United World International
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🌍 Geopolitical analysis and forecasting of global trends

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November 17, 2021
December 1, 2021
December 2, 2021
December 3, 2021
United World International has organized a webinar titled “The postponement of elections in Libya and the quest for peace in the Eastern #Mediterranean”.

The webinar hosted 2 speakers from #Libya and 2 speakers from #Turkey. From Libya, Dr. #IssaTuwegiar, former Minister of Planning and currently Chairman of the #Libyan Foundation for Development & Entrepreneurship and Dr. #MahmudAhmedAlftise, former Minister of Industry and private consultant in strategic planning spoke.

On the #Turkish side, #UluçÖzülker, retired ambassador, who also served in #Tripoli between 1993 and 1995 as well as ret. Rear-Admiral Dr. #CihatYaycı, former Chief of Staff of the Turkish Naval Forces and currently Chairman of the Turkish Maritime and Global Strategies Center made presentations.

December 29, 2021
Mali is on the verge of a new brutal war with the Tuaregs

📌 #Libyan Tuaregs after the fall of #Gaddafi

📌 #Tuaregs and #Islamists during the 2012 #Mali uprising

📌 #French and Western intervention and the #UN peace agreement

📌 Intensification of separatists after the 2021 coup and the departure of #France

February 13, 2024