Embassy of Russia in the USA / Посольство России в США
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🇷🇺 🇺🇸 #Комментарий Посольства
🔹 Как сообщил телеканал Fox Business, чиновники Белого дома принялись подключать популярных блогеров к пропагандисткой кампании по возложению вины за топливный кризис в #США на российское руководство.
🔹 Данная новость подтверждает стремление Вашингтона зарабатывать политические очки за счет русофобии. Трезво мыслящим людям понятно, что образ внешнего врага в лице нашей страны нужен правящим кругам для оправдания собственных провалов в решении внутриамериканских проблем.
🔹 Здесь предпочитают закрывать глаза на то, что истинная причина кризиса и рекордной инфляции в США - необеспеченные триллионные финвливания в экономику, а также санкционные войны против неугодных государств.
🔹 #Россия – надежный поставщик энергоресурсов, доказавший это десятилетиями взаимовыгодного партнерства со всеми государствами мира.
🔹 Не мы отказались от поставок топлива в США. Администрация, игнорируя потребности простых граждан, сама прекратила покупать у нас #углеводороды.
🔹 Политизация Соединенными Штатами экономических проблем продемонстрировала свою ущербность, что оборачивается сильнейшим и болезненным ударом по благосостоянию рядовых американцев. В результате такой политики двусторонние отношения между Россией и Америкой продолжают ухудшаться. Это наносит серьезный урон связям наших народов.

🇷🇺 🇺🇸 The Embassy’s #Comment
🔹 According to the Fox Business channel, The White House officials have begun to involve popular #bloggers in a propaganda campaign aimed at pinning the blame for the #fuel crisis in the United States on the Russian leadership.
🔹 This news confirms #Washington's desire to earn political points on #Russophobia. It is clear to reasonable people that the external enemy image of Russia is needed for the US leadership to justify its own failures in addressing domestic problems.
🔹 Here they prefer to ignore the fact that the true cause of the crisis and the record inflation in the United States is unsecured trillion-dollar financial injections into the #economy and #sanctions wars against undesirable states.
🔹 #Russia is a reliable supplier of #energy resources. This fact has been proven through decades of mutually beneficial partnership with all countries of the world.
🔹 Our country did not refuse to supply fuel to the #USA. It was the US administration that ceased purchasing hydrocarbons from Russia, ignoring the needs of ordinary American citizens.
🔹 The politicization of economic problems by the United States has demonstrated its lameness, which is delivering a strong and painful blow to the welfare of ordinary Americans. Such a policy results in further deterioration of bilateral relations between Russia and the USA and causes a serious damage to the ties between our peoples.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 #Comment by the Russian Embassy in the #USA
🔹 We paid attention to the new anti-Russian statements by representatives of the US administration regarding the special operation in #Ukraine. Our country is accused of organizing a system of "filtration facilities" in the "occupied territories" for Ukrainians who are allegedly tortured and then deported to isolated regions of #Russia.
🔹 Washington's attempt to vilify the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is apparently connected with dissatisfaction with the success of a special military operation. The desire to raise the degree of #Russophobia in order to attract global attention to the events in Ukraine and to mobilize additional resources to support the Kiev regime is also obvious.
❗️ The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, public organizations and ordinary Russians provide comprehensive assistance to residents of the liberated territories. Humanitarian supplies are carried out regularly. More than 43 thousand tons of basic necessities, food and medicines have already been transferred to the population of the People's Republics of Donbass, as well as Kharkiv, Zaporizhia and Kherson regions. Humanitarian corridors are functioning, through which civilians can freely move in any direction. Ukrainians obtain Russian citizenship voluntarily. Statements about the forcible confiscation of Ukrainian passports are poor quality Western disinformation.
🎙Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund

📍 Moscow, March 27, 2023


🔹As was the case many times over the past several centuries, Russia faced blatant aggression from the collective West. This time, the Western countries used Ukrainian neo-Nazis as a spearhead of the attack.

‼️The West is providing massive military, financial, material and political support to the criminal Kiev regime with one goal in mind. Its goal is to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, to destroy our economy, to foment public discontent resulting from an unfavourable social situation and thus to upset political stability in our country.

🔹In fact, today – President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly made it clear – what we are fighting for is not just our security or the lives of the Russians and Russian-speaking people residing in the new territories. We are fighting to not just eliminate threats to our security that are being created right on our borders, but to uphold Russian statehood as well. ❗️Make no mistake, we will respond in a tough manner to any and all unfriendly actions and use all the means that are available to us.


☝️It makes perfect sense that about three-quarters of the countries around the world chose not to join the sanctions against Russia and adopted a balanced position on the situation in and around Ukraine despite the unprecedented pressure, blackmail and threats coming from the United States and, in general, the Anglo-Saxons and their satellites in order to make them change their minds and to force them to oppose Russia and join the anti-Russian coalition.

🔹Today, many countries from the Global South and the Global East, a.k.a. the #GlobalMajority, see Russia as a reliable and predictable partner that is open to interaction based on equality, balance, and mutual consideration of interests.

🔹Countries like 🇨🇳China and 🇮🇳 India, as well as many countries from Eurasia, the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East, and Latin America are well aware of what is at stake. They are unwilling to give up their legitimate national interests in order to help the Anglo-Saxons and their minions maintain their hegemony or, more accurately, try to maintain their hegemony in the international arena.


🇷🇺Notably, despite the dirty campaign to cancel everything that is Russian, we still have many friends around the world, including in the West. We know that they are sympathetic to our multi-ethnic country, love Russian culture, and share the traditional moral and family values that we promote.

🔹We see that the current leaders of the United States and their allies are mired in Neanderthal Russophobia and are ignoring the outcries of their own societies. If and when they come to their senses, we will decide on our position regarding prospects for our relationship. It will be our own decision based on our terms.

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