✒️ #AliRızaTaşdelen yazdı: Afrika’da bağımsızlık rüzgarı
📌 #Afrika'da yeni sömürgeciliğin sonu
📌 Fransa'nın #Mali'yi işgali
📌 #Fransa ECOWAS'ı devreye soktu
📌 #Türkiye ile kaderimiz aynı
📌 #Afrika'da yeni sömürgeciliğin sonu
📌 Fransa'nın #Mali'yi işgali
📌 #Fransa ECOWAS'ı devreye soktu
📌 #Türkiye ile kaderimiz aynı
Afrika’da bağımsızlık rüzgarı
Avrasya, enerji, güvenlik, emek, ekonomi, toplum spor ve dünyadan son dakika haberler
Storm of independence in Mali
📌 The end of neocolonialism in #Africa
📌 #French invasion of Mali
📌 #Mali created a model
📌 #France activated #ECOWAS
📌 We have a joint fate with #Turkey
By #AliRızaTaşdelen
📌 The end of neocolonialism in #Africa
📌 #French invasion of Mali
📌 #Mali created a model
📌 #France activated #ECOWAS
📌 We have a joint fate with #Turkey
By #AliRızaTaşdelen
United World International
Storm of independence in Mali
Mali's struggle against French colonialism and the rise of Eurasia in Africa.
Malian PM: “France exercises political, media and diplomatic terrorism against our government”
📌 France wants an obeying #Malian Head of State
📌 #France violates the military agreements
📌 France promised separatists the division of #Mali
📌 #Europeans came without agreement
📌 The others blocked us, so we bought weapons from #Russia
📌 We want our sovereignty to be respected
📌 We reach out our hand to the #Turkish government and people
📌 Patriots at the head of the Malian state
https://unitedworldint.com/23494-malian-pm-france-exercises-political-media-and-diplomatic-terrorism-against-our-government/ #Africa
📌 France wants an obeying #Malian Head of State
📌 #France violates the military agreements
📌 France promised separatists the division of #Mali
📌 #Europeans came without agreement
📌 The others blocked us, so we bought weapons from #Russia
📌 We want our sovereignty to be respected
📌 We reach out our hand to the #Turkish government and people
📌 Patriots at the head of the Malian state
https://unitedworldint.com/23494-malian-pm-france-exercises-political-media-and-diplomatic-terrorism-against-our-government/ #Africa
United World International
Malian PM: “France exercises political, media and diplomatic terrorism against our government”
The Malian Prime Minister draws lessons from the emergence of a multipolar world.
Mali continues fight against terror and deepens alliances – West condemned to watch and criticize
📌 Cooperation with #Turkey
📌 Malian Minister of Defense visits Ankara
📌 Cooperation with #Russia
📌 Protests from the #US and #Europe
📌 #UN acknowledges in report #Mali’s success
📌 Cooperation with #Turkey
📌 Malian Minister of Defense visits Ankara
📌 Cooperation with #Russia
📌 Protests from the #US and #Europe
📌 #UN acknowledges in report #Mali’s success
United World International
Mali continues fight against terror and deepens alliances – West condemned to watch and criticize
Malian Minister of Defense visited Turkey as last step to deepen multipolar alliances.
#BurkinaFaso: Awakening from Neocolonialism
📌 The neocolonial world
📌 A new coup
📌 #Africa awakens
https://unitedworldint.com/26876-burkina-faso-awakening-from-neocolonialism/ #France #Mali #Türkiye
📌 The neocolonial world
📌 A new coup
📌 #Africa awakens
https://unitedworldint.com/26876-burkina-faso-awakening-from-neocolonialism/ #France #Mali #Türkiye
United World International
Burkina Faso: Awakening from Neocolonialism
The change of government in Burkina Faso showed a growing trend of anti-French sentiment.
Upcoming UWI webinar: “The Grain War – Sanctions, Hunger and the Quest for a Multipolar World”
🗣 Vyacheslav Matuzov, former Soviet and Russian diplomat
Halil Özsaraç, ret. Turkish Navy Staff Captain
Oumarou Diarra, Minister for Humanitarian Action, Mali
Dr. Sherif Fayyad, PhD in agricultural economics, member of the Political Bureau of the Progressive Party, Egypt agricultural economics, member of the Political Bureau of the Progressive Party, Egypt
🗓 24/10/2022
⏰ 3 PM (GMT+3)
For participation, please send mail to: [email protected]
https://unitedworldint.com/27128-upcoming-uwi-webinar-the-grain-war-sanctions-hunger-and-the-quest-for-a-multipolar-world/ #Mali #Russia #Türkiye #Egypt
🗣 Vyacheslav Matuzov, former Soviet and Russian diplomat
Halil Özsaraç, ret. Turkish Navy Staff Captain
Oumarou Diarra, Minister for Humanitarian Action, Mali
Dr. Sherif Fayyad, PhD in agricultural economics, member of the Political Bureau of the Progressive Party, Egypt agricultural economics, member of the Political Bureau of the Progressive Party, Egypt
🗓 24/10/2022
⏰ 3 PM (GMT+3)
For participation, please send mail to: [email protected]
https://unitedworldint.com/27128-upcoming-uwi-webinar-the-grain-war-sanctions-hunger-and-the-quest-for-a-multipolar-world/ #Mali #Russia #Türkiye #Egypt
United World International
Upcoming UWI webinar: “The Grain War – Sanctions, Hunger and the Quest for a Multipolar World”
Experts from Russia, Türkiye, Egypt and Mali will take part.
Mali strikes back – at #French NGOs and at #Francafrique
📌 Prehistory of Mali-France: Bad romance
📌 #France is losing #Africa
📌 Alternatives for a Free #Mali
📌 Prehistory of Mali-France: Bad romance
📌 #France is losing #Africa
📌 Alternatives for a Free #Mali
United World International
Mali strikes back – at French NGOs and at Franсafrique
France and the U.S. are trying to turn Mali into a pariah, but in practice they are being forced out of the region.
The meaning of #Mali-#Burkina federation
By #OumarSidibe
https://unitedworldint.com/29157-the-meaning-of-mali-burkina-federation/ #Africa
By #OumarSidibe
https://unitedworldint.com/29157-the-meaning-of-mali-burkina-federation/ #Africa
United World International
The meaning of Mali-Burkina federation
Current borders are results of colonialism - their change is an important step towards Pan African unity.
Pseudo-science and imperialism caught red-handed
By Dr #FranklinNyamsi
https://unitedworldint.com/30696-pseudo-science-and-imperialism-caught-red-handed/ #Africa #Mali #UN #NATO
By Dr #FranklinNyamsi
https://unitedworldint.com/30696-pseudo-science-and-imperialism-caught-red-handed/ #Africa #Mali #UN #NATO
United World International
Pseudo-science and imperialism caught red-handed
Critical notes from the African Freedom Institute on the article by the Royal Institute for International Relation (Egmont Institute in Brussels) "The UN Security Council and The Future Of MINUSMA".
Emperyalizme direnen #Mali'den tarihi karar! Fransızca artık resmi dil değil
UWI'nin düzenlediği "Yaptırımlar ve Çok Kutupluluğun Kavşağında Mali" isimli Çalıştay'da Mali Yeniden Yapılandırılma Bakanı İbrahim İkassa Maïga, "Büyük #Atatürk hepimize örnek" demişti.
https://www.ulusal.com.tr/dunya/emperyalizme-direnen-maliden-tarihi-karar-fransizca-artik-resmi-dil-degil-15032937 #Afrika #Fransa
UWI'nin düzenlediği "Yaptırımlar ve Çok Kutupluluğun Kavşağında Mali" isimli Çalıştay'da Mali Yeniden Yapılandırılma Bakanı İbrahim İkassa Maïga, "Büyük #Atatürk hepimize örnek" demişti.
https://www.ulusal.com.tr/dunya/emperyalizme-direnen-maliden-tarihi-karar-fransizca-artik-resmi-dil-degil-15032937 #Afrika #Fransa
Ulusal Kanal
Emperyalizme direnen Mali'den tarihi karar! Fransızca artık resmi dil değil
#Nigerien journalist on the incidents in his country: “#Türkiye has fought, so are we”
📌 “#Russia respects our sovereignty”
📌 Support of #BurkinaFaso and #Mali is vital
📌 #France is literally and officially expelled
📌 Aiming also at the #US
Interview with #IbrahimYero, Journalist Editor-in-Chied of l'Eclosion
By #KıvançÖzdal
https://unitedworldint.com/31256-nigerien-journalist-on-the-incidents-in-his-country-turkiye-has-fought-so-are-we/ #Africa #Niger
📌 “#Russia respects our sovereignty”
📌 Support of #BurkinaFaso and #Mali is vital
📌 #France is literally and officially expelled
📌 Aiming also at the #US
Interview with #IbrahimYero, Journalist Editor-in-Chied of l'Eclosion
By #KıvançÖzdal
https://unitedworldint.com/31256-nigerien-journalist-on-the-incidents-in-his-country-turkiye-has-fought-so-are-we/ #Africa #Niger
United World International
Nigerien journalist on the incidents in his country: “Türkiye has fought, so are we”
The struggle for power is also a reflection of the struggle for a multipolar world, argues the journalist Yero.
#Mali armed forces discovered evidence of #US mercenaries’ presence in #Anefis
📌 Anefis: Vital strategic outpost
📌 How to defend?
By #ErkinFeyyazEşli
https://unitedworldint.com/32136-mali-armed-forces-discovered-evidence-of-us-mercenaries-presence-in-anefis/ #Africa
📌 Anefis: Vital strategic outpost
📌 How to defend?
By #ErkinFeyyazEşli
https://unitedworldint.com/32136-mali-armed-forces-discovered-evidence-of-us-mercenaries-presence-in-anefis/ #Africa
United World International
Mali armed forces discovered evidence of US mercenaries’ presence in Anefis
This may indicate the beginning of a new trend of outsourcing military operations to non-state actors.
Mali is on the verge of a new brutal war with the Tuaregs
📌 #Libyan Tuaregs after the fall of #Gaddafi
📌 #Tuaregs and #Islamists during the 2012 #Mali uprising
📌 #French and Western intervention and the #UN peace agreement
📌 Intensification of separatists after the 2021 coup and the departure of #France
📌 #Libyan Tuaregs after the fall of #Gaddafi
📌 #Tuaregs and #Islamists during the 2012 #Mali uprising
📌 #French and Western intervention and the #UN peace agreement
📌 Intensification of separatists after the 2021 coup and the departure of #France
United World International
Mali is on the verge of a new brutal war with the Tuaregs
How the #Tuareg factor can cause the destabilization in #Algeria
📌 Clusters of #Tuaregs in Algeria
📌 Relocation of #Libyan Tuaregs to Algeria after the defeat of #Gaddafi
📌 #Algerian actions during the #Mali conflicts
📌 Tuaregs are a key force for destabilizing the #Sahel
📌 Clusters of #Tuaregs in Algeria
📌 Relocation of #Libyan Tuaregs to Algeria after the defeat of #Gaddafi
📌 #Algerian actions during the #Mali conflicts
📌 Tuaregs are a key force for destabilizing the #Sahel
United World International
How the Tuareg factor can cause the destabilization in Algeria
The French and Americans take advantage of Tuareg sentiments to destabilize the region and restore their influence.