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🎙 Вступительное слово С.В.Лаврова в ходе переговоров с Министром иностранных дел Индии С.Джайшанкаром

📍 Москва, 8 ноября 2022 года

💬 Рады вас приветствовать в Москве. Регулярно с вами общаемся. Это отражает темп, который задают наши руководители отношениям и нашему особо привилегированному стратегическому партнёрству.

В эпоху перемен, переживаемую сейчас международным сообществом, важно на регулярной основе сверять наши оценки и договариваться о том, как дальше будем продвигать решение всех задач, поставленных Президентом России В.В.Путиным и Премьер-министром Индии Н.Моди в политической, торгово-экономической, инвестиционной, технологической сферах, а также в области культурно-гуманитарных обменов.

🇷🇺🇮🇳 Всегда плотно координируем наши действия в международных организациях, включая #ООН, Совет Безопасности ООН, в котором Индия в настоящее время представлена в качестве непостоянного члена, в #БРИКС, #G20 и #ШОС. Всё это обогащает нашу повестку дня.

#РоссияИндия #ДружбаДости
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🎙 FM Sergey Lavrov’s opening remarks during talks with Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar

📍 Moscow, November 8, 2022

💬 We are delighted to welcome you to Moscow. We talk regularly, and this reflects the pace of growth that our leaders have set for our particularly privileged strategic partnership.

During the period of rapid change that the international community is going through, it is important to regularly coordinate our assessments and further plans to promote the achievement of all the objectives set by President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi in politics, trade and economic spheres, investment, and technology, as well as in cultural and humanitarian exchanges.

We always closely coordinate our actions at international organisations, including the #UN, the UN Security Council where India is a non-permanent member, in #BRICS, the #G20 and the #SCO. All of this enriches our agenda.

#RussiaIndia #DruzhbaDosti
🇷🇺🇮🇩 12 ноября в Пномпене С.В.Лавров «на полях» 17-го Восточноазиатского саммита провёл беседу с Министром иностранных дел Индонезии Р.Марсуди.

Основное внимание было уделено:

👉 практическим аспектам двустороннего сотрудничества,
👉 вопросам взаимодействия в рамках #G20,
👉 проблематике интеграционных процессов в #АТР.

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📸 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrives for the Plenary Session of the #G20 Summit in Indonesia.
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🇷🇺🇺🇳 #Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov and #UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres hold a meeting on the sidelines of the #G20 Summit, discuss the #GrainDeal among other topics.

🇷🇺🇨🇳 15 ноября на о.Бали «на полях» саммита «Группы двадцати» состоялась встреча С.В.Лаврова c Министром иностранных дел Китая Ван И.

🤝 Министры высоко оценили динамику развития российско-китайских отношений на фоне усиливающейся геополитической нестабильности.

Особое внимание уделено развитию ситуации на Украине и вокруг неё. С.В.Лавров подробно проинформировал китайского коллегу о позиции российской стороны по перспективам переговорного процесса по Украине, акцентировав недоговороспособность киевского режима.

Проведён доверительный обмен мнениями по актуальным международным проблемам с упором на положение дел в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе в контексте активизации деятельности внерегиональных игроков по созданию различных узкоблоковых форматов, подрывающих асеаноцентричную систему поддержания безопасности и стабильности в АТР.

Обсуждены ситуация на Корейском полуострове, вокруг Иранской ядерной программы и переговоров по #СВПД.

Подтверждён обоюдный настрой на наращивание взаимной координации в #ООН, #G20, #БРИКС, #ШОС, #РИК и других ключевых международных организациях и диалоговых механизмах.

☝️ Стороны разделили негативную оценку принятой с подачи США и их западных союзников резолюции Генассамблеи ООН относительно конфискации российских активов под предлогом неких компенсаций Украине.

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📖 О международном антикоррупционном сотрудничестве

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🇷🇺 Российская Федерация последовательно выступает за укрепление сотрудничества государств в деле противодействия коррупции при центральной координирующей роли ООН и на основе Конвенции ООН против коррупции.

Значительное внимание уделяется обеспечению российского участия в Антикоррупционной рабочей группе «Группы двадцати». Последний ежегодный доклад о прогрессе #G20 был сфокусирован на вопросах противодействия коррупции на таможне и в спорте.

Перспективным является антикоррупционный формат #БРИКС, позволяющий координировать там подходы «пятёрки» к наиболее значимым вопросам международного антикоррупционного сотрудничества, а также оказывать поддержку инициативам партнёров на различных международных площадках. В числе приоритетных пунктов повестки дня объединения – противодействие бегству коррупционеров от правосудия и сокрытию их капиталов.

Российская Федерация также входит в Межгосударственный совет по противодействию коррупции в рамках #СНГ, состоит в Группе по борьбе с коррупцией и обеспечению транспарентности #АТЭС, является участницей ряда профильных международных соглашений.

Значительное внимание уделяется антикоррупционному образованию. Россия ведет профильные проекты с Управлением ООН по наркотикам и преступности и Международной антикоррупционной академией. В последние годы реализовано большое количество обучающих инициатив совместно с партнёрами по БРИКС.
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Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov takes part in the first Plenary Session of #G20 Foreign Ministers' meeting

📍 New Delhi, March 2
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🇷🇺🇮🇳 On May 4, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held talks with Minister of External Affairs of the Republic of India Dr Subrahmanyam Jaishankar as part of his visit to Goa, #India, to participate in a meeting of the #SCO foreign ministers.

The Ministers exchanged views on the main issues of bilateral relations, including the schedule of upcoming contacts, as well as current issues on the global and regional agenda. The Ministers praised the dynamics of cooperation in key areas of the specially privileged strategic partnership between our countries.

The Parties reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening coordination activities to develop common approaches as part of interaction at the most important international platforms, including the #SCO, #BRICS, the #UN and the #G20.

The Ministers agreed to continue down the path of building a fair multipolar system of interstate relations.

#RussiaIndia #DruzhbaDosti
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🇷🇺🇨🇳 On May 4, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Qin Gang on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation’s Foreign Ministers’ Council meeting in the state of Goa, India.

The two Ministers praised Russian-Chinese relations for the momentum they have gained against the backdrop of growing geopolitical instability.

The two officials exchanged views on the current state of and prospects for developing the #SCO, welcoming the collective efforts by its member states to ensure peace and security in Eurasia. They also mentioned the SCO’s growing prestige in international affairs and its key role in the regional security architecture.

During the meeting, Sergey Lavrov and Qin Gang reaffirmed their mutual commitment to stepping up coordination efforts within the #UN, the #SCO, #BRICS, #RIC, #G20 and other key international organisations and dialogue mechanisms. They discussed several hot topics, including efforts to promote a peace settlement in the Ukraine crisis.

The meeting also included a confidential exchange of views on the latest international matters with a focus on the developments in the Asia-Pacific Region considering the fact that extra-regional actors have been increasingly active in seeking to set up various exclusive blocs and formats that undermine the ASEAN-centric security and stability framework in the region.

The two Ministers share the view that modern neo-colonialist practices are unacceptable and have a destructive effect on most countries around the world and international relations in general.

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🗓 On June 28, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with the Ambassadors of the #GlobalMajority countries, members of the #G20: Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Türkiye.

Current issues on the forum agenda for the Indian presidency was discussed. Special attention was paid to the preparation and holding of the G20 summit in New Delhi on September 9-10, 2023.

The participants of the meeting also emphasised the need to depoliticise the negotiations process and activity of this association, as well as to focus its discussions on the social and economic challenges and needs of the Global South.

Among the key areas of efforts are the democratisation of global management and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. The importance of boosting the role of the dynamically developing economies in trade, industrial and financial institutions was also noted.

Russia confirmed its support of the Indian presidency in the G20 and analysed the destructive impact of the illegitimate sanctions on international development prospects, as well as on food and energy security.

The Minister shared his view of the Western states’ pressure on the developing countries in the attempts to involve them in certain formats “of mutual interest,” reckless plans of global settlement according to Western templates, boosting the delivery of weapons to the Kiev regime, extending the armed conflict in Ukraine and isolating Russia.
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🇷🇺🇮🇳 On June 30, President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi held a telephone conversation.

In connection with the events of June 24, Narendra Modi expressed understanding and support of the resolute actions by the Russian leadership to protect law and order and ensure stability in the country and security of its people.

During the discussion of topical issues of bilateral cooperation, the Leaders noted the importance of further consistent implementation of large-scale joint projects in different areas and voiced their satisfaction over a tangible increase in trade in 2022 and the first quarter of the current year.

Special attention was paid to interaction in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and the #G20, in which India is holding the rotating presidency this year, and in the BRICS format. In addition, Narendra Modi told Vladimir Putin about his international contacts, including his recent visit to Washington.

The situation around Ukraine was reviewed as well. The President of Russia gave his assessment of the current state of affairs in the zone of the special military operation. He emphasised Kiev’s categorical refusal to take political and diplomatic steps to settle the conflict.

The conversation was substantive and constructive. The Leaders confirmed their mutual desire to strengthen the Russia-India specially privileged strategic partnership and planned future contacts.

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🇷🇺🇨🇳 On July 13, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Director of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee Foreign Affairs Commission Office Wang Yi met on the sidelines of the ASEAN ministerial events in Jakarta.

The two diplomats praised the development of the political dialogue and practical interaction between Russia and China against the backdrop of increasing global turbulence. They paid special attention to the implementation of agreements reached following bilateral contacts at the highest political level since the beginning of the year. The Parties confirmed the importance of maintaining cooperation to deepen the two countries’ foreign political interaction.

Sergey Lavrov and Wang Yi discussed in detail cooperation within #ASEAN in the context of certain countries’ increased efforts to create bloc-focused military-political formats designed to undermine the ASEAN-centric system of maintaining security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Parties exchanged opinions on the current developments around the Ukrainian crisis and assessed the efforts of the global community to launch a peaceful negotiations process on Ukraine.

🤝 They also emphasised the importance of strengthening foreign political interaction between Moscow and Beijing at various international platforms, including the #UN, the #SCO, #BRICS, #APEC, the #G20 and others. The Sides expressed a shared commitment to boosting bilateral coordination regarding issues on the regional and global agenda in the interests of creating a more just and sustainable polycentric international order.
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🇷🇺🇨🇳 On October 16, Beijing hosted talks between Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Foreign Minister of China Wang Yi.

✔️ The Ministers praised the positive dynamic of Russian-Chinese comprehensive interaction, had a detailed discussion of issues on the bilateral agenda, including contacts at the highest and high levels with a focus on the preparation for the Russian President’s participation in the Third Belt and Road Forum, as well as cooperation between Moscow and Beijing on aligning the development of the Eurasian Economic Union and China’s Belt and Road initiative.

✔️ The meeting participants underscored the importance of strengthening close coordination between Russia and China on the global stage, including in the UN and its Security Council, as well as the #SCO, the #G20, #APEC and other mechanisms and forums. They also reaffirmed mutual intention to improve contacts within #BRICS in the context of Russia’s chairmanship of the group in 2024.

✔️ The Ministers also exchanged opinions on a wide range of international and regional issues, including the sharply aggravated situation in the Middle East. They had a detailed discussion about security in the Asia-Pacific region in the context of maintaining stability on the Korean Peninsula and preventing the undermining of the ASEAN-centric security structure.

✔️ Sergey Lavrov and Wang Yi also discussed the Ukrainian crisis, including the efforts to settle it through political and diplomatic means.

✔️ They noted with satisfaction that their positions were close or similar on all issues discussed.

✔️ The talks were held in traditionally trust-based and constructive atmosphere.

🤝 #RussiaChina
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🇷🇺🇨🇳 On April 8-9, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was on an official visit to China, where he was received by President of China Xi Jinping and held extensive talks with Foreign Minister of China Wang Yi.

The Chinese leader welcomed Sergey Lavrov’s arrival in Beijing as an important step of comprehensive preparations for President of Russia Vladimir Putin’s state visit to China, scheduled to take place this year.

Xi Jinping praised the current state of bilateral relations, which continue to develop dynamically considering the difficult situation in the world, and stated his readiness to further strengthen comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation with Russia.


During Sergey Lavrov’s talks with Wang Yi, the schedule of bilateral contacts at the high and highest levels was discussed, as well as separate issues of practical cooperation in various fields.

The two countries’ Foreign Ministers stressed the importance to promote mutual cooperation with the #UN, #SCO, #BRICS, #G20, #APEC and other multilateral mechanisms and forums. The Ministers also discussed ways to ensure security and stability in the Asia-Pacific regions considering the US’s policy to create limited-membership closed military-political alliances there, which are anti-Russia and anti-China.

Separate matters related to the developments around the Korean peninsula and Taiwan, as well as within the Middle Eastern settlement process, were discussed, as well as prospects of forming new security architecture in Eurasia against the backdrop of stagnating Euro-Atlantic mechanisms.


The talks, held in Beijing in a traditionally trustful and friendly atmosphere, showed the two countries’ converging approaches to the major global processes and reaffirmed the importance of further promoting bilateral cooperation for strengthening peace and stability in the region and on the whole planet.

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🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s video address to the 9th international conference "Russia and China: Cooperation in a New Era" (May 30, 2024)

💬 I am delighted to welcome the organisers of and participants in the 9th international conference "Russia and China: Cooperation in a New Era".

Most recently, Russia's President Vladimir Putin paid a state visit to China, which definitely became the centerpiece of bilateral exchanges this year. <...>

🇷🇺🇨🇳 The bond of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation between Russia and China has grown unprecedentedly strong thanks to the personal efforts of both heads of state. The Beijing summit sealed the two countries’ firm commitment to further deepen and expand it. This commitment was documented in the two leaders’ joint final statement.

This year, Russia and China celebrate 75 years of diplomatic relations. We mark this significant anniversary with achieving a new quality of relations – today, Russia and China view each other as priority partners and invariably adhere to the principles of mutually respectful, equal and trustful cooperation. We support each other with regard to key issues affecting the respective fundamental interests.


Strategic coordination in the international arena remains a key component of the Russian-Chinese partnership amid the growing international tensions. Our foreign policy tandem, held together by a broad commonality of interests as well as coinciding or similar approaches to key issues on the present-day agenda, plays a major stabilising role in global affairs.

☝️ The two countries are strengthening cooperation on multilateral platforms, primarily the Unite Nations and the UN Security Council, as well as #BRICS, #SCO, #G20, and #APEC.


The Russian-Chinese strategic tandem is gaining status, and this opens up new horizons for us in terms of stronger sovereignty, economic growth, and prosperity of both countries.

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🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s opening remarks at a meeting with Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China Wang Yi on the sidelines of the #BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting (Nizhny Novgorod, June 10, 2024)

💬 We are happy to welcome you to Nizhny Novgorod, the capital of the Volga Federal District and the Nizhny Novgorod Region, which actively cooperates with the People’s Republic of China, including through the implementation of the well-known and beneficial Volga-Yangtze project.

During our recent meeting in Astana, we exchanged thoughts on the traditional Russian-Chinese Summit, which took place in May of this year. Our Presidents outlined the main direction for advancing our strategic cooperation in the context of the comprehensive partnership between Russia and China.

We have a special responsibility for foreign policy coordination, primarily at the UN Security Council, #BRICS, #SCO, #G20, #APEC, and other multilateral formats. The Global Majority countries have an increasingly positive perception of our engagement with our Chinese friends. The number of our opinion allies and countries interested in cooperation with BRICS and the SCO is steadily expanding.

Today’s ministerial meeting, the first after BRICS’ enlargement, will be dedicated to discussing these trends and charting guidelines for further development and determination. We will submit these to our leaders at the summit in Kazan in October 2024.

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🇷🇺🇧🇷 On June 10, Sergey Lavrov held a meeting with Foreign Minister of the Federative Republic of Brazil Mauro Vieira on the sidelines of the BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting in Nizhny Novgorod.

The Ministers had a productive and engaging discussion on various issues concerning the bilateral strategic partnership. They focused on the key aspects of Moscow-Brasilia collaboration at international platforms, primarily #BRICS and the #G20, as both countries are holding the chairmanship of these associations throughout 2024.

Additionally, the Foreign Ministers aligned their positions on a number of international and regional matters, including the situation in Ukraine.

🤝 The meeting took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere, which is a traditional feature of Russian-Brazilian interactions.

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🇷🇺🇿🇦 On June 10, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of South Africa Naledi Pandor on the sidelines of the #BRICS Foreign Ministers meeting in Nizhny Novgorod.

The meeting focused on topical issues of bilateral strategical partnership, with an emphasis on expanding trade and economic cooperation. Both Parties expressed an interest in deepening political dialogue and reaffirmed their commitment to effective cooperation at the #UN, #BRICS, the #G20 and other international platforms.

The participants also discussed further opportunities for the contribution of South Africa and a number of other representatives of the Global South in finding solutions to the Ukraine crisis proceeding from the common understanding of the origins and causes of the crisis.

During the discussion on Middle East issues, concerns were raised about the ongoing escalation in the zone of the Palestinian-Israeli confrontation. Additionally, the Ministers considered some aspects of the current situation in Africa and Europe.

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🇷🇺🇨🇳 On September 25, Sergey Lavrov met with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Wang Yi on the sidelines of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly.

The Parties praised the development of political dialogue and practical cooperation between Russia and China amidst the highly turbulent international situation. Focus was placed on the implementation of agreements reached at the higher level, as well as the preparations for the BRICS summit in Kazan and new contacts between the two countries’ leaders.

The Ministers stressed the importance of enhancing the two countries’ foreign policy coordination at international platforms, such as the #UN and its Security Council, #BRICS, #SCO, #APEC, #G20, and other formats. Sergey Lavrov and Wang Yi mentioned that Western countries’ illegitimate sanctions imposed in circumvention of UN Security Council resolutions are unacceptable as they undermine the stability of the global economy and universal forms of trade and economic cooperation.

An in-depth discussion was held on global and Eurasian security, including settlement process for the Ukrainian crisis and measures to counter the West in escalating the situation in the Asia-Pacific region and around Taiwan, as well as on a number of other issues on the regional agenda.

The conversation took place in the traditionally trust-based and constructive spirit typical of the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership.