulla Qodiriy tavallud kuni. Abdulla Oripov nomidagi ijod maktabining "Tarjimonlik" to'garagi a'zosi, 10-sinf o‘quvchisi Tillayeva Gulira'no adibning "O'tkan kunlar" romanini o'qib, u haqida o'z fikrlarini yozdi va uni ingliz tiliga tarjima qildi.

🔸Maqsadim “O‘tkan kunlar” haqida uch-to‘rt og‘iz so‘z aytib, suhbatni bevosita shundan boshlashim mumkin edi. Lekin Abdulla Qodiriy va uning safdoshlari otib tashlangan kun va lahzani eslashim muhim. Chunki ular oxir-oqibat mana shu jar yoqasiga kelib qolishlarini va bu haqiqatni o‘z asarlariga singdirdilar.
🔸Men faqat Abdulla Qodiriyning muxlisiman. Binobarin, o‘sha muhtaram insonning ijodidan o‘z taassurotimni izhor qila olaman. Abdulla Qodiriy adabiyot olamida o‘z maktabini yaratdi. Men shu maktabning boshlang‘ich sinfida o‘qiyman.
🔸“O‘tkan kunlar” roman uslubida yozilgan. “O‘tkan kunlar”ning asosi Otabek va Kumush o‘rtasidagi muhabbatdir. Ushbu roman shimoliy okeandagi muz tog'iga - aysbergga o'xshaydi. Ma'lumki, bu tog'ning faqat cho'qqilari ko'rinadi, asosiy qismi esa ko'rinmaydi - u suv ostida. Har bir asarning ulug'vorligi, menimcha, bu ko'rinmas qism uning hayotini ta'minlaydi. Abdulla Qodiriy qo‘liga qalam olganida ikki yoshning olovli muhabbatini tasvirlamoqchi bo‘ldilarmi? Maqsad faqat turmush qurish bo'lsa, ish bunchalik ulug'vor bo'lishi mumkinmi?
🔸Bilishimcha, “O‘tkan kunlar”ning birinchi va oxirgi jumlalari asarning asl mohiyatini belgilaydi:
“Hijriy 1269-yil Dalv oyining 17-si qish kunlaridan biri quyosh botdi, atrofdan shom azoni yangraydi...”
🔸Asar “o‘zbeklar hayotidan tarixiy roman” deb ta’riflanadi. “Mehribon qalblar haqida” yoki “Muhabbat fojialari” emas... aynan “o‘zbeklar hayotidan”, aynan shom namozi o‘qilgan paytdagi hayotidan. Shuning uchun u bizni aysberg tubini o'rganishga taklif qiladi. Bu vazifani, ta’bir joiz bo‘lsa, so’zlar bilan ifodalash qiyin.
🔸“...Atrofdan shom azoni eshitiladi...” Balki buning ramziy ma’nosi bordir. Balki u shom azonini taʼkidlamayotgandir, u faqat azonni emas, boshqa narsani nazarda tutganmi? Qanday bo'lmasin, menga o'xshaydi. Tush qorong'ulik belgisidir. Dalvda tunlar uzun, yorug‘lik kam. Shom namozi quruqlikka yaqinlashayotgan zulmatdan ogohlantiruvchi belgi emasmi?
🔸Qo‘shimchasi, romanda nima uchun Otabekning onasi "Oʼzbek oyim” deb ataladi? Axir ayollar orasida "O'zbek" degan ismni kam ko'ramiz-ku??? (Shaxsan men buni hech qachon eshitmaganman). Nazarimda, yozuvchi "Oʼzbek oyim " orqali butun Oʼzbeklarni ogohlantirgan. "O‘zbek oyim qora kiyadi..." Odamlar esa bu xavf chaqirigʼiga eʼtibor bermay, yo‘l-yo‘riqdan chekinib, oqibatda qora kiyib, motam tutdi. Qorong'u tunlar keldi... O'zbeklar qora kiydilar...
My goal is to say three or four words about "Oʼtgan kunlar (Days gone by)". I could start the conversation directly from that. But it was necessary someone should remember the day and the moment when Abdulla Qodiriy and his comrades were shot. Because their that they would eventually end up on the edge of this cliff, and they inculcated this fact in their works.
🔹I am only fan of Abdulla Qodiriy. Therefore, I can only express my impression from the works of that venerable person. Abdulla Qodiriy created his own school in the world of literature.
🔹"Days gone by" is written in the style of a novel. The foundation of "Days gone by" is the love between Otabek and Kumush. This novel is look like a gaint ice mountain in the northern ocean - an iceberg. It is known that only the peaks of this mountain are visible, and the main part is not visible- it is under water. The glory of every masterpiece, I think that this invisible part will ensure his life. When Abdulla Qodiriy piched up a pen, did they want to describe the fiery love of two young people? If the goal was only to be married, could the work be so glorious?
🔹As far as I can tell, the first and last sentences of "Days gone by" define the true essence of the work:
"1269 Hijri, the 17th of month of Dalv, one of the winter days, the sun has set, and the evening call to prayer is heard from all around..."
🔹The work describes "historical novel from the life of Uzbeks ". Not "About loving hearts" or " Tragedies of love"... but exactly " from life of Uzbeks ", exactly from their life at the time when the evening prayer was called. That is why he invites us to explore the bottom of the iceberg. This task, so to speak, cannot be a accomplished in one fell swoop.
🔹"... The evening call to prayer can be heard from all around..." Maybe this has a symbolic meaning. Maybe he did not emphasis the evening call to prayer, he meant something else, not just the call to prayer? Itp seems me anyway. Dusk is a sign of darkness. In Dalv, the nights are long and the light is less. Isnʼt the evening prayer a warning sign of the darkness that is closing in on land?
🔹An addition, why is the Otabekʼs mother called " Uzbek oyim" in the novel? After all, we rarely see the name " Uzbek" among women, do we???
(Personally, I have never heard it.) I think writer wanted emphasis whole Uzbeks through "Uzbek oyim" ( not Otabekʼs mother) "Uzbek oyim wears black..." The people did not pay attention to the warning call of danger, retreated from guidance and as a result wore black and mourned. Dark nights have come... Uzbeks wear black...
Forwarded from AOKA - Rasmiy kanali
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🏢Ixtisoslashtirilgan ta'lim muassasalari agentligi tizimidagi Abdulla Oripov nomidagi ijod maktabida dars mashg'ulotlari va zamonaviy to'garaklardan so'ng 10 ta fan to'garaklari faoliyat yuritadi

✔️Bundan tashqari sport, kitobxonlik hamda o'quvchilarning qiziqishlari asosida shakllantirilgan, ularni kasb-hunarlarni egallashlariga qaratilgan to'garaklar ham faoliyat olib bormoqda.

📊Ushbu infografika orqali ijod maktabidagi fan to'garaklari haqida batafsil tanishishingiz mumkin.

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