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⚡️ Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s comment on Kiev regime using and planning to use chemical weapons

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Detailed information about the Kiev regime’s mass-scale use of warfare chemical agents in violation of its commitments under the CWC, as well as provocations staged by Kiev and its Western backers to falsely accuse the Russian Armed Forces of similar actions, has been regularly shared with the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the UN Security Council, and the UN General Assembly since February 2022.

Despite irrefutable evidence provided by Russia, Ukrainian armed formations continue to use toxic chemicals (chlorine, ammonia, ammonium nitrate, and sulfuric acid) against Russian military units, civilians, and local administration officials. These include substances listed under CWC schedules 2 (BZ) and 3 (chloropicrin) and the RCAs.

This behaviour is enabled by political backing and approval coming from Washington, Berlin, London, and Paris.

Russian experts have documented Ukraine’s violations of
- CWC provisions,
- the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs
- the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances.

Ukrainian armed formations also pose an environmental threat to chemical plants in the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics, and the Sumy, Kharkov, and Odessa regions.

The "collective West" has created an atmosphere of impunity that emboldens the Kiev regime as it proceeds to perpetrate larger-scale crimes involving toxic chemicals.

⚠️ We have credible information that, with Western support, Ukraine plans to stage a series of anti-Russia provocations in the special military operation zone. Preparations are underway to fabricate evidence to accuse Russia of CWC violations during combat operations.

According to Russian authorities, NATO countries delivered over 70 advanced toxic chemical detection and recording devices to Ukraine between July and September. <...> Simultaneously, Ukrainian security forces have been trained both in Ukraine and at NATO centres in methods of evidence falsification which were earlier used in Syria, the Skripal poisoning, and the alleged poisoning of Alexey Navalny. NATO countries, in part through the OPCW Technical Secretariat, are helping Ukraine build a “body of evidence” to further accuse Russia of CWC violations.

Here are the documents to back this up (available in Russian)

We take it that the fabricated “evidence” cooked up not far from the contact line will, as was previously done in Syria, be swiftly handed over to international experts for a so-called independent report accusing Moscow of chemical weapon use.

The motive behind this campaign is clear. 👉 No international legal standard will stop NATO countries from pursuing their stated goal of achieving a “strategic defeat” for Russia, especially when it involves chemical provocations under false flag, as used for long years in Syria. Moreover, Ukraine’s close ties with Islamist-affiliated terrorist groups and nationalist-extremist groups in the Middle East and Africa underscore the very real threat of “chemical” terrorism coming from Ukrainian special services.

❗️ We caution Washington and its allies against “playing with fire,” so as not to irreparably damage the CWC framework established in 1997.
Комментарий Посольства России в США

Возмущены неприемлемыми высказываниями Вице-президента США К.Харрис в адрес Президента России В.В.Путина. Вынуждены констатировать, что хамская лексика вошла в привычку у нынешних так называемых государственных деятелей Америки.

Такая ситуация говорит лишь о досаде и бессилии правящих кругов в Вашингтоне. Из-за невозможности расправиться с Российской Федерацией и нанести ей «стратегическое поражение» их речевой аппарат канализирует злость и оскорбительную риторику.

Властям США следует смириться с тем, что Россия проводит политику, основанную на национальных интересах. Такого рода эскапады оскорбляют весь российский народ, демонстрирующий непоколебимую сплоченность вокруг руководителя нашей страны.
Comment by the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the USA

The recent unacceptable statements made by US Vice-President K.Harris towards Russian President V.V.Putin are outrageous. However, we have to admit that such a boorish language has become a habit among the current so-called American statesmen.

It only shows the frustration and impotence of the ruling circles in Washington. Due to their inability of dealing with the Russian Federation and inflicting a "strategic defeat", their speech apparatus channels anger and offensive rhetoric.

The US authorities should come to terms with the fact that Russia is pursuing a policy based on its national interests. Such US-escapades insult the entire Russian people, who demonstrates unwavering unity around the leader of our country.
Вниманию российских туристов и соотечественников, проживающих в США

К юго-восточному побережью Америки приближается тропический ураган "Милтон". Ожидается, что в ночь на 10 октября 2024 г. он обрушится на центральную часть Флориды: удар стихии, в частности, придется на города Тампа, Санкт-Петербург, Кейп Корал и Орландо. Помимо ветра, порывы которого способны достигать до 200 км в час, в прибрежных районах уровень воды может превысить 1,5-2 метра.

Ураган, согласно прогнозам, может стать одним из самых разрушительных в истории Флориды. В нескольких округах штата объявлена обязательная эвакуация населения.

‼️Настоятельно рекомендуем российским гражданам, находящимся в США, а также планирующим в ближайшее время посетить штат Флорида, проявлять максимальную осторожность и неукоснительно следовать рекомендациям местных властей.
Attention Russian tourists and compatriots living in the #USA

Tropical hurricane #Milton is approaching the southeastern coast of #America. It is expected that on the night of October 10, 2024, it will hit central #Florida: in particular, the cities of Tampa, St. Petersburg, Cape Coral and Orlando. In addition, the wind can reach up to 200 km per hour, the water level in coastal areas may exceed 1.5-2 meters.

The hurricane, according to forecasts, can become one of the most destructive in the history of Florida. Mandatory evacuation of the population has been announced in several counties of the state.

‼️We strongly advise that Russian citizens who are in the United States, as well as those planning to visit the state of Florida in near future, exercise maximum caution and strictly follow the recommendations of local authorities.
V International Children's and Youth Award
"Ecology is Everyone's Business"

Environmental initiative the "Ecology is Everyone's Business" has started.

The Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor) announces the start of accepting applications for the annual "Ecology is Everyone's Business" award. We invite all citizens, organizations and communities to take part in this important initiative.

The "Ecology is Everyone's Business" award is aimed at encouraging and supporting initiatives in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources. Its goal is to draw public attention to environmental problems and stimulate active participation in solving them. Rosprirodnadzor has prepared valuable prizes for laureates, award winners and active participants.

This year, the award will be presented in the following nominations: "Eco-initiative of the Year", "Eco-education", "Innovations in ecology", "Eco-volunteering" and "Eco-media".

- Submission of applications started on August 1, 2024
- Announcement of finalists will be on April 1, 2025
- Award ceremony will be held in July-August 2025

To participate in the competition, you must fill out an application on the official website of the award https://www.ecologyiseveryone.ru/. A description of the project or initiative, as well as supporting materials, must be attached to the application.

We invite all interested parties to take part in the award and contribute to the environmental protection!
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⚡️ Enjoy The Russian Embassy Weekly #3️⃣6️⃣6️⃣⚡️

Main topics:

🇷🇺🤝 CIS Heads of State Council meeting
🇷🇺🇧🇾 Vladimir Putin had a meeting with President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at the Kremlin
🇷🇺🇦🇿 Meeting with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev
🇷🇺🇦🇲 Meeting with Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan
🇷🇺🇮🇷 Meeting with President of Iran Masoud Pezeshkian

⚡️🇱🇦 Sergey Lavrov took part in the 19th East Asia Summit (EAS) in Vientiane, Laos
⚡️🇻🇳 Sergey Lavrov and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Laos Saleumxay Kommasith met on the sidelines of the East Asia Summit (EAS) in Vientiane
🇷🇺🎙 Sergey Lavrov’s and CIS Secretary General Sergey Lebedev’s remarks and answers to media questions
⚡️💬 Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following the 19th East Asia Summit

🔹🇧🇫 Russian Defence Minister Andrei Belousov holds talks with Prime Minister of Burkina Faso
Apollinaire Joachim Kyelem de Tambela
🔹🎖 Russian Defence Minister Andrei Belousov presents participants of special military operation
with Gold Star medals
🇷🇺🇨🇳 Russian and Chinese ships practise anti-submarine tasks during joint patrols in Asia-Pacific Region

🇷🇺✍️ Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's interview exclusively for Newsweek
🇷🇺📝 Embassy of the Russian Federation in the USA exclusively for Newsweek
🇷🇺♻️ V International Children's and Youth Award "Ecology is Everyone's Business"

🥊 One of the greatest wrestlers in history, World champ Ivan Poddubny was born on October 8, 1871
🏠 A renowned Russian architect Alexey Shchusev was born on October 8, 1873
🗣 Marina Tsvetaeva, a brilliant Russian poetess, was born on October 8, 1892
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Сегодня на традиционной по понедельникам линейке с поднятием государственного флага и исполнением гимна России в школе сложилась новая традиция - «Наш галстук – частица флага страны»! У всех учеников и педагогов появился новый праздничный атрибут – галстук с российским триколором. Это значимое нововведение школьной жизни станет важным элементом воспитания. Такая практика способствует формированию чувства патриотизма и гражданственности у подрастающего поколения.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Комментарий Посольства России в США

🔹 Обратили внимание на искаженную трактовку американскими журналистами заявлений из интервью завершившего командировку в США Посла России А.И.Антонова, которое было предоставлено изданию Newsweek «на полях» недели высокого уровня 79-й сессии ГА ООН.

🔹 В частности, в ходе брифинга в Госдепартаменте 15 октября корреспонденты и присоединившийся к ним пресс-секретарь внешнеполитического ведомства М.Миллер, по сути, вновь скатились к набившим оскомину обвинениям в «безответственном» использовании российской стороной ядерной риторики.

🔹 Вместо попыток в очередной раз дискредитировать нашу страну советуем обстоятельно ознакомиться с опубликованным материалом. В нем изложены коренные причины кризиса в российско-американских отношениях. Акцентировано: будучи ответственным государством, Россия не заинтересована в срыве связей двух великих держав и постоянных членов СБ ООН в неконтролируемое пике.
Регулярно доводим эту мысль до наших собеседников в Администрации и широкой общественности в Америке.

🔹 Кроме того, в интервью подчеркнуты риски потакания террористической деятельности киевского режима. Игнорирования четких предостережений российского руководства о том, что одобрение нанесения ударов ВСУ западными дальнобойными системами в глубине территории нашей страны будет означать прямое участие США и их союзников по НАТО в войне на Украине, что существенным образом поменяет саму суть конфликта.

🔹 Упомянуты в публикации и попытки ряда местных экспертов трезво оценить опасность втягивания Америки в трясину военного противостояния в Восточной Европе и легкомысленность расчетов властей Соединенных Штатов отсидеться за океаном при дальнейшем раскручивании Западом спирали эскалации. Как было отмечено, здесь жестко подавляются такие голоса как якобы распространяющие «кремлевскую пропаганду».

❗️Призываем американских журналистов не передергивать высказывания российских официальных лиц, а чаще задаваться вопросом о том, каким образом политика Вашингтона, продолжающего накачивать киевский режим оружием и использовать Украину как таран против России, способствует усилению безопасности самих США? Идея нанесения нашей стране «стратегического поражения» абсолютно иллюзорна и чревата непоправимыми последствиями для тех, кто пытается воплотить ее в жизнь.
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Embassy of Russia in the USA / Посольство России в США
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Комментарий Посольства России в США 🔹 Обратили внимание на искаженную трактовку американскими журналистами заявлений из интервью завершившего командировку в США Посла России А.И.Антонова, которое было предоставлено изданию Newsweek «на полях» недели…
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Comment by the Russian Embassy in the United States

🔹 We have noted the distorted interpretation by American journalists of statements from the interview with Ambassador A.I. Antonov, who completed his tour of duty in the United States. The interview was given to Newsweek on the sidelines of the high-level week of the 79th UN General Assembly session.

🔹 Specifically, during the State Department briefing on October 15, correspondents, joined by State Department spokesperson M.Miller, essentially reverted to the tiresome accusations of "irresponsible" use of nuclear rhetoric by the Russian side.

🔹 Instead of attempting to discredit our country once again, we recommend thoroughly reviewing the published material. It outlines the root causes of the crisis in Russian-US relations. Emphasizes that, as a responsible state, Russia is not interested in allowing relations between two great powers and permanent UN Security Council members to spiral into an uncontrolled descent. We regularly convey this message to our counterparts in the Administration and the broader American public.

🔹 Furthermore, the interview highlighted the risks of indulging the terrorist activities of the Kiev regime. It addressed the ignoring of clear warnings from Russian leadership that approving strikes by Ukrainian Armed Forces using Western long-range systems deep into our territory would mean direct participation by the US and its NATO allies in the war in Ukraine, fundamentally changing the nature of the conflict.

🔹 The publication also mentioned attempts by a number of US experts to soberly assess the risks of America being dragged into a morass of the Eastern Europe conflict and the reckless calculations of United States authorities in hoping to sit out overseas while the West continues to escalate tensions. As noted, such voices are suppressed here as allegedly spreading "Kremlin propaganda."

❗️We urge American journalists to stop misrepresenting statements by Russian officials and to more frequently question how Washington's policy of continuing to pump weapons into the Kiev regime and using Ukraine as a battering ram against Russia contributes to the security of the United States. The idea of inflicting a "strategic defeat" on our country is entirely illusory and fraught with irreparable consequences for those attempting to achieve it.
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