Embassy of Russia in the USA / Посольство России в США
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🇷🇺 #Комментарий Посольства
🔹 Обратили внимание на очередные обвинения в наш адрес со стороны #США в якобы нарушениях Конвенции о запрещении химоружия (#КЗХО) и Конвенции о запрещении биологического и токсинного оружия (#КБТО). В подкрепление инсинуаций #госдепартамент распространил в социальных сетях видеоматериал, явно призванный отвлечь внимание международного сообщества от собственных незаконных действий в области военной биологии. Аргументы американцев не выдерживают критики.
🔹 Представляем на суд общественности факты о несоблюдении США своих международных обязательств по упомянутым соглашениям.
1️⃣. В ходе спецоперации на Украине Минобороны России получило доказательства создания компонентов биологического оружия при непосредственном участии Пентагона. Финансирование американской стороной военно-биологических проектов на украинской территории подтверждено документально. Общий объем денежных вливаний составил 32 млн. долларов. Одним из кураторов этой деятельности являлась глава офиса Управления минобороны США по снижению угрозы при американском посольстве в Киеве Джоанна #Уинтролл.
2️⃣. Российской Федерации достоверно известно, что украинские радикальные группировки под контролем представителей американских спецслужб подготовили несколько возможных сценариев использования токсичных химикатов для осуществления провокаций против мирных жителей.
🔹 Задачей планируемых бесчеловечных акций является обвинение России в применении химического оружия против населения Украины. Такая информация не может не вызывать серьезную озабоченность, принимая во внимание, что США до сих пор не уничтожили национальные запасы боевых отравляющих веществ.
🔹 Требуем от американской стороны в максимально короткие сроки раскрыть информацию о военно-биологической активности в лабораториях на территории Украины. О каких мирных исследованиях идет речь, если за всеми работами стоит #Пентагон.

#ZaМир #ZаРоссию #ZаПрезидента
🇷🇺 Embassy's #comment
🔹 We took note of another series of accusations against our country by the United States of alleged violations of the Chemical Weapons Convention (#CWC) and the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons (#BTWC). To back up the insinuations, the U.S. Department of State distributed a video through social networks, clearly designed to distract the attention of the international community from its own illegal activities in the field of military biology. The arguments of the U.S. Side do not stand up to criticism.
🔹 Cited below are the facts about the non-compliance of the United States with its international obligations under the abovementioned agreements.
1️⃣. In the course of the special operation in #Ukraine, the Russian #Defence Ministry received evidence of the creation of biological weapons components with the direct participation of the #Pentagon. The financing by the #US side of military biological projects on the Ukrainian territory is documented. The total funding amounted to $32 million. One of the curators of this activity was the head of the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (#DTRA) office at the US Embassy in #Kiev, Joanna #Wintrall.
2️⃣ . The Russian Federation is fully aware that radical Ukrainian groups under the control of representatives of American special services have prepared several potential scenarios of the use of toxic chemicals in order to carry out various types of provocations against civilians.
🔹 The objective of such inhumane actions is to accuse #Russia of the use of chemical weapons against the civil population of Ukraine. Such information cannot but raise serious concern, taking into account that the United States has not yet destroyed its national stocks of chemical warfare agents.
🔹 We demand that the US Side disclose information about military biological activity in laboratories on the territory of Ukraine as soon as possible. What kind of peaceful research we are talking about if the Pentagon stands behind these projects.

#ZaМир #ZаРоссию #ZаПрезидента
Дорогие крымчане! Дорогие соотечественники!
🔹 От всей души поздравляем вас и всех россиян c восьмилетием возвращения Крыма и Севастополя в родную гавань.
🔹 Крымская весна вошла в историю Отечества как символ национального единства и вызвала патриотический подъем по всей нашей великой стране.
🔹 Этот праздник близок сердцу каждого гражданина России. Он вдохновляет нас вместе идти вперед и преодолевать любые трудности! В нынешнее непростое время это важно как никогда!
🔹 Многие сотрудники нашего Посольства с большим удовольствием посещают Крым, а некоторые жили и выросли в этом удивительном и изумительном крае.
🔹 Еще раз поздравляем с общим праздником!
Наша сила - в единстве и сплоченности.
Сотрудники Посольства России в США

Dear Crimeans! Dear compatriots!
🔹 We sincerely congratulate you and all Russians on the eighth anniversary of the reunification of Crimea and Sevastopol with Russia.
🔹 The Crimean spring went down in the history of the Fatherland as a symbol of national unity and raised a patriotic rise throughout our great country.
🔹 This Day is close to the heart of every citizen of Russia. It inspires us to go forward together and overcome any difficulties! In these difficult times, this is more important than ever!
🔹 Many employees of our Embassy visit Crimea with great pleasure, and some of them have lived and grown up in this amazing and marvelous region.
🔹 We congratulate you once again on the common holiday!
Our strength lies in unity and cohesion.
Employees of the Russian Embassy in the USA

#ZaМир #ZаРоссию #ZаПрезидента
🇷🇺⚡️ Concert marking the anniversary of Crimea’s reunification with Russia ⚡️🇷🇺
#ZaМирбезнацизма #ZаРоссию #ZаПрезидента

🔹 Vladimir Putin attended a concert marking eight years since Crimea’s reunification with the Russia, at the Luzhniki Sports Centre in Moscow.
🔹 President of Russia Vladimir Putin: “We, the multi-ethnic nation of the Russian Federation, united by common fate on our land…” These are the first words of our fundamental law, the Russian Constitution. Each word has deep meaning and enormous significance.
🔹 On our land, united by common fate. This is what the people of Crimea and Sevastopol must have been thinking as they went to the referendum on March 18, 2014. They lived and continue to live on their land, and they wanted to have a common fate with their historical motherland, Russia. They had every right to it and they achieved their goal. Let’s congratulate them first because it is their holiday. Happy anniversary!
🔹 Over these years, Russia has done a great deal to help Crimea and Sevastopol grow. There were things that needed to be done that were not immediately obvious to the unaided eye. These were essential things such as gas and power supply, utility infrastructure, restoring the road network, and construction of new roads, motorways and bridges.
🔹 We needed to drag Crimea out of that humiliating position and state that Crimea and Sevastopol had been pushed into when they were part of another state that had only provided leftover financing to these territories.
🔹 There is more to it. The fact is we know what needs to be done next, how it needs to be done, and at what cost – and we will fulfil all these plans, absolutely.
🔹 These decisions are not even as important as the fact that the residents of Crimea and Sevastopol made the right choice when they put up a firm barrier against neo-Nazis and ultra-nationalists. What was and is still happening on other territories is the best indication that they did the right thing.
🔹 People who lived and live in Donbass did not agree with this coup d’état, either. Several punitive military operations were instantly staged against them; they were besieged and subjected to systemic shelling with artillery and bombing by aircraft – and this is actually what is called “genocide.”
🔹 The main goal and motive of the military operation that we launched in Donbass and Ukraine is to relieve these people of suffering, of this genocide. At this point, I recall the words from the Holy Scripture: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” And we are seeing how heroically our military are fighting during this operation.
🔹 These words come from the Holy Scripture of Christianity, from what is cherished by those who profess this religion. But the bottom line is that this is a universal value for all nations and those of all religions in Russia, and primarily for our people. The best evidence of this is how our fellows are fighting and acting in this operation: shoulder to shoulder, helping and supporting each other. If they have to, they will cover each other with their bodies to protect their comrade from a bullet in the battlefield, as they would to save their brother. It has been a long time since we had such unity.
🔹 It so happened that, by sheer coincidence, the start of the operation was same day as the birthday of one of our outstanding military leaders who was canonised – Fedor Ushakov. He did not lose a single battle throughout his brilliant career. He once said that these thunderstorms would glorify Russia. This is how it was in his time; this is how it is today and will always be!
🔹 Thank you!
🔗 Читать на русском https://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/68016