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🇷🇺🌍President Vladimir Putin's remarks in the Plenary Session of the Russia–Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum.

📍 Saint Petersburg, July 27, 2023

Key talking points:

• Africa’s potential is obvious to everyone. For example, the average annual GDP growth on the continent in the past 20 years was 4–4.5 percent, which exceeds the world’s average. Africa’s population is approaching 1.5 billion and is growing faster than anywhere else in the world.

• Russia’s government, business and the public are sincerely interested in further deepening multifaceted trade, investment and humanitarian ties with the continent, which meets the needs of all our countries and promotes stable growth and prosperity.

• Russia-Africa trade reached 18 billion US dollars last year. It is an obvious result of the Russia–Africa Summit held in Sochi.

• We have always given and will continue to give special attention to supplying wheat, barley, corn and other grain crops to our African friends, including as part of humanitarian aid provided under the UN World Food Programme.

• Last year Russia’s trade with African countries in agricultural products increased by 10 percent to $6.7 billion, and has already demonstrated record growth in January-June of this year by increasing by 60 percent.

⚡️We are witnessing a paradox. On the one hand, the West seeks to block our grain and fertiliser exports, while accusing us of the current crisis on the global food market. This is outright hypocrisy. We saw this approach in all clarity with the so-called grain deal. Brokered with the participation of the UN Secretariat, it was initially designed to promote global food security, mitigate the threat of hunger and help the poorest countries, including in Africa.

• Russia’s share of the world wheat market is 20 percent, Ukraine's is less than five per cent. This means that it is Russia that makes a significant contribution to global food security and is a solid, responsible international supplier of agricultural products.

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🇷🇺🇲🇿 President Vladimir Putin met with President of the Republic of Mozambique Filipe Jacinto Nyusi on the sidelines of the Russia-Africa Summit.

📍 Saint Petersburg, July 27, 2023

💬 Vladimir Putin: Russia and Mozambique are bound by strong links of friendship and cooperation that took shape during the times when the people of Mozambique fought for their independence. We established our diplomatic relations in 1975.

Mr President, we value and share your ambition to strengthen the multidimensional ties between our nations.

Russia and Mozambique are advancing their political dialogue.

The Russian and Mozambican parliaments maintain active contacts and exchange visits.

The trade between our countries grew by 14.5 percent in 2022. In January-April 2023, the positive dynamics persisted, with 35-percent growth. We have noted good prospects in gas production, geological exploration, electricity generation, agriculture and fishing.

We are expanding the legal framework of our bilateral cooperation. Documents on intellectual property, geological projects, fishing and innovation will be signed on the sidelines of this summit.

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🇷🇺🌍 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s video address to participants in the second Russia-Africa Media Forum of top managers of Russian leading news agencies (July 27, 2023)

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💬 Relations between the Russian Federation and African states are on the upswing, which is in the fundamental interests of both sides. Russia-Africa cooperation rests on the principles of equality, mutual respect and non-interference in the internal affairs. We are particularly glad to note the ongoing expansion of contacts between people. It is promoting the sympathy our people developed for each other during the period of decolonisation.

It is hard to overestimate the role of the media, primarily news agencies, in the further strengthening of friendship, trust and understanding. Now our priority goal is to expand Russia’s media presence in Africa and the African media presence in Russia. One of the aims is to overcome finally the negative stereotypes imposed by the collective West.


It is important to fully harness the potential of modern information technology – social media, the blogosphere, and digital services and platforms.

❗️ The West is relentless in its attempts to smear the image of Russia and African states in the media space. Under the circumstances, there is high demand for the initiative, responsible work of journalists, media top managers and new media specialists.

I am convinced that you can create a constructive news agenda that will be based on truth and facts rather than manipulation and invention to which the US and European media are increasingly resorting now.
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🇷🇺🌍 President Vladimir Putin had a working breakfast with the heads of Africa’s regional organisations.

📍 Saint Petersburg, July 27, 2023

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💬 Vladimir Putin: It is for this reason that we decided that it would be important to discuss the prospects of cooperation between the Eurasian Union and Africa’s integration bodies. This primarily refers to the African Union which has been following a similar path with the creation of the African Continental Free Trade Area.

I would like to note that of all the regional organisations, the African Union is Russia’s main partner. We support it in its multifaceted efforts to ensure peace and stability and promote political and economic integration.

Today we will approve a major joint Russia–African Union action plan until 2026. This comprehensive document was drafted pursuant to the 2019 Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Russian Federation and the African Union Commission on the basic principles of their relations and cooperation. It focuses on intensifying contacts on peace and security and resolving crises.

We believe that the creation of a new permanent dialogue mechanism for consultations on such urgent issues as countering terrorism and extremism and ensuring food, information and environmental security could be a meaningful addition to Russia–African Union instruments of interaction.

🌍 Russia supports the African Union's participation in the G20 as a full member. We talked about this today. We expect that the G20 will reach a decision on this matter, including with our support, at the summit in New Delhi in September. Objectively, this decision would reflect the constantly growing role of the African continent and its leading regional structures in international affairs.

Naturally, we are ready to develop effective interaction with other African regional organisations that are represented at our meeting.
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🇷🇺🇿🇼 President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa on the sidelines of the Russia-Africa Summit.

📍 Saint Petersburg, July 27, 2023

💬 Vladimir Putin: Zimbabwe is Russia’s reliable ally on the African continent. We have established solid, reliable and friendly ties which date back to the time when the people of Zimbabwe fought for their independence.

There is positive momentum in our political dialogue, including in our inter-parliamentary ties.

After a slight decrease in 2022, trade increased severalfold in January-April, not only making up for lost ground but even achieving a higher result. We have good prospects for working together in multiple sectors, as we will be sure to discuss today.

The practice of educating Zimbabwean specialists in Russia has also proven its worth with 1,200 students from Zimbabwe studying at Russian universities. We increased the number of government grants for the 2023–2024 academic year from 80 to 125.

🤝 Russia and Zimbabwe have common or close views on most current issues on the international agenda. Your country traditionally supports Russia’s foreign political initiatives at the UN and votes for our candidates when it is necessary to fill a position. We very much appreciate this.
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🇷🇺🌍President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech at the gala reception hosted in honour of the participants in the second Russia–Africa Summit.

💬Friends, we are happy that heads of state and government and leading politicians and government officials from practically all African countries have arrived in St Petersburg.

Such a representative range of participants gathered in our northern capital, as we call St Petersburg, convincingly illustrates the mutual desire of Russia and African countries to expand and deepen mutually beneficial ties and contacts. This is also a real confirmation of our common intentions to take Russia-Africa relations to a new, more advanced level in politics, security, in the economic and social spheres.

🤝We are convinced that the St Petersburg summit will help us reach this main goal in full measure. We are looking to the future with optimism because Russia-Africa relations rest on the firm foundation of friendship and mutual assistance, an accumulated positive experience of our joint work and a truly rich and eventful history.

At one time, the Soviet Union rendered African nations tangible support in the struggle against colonialism, racism and apartheid, in the development of statehood and in the consolidation and protection of independence. It helped them lay the foundations of their national economies. <...> Russia will continue to expand on these kinds of traditions.

It is equally important to note that today Russia and the African countries stand together for the formation of a just, multipolar world order based on the principles of sovereign equality of states, non-interference in their internal affairs, and respect for peoples' right to determine their own destiny

☝️And, of course, our country will continue to make a real contribution to settling current crises and preventing the emergence of new hotbeds of tension on the continent, fighting terrorism and extremism, pandemics and hunger, and addressing issues of environmental, food and information security
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President of Russia Vladimir Putin opened the First Plenary Session of the 2nd #RussiaAfrica Summit


💬 Dear friends,

We continue our work.
We are opening the First Plenary Session of the Russia - Africa Summit.


This shows our mutual intention to strengthen cooperation in all areas, bolster honest, transparent and constructive partnership.
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🇷🇺🌍 President Vladimir Putin took part in the Plenary Session of the Russia–Africa Summit.

📍 Saint Petersburg, July 28, 2023

Key talking points:

• For decades, we invariably provided support during the African countries’ difficult fight against colonialism. Unfortunately, some manifestations of colonialism have not been eradicated to this day, and former colonial powers still practice them.

• These ideals of freedom, independence and sovereignty are also very important now in the difficult period of international turbulence, when a truly multipolar world order is evolving.

• Russia and Africa share the inherent commitment to standing up for genuine sovereignty and the right to follow their own unique development path.

❗️ The African continent is emerging as a new centre of power right before our eyes.

• We are ready to consider, in practical terms, proposals for expanding the representation of African structures, and Africans in general, in UN bodies, including in the context of the reform of the Security Council currently under development. We believe that the time has come to correct the historical injustices afflicted on the African continent.

• Realising the importance of an uninterrupted food supply for the socioeconomic development and political stability of African states, we are increasing agricultural supplies to Africa.

• Russia’s attention to Africa is steadily growing, which is evident in our plans to increase our diplomatic presence on the continent. We are ready to restore and open new Russian foreign missions and to increase the staff at a number of existing embassies.

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✍️ On July 28, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Chairperson of the Commission of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) Gilberto da Piedade Verissimo signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Russian Federation and the ECCAS on the Foundation for Relations and Cooperation, on the sidelines of the second Russia-Africa Summit in St Petersburg in the presence of President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Chair of the African Union, President of the Union of Comoros Azali Assoumani.

The ECCAS, which includes 11 countries in Central Africa (Angola 🇦🇴, Burundi 🇧🇮, Gabon 🇬🇦, Cameroon 🇨🇲, Congo 🇨🇬, the DRC 🇨🇩, Rwanda 🇷🇼, Sao Tome and Principe 🇸🇹, the CAR 🇨🇫, Chad 🇹🇩, and Equatorial Guinea 🇬🇶) was created in 1983 to develop integration processes between member countries, promote comprehensive deepening of regional cooperation based on their respective economic potential, and move towards the creation of a common market. In addition to the traditional package of integration goals, the ECCAS is also involved in strengthening peace and stability, combating terrorism and piracy, and supporting election processes in the ECCAS space.

This memorandum lays the legal foundation for relations between Russia and this integrational association and is aimed at assisting in further promoting cooperation in the economic, cultural, humanitarian and social spheres.

As part of the implementation of the memorandum, it is planned to hold regular consultations between the parties and develop separate cooperation programmes.
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🇷🇺🌍 Vladimir Putin’s concluding remarks at the second Plenary Session of the Russia-Africa Summit

📍 Saint Petersburg, July 28, 2023

💬 We had a meaningful and interested exchange of views on the entire range of strategic cooperation between Russia and African nations.

In addition, during plenary sessions, numerous bilateral meetings, thematic roundtable discussions and panel sessions, we reviewed in detail current global problems, issues of world economics and politics, food and energy security, stable and sustainable development and cultural and humanitarian cooperation.

We determined the main areas of our further joint work and mapped out our plans for enhancing foreign policy coordination, building up trade and investment flows and promoting industrial cooperation between Russia and African countries.

We talked about the training of top professionals for African national economies.

We drafted and approved the main declaration of the second Russia-Africa Summit and a number of thematic declarations:

• on preventing an arms race in space,
• on cooperation in international information security,
• on enhancing cooperation in countering terrorism.

In addition, the plan of action of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum for 2023–2026 is ready for adoption. Colleagues, if nobody objects, let us consider these most important documents adopted. (Applause.) No objections at all? Thank you.

In general, we highly value the results of our joint work at the summit. I am sure the achieved results are creating a good foundation for further deepening the Russia-Africa partnership in the interests of our nations’ prosperity and wellbeing.

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🇷🇺🌍 Press statement by President of Russia Vladimir Putin following the second Russia-Africa Summit

📍 Saint Petersburg, July 28, 2023

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Key points:

• We are happy that the delegations of the overwhelming majority of African countries and the heads of all leading integration structures of Africa are taking part in the summit.

• Representatives of African states displayed political will and demonstrated their independence and interest in developing cooperation with our country.

• Following the work, the participants adopted a solid package of joint documents. First, I will mention the St Petersburg Declaration that was approved by the leaders. It formalises strategic areas for the development of Russia’s cooperation with African countries in long-term perspective.

• All our states confirmed their commitment to the formation of a fair and democratic multipolar world order based on the universally recognised principles of international law and the UN Charter.

• They expressed their joint resolve to counter neocolonialism, the practice of using illegitimate sanctions and attempts to undermine traditional moral values.

• The Sochi agreement has been confirmed – to hold Russia-Africa summits every three years.

• The large-scale Action Plan until 2026 contains specific goals on invigorating the Russia-Africa economic and humanitarian partnership and implementing decisions of the Petersburg summit as a whole.

• We are planning to build up our trade in quality and quantity and improve its pattern. We are also going to gradually switch to national currencies, including the ruble, in making financial payments on commercial deals.

• Our country will continue supplying our African friends with crops both contractually and free of charge, help them develop their power industry to meet the growing needs of the African economies in hydrocarbon fuel and electricity generating capacities.
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🇷🇺🇨🇫 President of Russia Vladimir Putin held a meeting with President of the Central African Republic Faustin-Archange Touadera

📍 Saint Petersburg, July 28, 2023

💬 President Putin: I would like to emphasise that cooperation between our countries has received a good boost in recent years. We consistently support the efforts taken by the CAR leadership to enhance national sovereignty and defence capacity, and tackle extremist and terrorist groups. We provide practical assistance to you and will continue to do so.

Regrettably, our trade and economic ties so far fall behind the general level of cooperation. But we are committed to taking efforts to improve the situation, including through promoting ambitious projects.


Mr President, as you know, we offer humanitarian support as well. In August 2022, a batch of food was donated to the republic as part of Russia’s voluntary targeted contribution under the UN World Food Programme.


Our countries share a common stance in the international arena; we coordinate steps on major regional and global issues and appreciate the support you offer to us within the UN as well as other international organisations.

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🇷🇺🇱🇾 President of Russia Vladimir Putin held talks with President of the Presidential Council of the State of Libya Mohamed Yunus al-Menfi

📍 Saint Petersburg, July 28, 2023

💬 President Putin: Libya is our long-term partner in North Africa. We have many years of experience of efficient joint work, and I believe we still have immense potential for interaction.

Our trade and economic cooperation is advancing quite well overall. Our mutual trade grew by 67.5 percent last year, which is obviously a good indicator, and nearly doubled again between January and April this year.

Priority sectors include industrial and transport infrastructure as well as the energy sector. Russia and Libya cooperate within various multilateral organisations and formats, including OPEC Plus and the Gas Exporting Countries Forum, which promotes stability in global energy markets.

Naturally, the agenda includes achieving a sustainable normalisation in Libya; we are well aware of this. Russia will further promote progress on key tracks of the settlement based on efforts to ensure unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Libyan state.

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🇷🇺🇪🇷 President of Russia Vladimir Putin met with President of Eritrea Isaias Afwerki

📍 Saint Petersburg, July 28, 2023

💬 President Putin: I am happy to meet with you again and to have the opportunity to compare notes on current issues. Russia and Eritrea maintain friendly relations that continue to develop on the principles of equality and mutual respect; last May we marked the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations.

A couple of months ago you visited Russia and we held in-depth talks, and discussed promising areas for cooperation between our countries, mapping out concrete steps to develop them.

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🎙 President of Russia Vladimir #Putin holds press conference on the outcomes of the #RussiaAfrica Summit

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🇷🇺🤝🌍 The Second #RussiaAfrica Summit has concluded!

🇩🇿 🇦🇴 🇧🇯 🇧🇫 🇧🇮 🇬🇲 🇬🇭 🇬🇳 🇬🇼 🇩🇯 🇨🇩 🇪🇬 🇿🇼 🇨🇲 🇰🇪 🇰🇲 🇨🇮 🇱🇾 🇲🇷 🇲🇱 🇲🇦 🇲🇿 🇳🇦 🇳🇬 🇨🇬 🇷🇼 🇸🇨 🇸🇳 🇸🇴 🇸🇩 🇸🇱 🇹🇿 🇹🇬 🇹🇳 🇺🇬 🇨🇫 🇹🇩 🇬🇶 🇪🇷 🇸🇿 🇪🇹 🇿🇦 🇸🇸

To all our African friends and colleagues: till we meet again!
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🎙 Russia’s President Vladimir Putin's answers to journalists’ questions following the Second #RussiaAfrica Summit

Key points

• The [Summit] atmosphere was very relaxed and friendly in every sense of the word. These people want to work with us. As for us, we must do everything to move in this direction, and this is what we will do.

• We have done a lot of good and useful things for Africa. When we contact African leaders and they say as much, we always have a feeling that we are good people. This is true in this case and it is very good.

• There is a lot of demand for working together on security matters. Africa still suffers from terrorism. This is a challenge for many regions and countries there. We know all too well that stability at home is a must in order to promote economic development, while there can be no stability without security. It is for this reason that they want to continue working with us and are sincere about it. This includes military-technical cooperation. Outside pressure has done nothing to scare them away.

• The African continent is extremely friendly and positive towards us. This is an important foundation we can use to build business relations as well.


• Just like any peace initiative, this initiative is helpful because it is focused on finding a peaceful solution to the conflict. There are certain provisions of this peace initiative that are being implemented after our meeting in St Petersburg six weeks ago.

• You know this, I constantly speak about this. We have never rejected peace talks.

☝️ The conversation in general was long and constructive. I think we spoke for almost two hours. Every participant had a chance to share their opinion on the matter. I want to stress once again: we spoke from the position of friendship, trying to find realistic ways and opportunities to lower the tensions.

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🗓 On July 27-28, St. Petersburg hosted the Second Summit and Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum.

The Forum and Summit were attended by official delegations from 48 countries (27 nations were represented by the head of state or the second highest official) and the five largest integration associations of the continent.

📃 The Summit resulted in the adoption of five key documents:
Declaration of the Second #RussiaAfrica Summit;
Declaration of the Second Russia-Africa Summit on the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space;
Declaration of the Second Russia-Africa Summit on Cooperation to Ensure International Information Security;
Declaration of the Second Russia-Africa Summit on Strengthening Cooperation to Combat Terrorism;
Action Plan of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum for 2023–2026.

A total of 59 panel sessions were held with 457 speakers in four main areas: ‘The New Global Economy’, ‘Cooperation in Science and Technology’, ‘The Humanitarian and Social Sphere: Working Together for a New Quality of Life’, and ‘Integrated Security and Sovereign Development’.

💬 President Vladimir Putin's concluding remarks at the second plenary session of the Russia-Africa Summit (July 28, 2023): "We had a meaningful and interested exchange of views on the entire range of strategic cooperation between Russia and African nations. <...> We determined the main areas of our further joint work and mapped out our plans for enhancing foreign policy coordination, building up trade and investment flows and promoting industrial cooperation between Russia and African countries. <...> We highly value the results of our joint work at the summit. I am sure the achieved results are creating a good foundation for further deepening the Russia-Africa partnership in the interests of our nations’ prosperity and wellbeing."

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🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview for the RT channel (Moscow, November 15, 2023)



• The cessation of hostilities and stopping of violence, is of huge importance to the civilians, but in historical terms, in sustainable settlement terms the second aspect of this problem, which is much more important, the creation of the Palestinian state is unavoidable.

• Of course, these days, Washington is highly ideologized. And anything coming from Russia is taken as a hostile act, hostile initiative. But on substance, in practical terms, Washington doesn't want to tie Israel's hands.

• Americans say that some pro-Iranian armed groups in Syria and Iraq are trying to attack American military sites. This is reported by the media. There is nothing new in this because these groups believe that the presence of the United States in Syria is absolutely illegal and this is a statement of fact.


• The most popular topic at the 2nd #RussiaAfrica Summit was that Africa does not want any longer to be a very rich continent which does not enjoy the richness it possesses, like in the colonial times, when most of the resources are being pumped raw into developed countries and then processed and sold with huge profit.


• The Eurasian continent, especially the Asian part of the Eurasian continent, becomes a powerhouse of the world economy. Integration structures existing in Eurasia established close links between themselves.

• Greater Eurasian Partnership must be open to all countries and organizations situated on the Eurasian continent, leaving the door open [even] to those who believe that they are masters of the universe.


• The process of shaping the new world order will take time. It might be a historic era, a whole historic era.

• The reform of the United Nations is a must, if only because multipolarity brought to the key positions many new players who are not now represented in the Security Council as permanent members.