Embassy of Russia in the USA / Посольство России в США
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Enjoy the 2️⃣3️⃣2️⃣nd #RussianEmbassyWeekly
⚡️ https://bit.ly/3CJTvsZ ⚡️
🔹 Meeting with President of #Belarus Alexander #Lukashenko
🔹 Telephone conversation with Olaf #Scholz and Emmanuel #Macron
🔹 Telephone conversation with European Council President Charles #Michel
🔹 Sergey #Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following talks with Foreign Minister of #Turkey Mevlut #Cavusoglu and Foreign Minister of #Ukraine Dmitry #Kuleba
🔹 Comment on military biological activity in Ukrainian biological laboratories
🔹 National document of the Russian Federation “Regarding potential chemical provocations in Ukraine”
🔹 Joint statement of the member States of the #CSTO on strengthening cooperation and coordination of efforts to combat chemical terrorism
🔹 On regular #briefings by representatives of the Ministry of #Defence of the Russian Federation
🔹 On congratulating the #Embassy staff on the International Women's Day
🔹 On the creation of the official #telegram channel of the Embassy
🔹 Ambassador Anatoly #Antonov's answer to a media question regarding the accusations about #Russia’s violation of #CWC and #BTWC
🔹 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's answer to a media question regarding the #US concerns over the possible transition of biological labs on the territory of Ukraine under control of the Russian Armed Forces
🔹 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's answer to a media question regarding the statements by Ned #Price that Russia could use chemical weapons in Ukraine
🔹 The Embassy’s comment on the extremist activities of Meta
🔹 The Embassy's comment on the situation with Elena #Branson
🔹 The Embassy's comment in response to the new US #sanctions
🔹 The Embassy's comment in response to the publication of The Wall Street Journal
🇷🇺 🇺🇸 #Комментарий Посольства
🔹 Как сообщил телеканал Fox Business, чиновники Белого дома принялись подключать популярных блогеров к пропагандисткой кампании по возложению вины за топливный кризис в #США на российское руководство.
🔹 Данная новость подтверждает стремление Вашингтона зарабатывать политические очки за счет русофобии. Трезво мыслящим людям понятно, что образ внешнего врага в лице нашей страны нужен правящим кругам для оправдания собственных провалов в решении внутриамериканских проблем.
🔹 Здесь предпочитают закрывать глаза на то, что истинная причина кризиса и рекордной инфляции в США - необеспеченные триллионные финвливания в экономику, а также санкционные войны против неугодных государств.
🔹 #Россия – надежный поставщик энергоресурсов, доказавший это десятилетиями взаимовыгодного партнерства со всеми государствами мира.
🔹 Не мы отказались от поставок топлива в США. Администрация, игнорируя потребности простых граждан, сама прекратила покупать у нас #углеводороды.
🔹 Политизация Соединенными Штатами экономических проблем продемонстрировала свою ущербность, что оборачивается сильнейшим и болезненным ударом по благосостоянию рядовых американцев. В результате такой политики двусторонние отношения между Россией и Америкой продолжают ухудшаться. Это наносит серьезный урон связям наших народов.

🇷🇺 🇺🇸 The Embassy’s #Comment
🔹 According to the Fox Business channel, The White House officials have begun to involve popular #bloggers in a propaganda campaign aimed at pinning the blame for the #fuel crisis in the United States on the Russian leadership.
🔹 This news confirms #Washington's desire to earn political points on #Russophobia. It is clear to reasonable people that the external enemy image of Russia is needed for the US leadership to justify its own failures in addressing domestic problems.
🔹 Here they prefer to ignore the fact that the true cause of the crisis and the record inflation in the United States is unsecured trillion-dollar financial injections into the #economy and #sanctions wars against undesirable states.
🔹 #Russia is a reliable supplier of #energy resources. This fact has been proven through decades of mutually beneficial partnership with all countries of the world.
🔹 Our country did not refuse to supply fuel to the #USA. It was the US administration that ceased purchasing hydrocarbons from Russia, ignoring the needs of ordinary American citizens.
🔹 The politicization of economic problems by the United States has demonstrated its lameness, which is delivering a strong and painful blow to the welfare of ordinary Americans. Such a policy results in further deterioration of bilateral relations between Russia and the USA and causes a serious damage to the ties between our peoples.
🇷🇺 🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's #answer to a media question:
: Dear Ambassador, how could you comment on the new "package" of anti-Russian #sanctions on March 24?
💬Anatoly #Antonov: This is another example of obscuring the reality. The #US authorities are trying to punish members of the State Duma for expressing their own position that runs counter to #Washington's guidelines. Legislators defend the national interests of Russia. There is no other way.
🔷 It is obvious that the new "package" of anti-Russian sanctions aims to destroy the #economy and undermine the political situation in our country. Trampling on their own slogans about freedom of speech and democracy, the US authorities want to gag all dissenters.
🔷 Serial sanctions strikes will not achieve their goals. The untruth cannot bring the people of #Russia to its knees. No one can force us to sacrifice the good of the Motherland for pleasing the will of the United States and its allies.
🔷It would be good for the U.S. leadership to channel all their determination and uncompromising attitude to addressing the numerous problems of their own country and not assert themselves at the expense of the Russian Federation.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎥 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with the Prensa Latina Cuban news agency (Moscow, March 30, 2023)


We are fighting for our country’s security, <...> for the people whom the Kiev regime declared terrorists and publicly threatened to destroy.


Three-quarters of the countries around the world, primarily in Asia, Latin America, and Africa, have not joined the sanctions. They are being constantly blackmailed and threatened with severing access to funding or creating problems with the IMF or World Bank loans. I can’t even recall anything like that happening during the Cold War.

Now together with all our friends and partners we are working on new approaches to establishing supply chains, financing, and banking operations that will not depend in any way on the whims of the United States.


Europe is losing its competitive edge as a continent that has been forced to give up cheap Russian gas. It is on the verge of de-industrialisation as European businesses are fleeing to the United States. A reappraisal of everything that is going on, including in the minds of European politicians, has begun.


The nature of our relationship is described as a strategic partnership. But this is a formal characteristic. Our relations go deeper, are rooted in people-to-people ties, in the sympathy our people feel for each other. <...> Our cooperation goes back many decades, despite sanctions and various difficulties, when our relations were hindered in every possible way. We have already developed mechanisms and the ability to achieve results, regardless of the restrictive measures imposed by the West.


We welcome the revival of the CELAC spirit of regional solidarity. This organisation resumed its role of a priority group which is seen by the Latin American and Caribbean countries as a key tool for advancing their collective interests as part of the emerging multipolar world.

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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇺🇳 Russia's position at the seventy-eighth session of the UN General Assembly

The primary objective of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly is to reaffirm the central and coordinating role of the universal Organization in global affairs and to strengthen the multipolar system of international relations.

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👉 We have consistently advocated strengthening the multilateral framework of international relations and world economy based on the universal norms of international law, first and foremost the provisions of the UN Charter, focusing on the unconditional respect for the sovereign equality of states and non-interference in their internal affairs.

❗️ It is pivotal to prevent a small group of Western countries from taking control of the UN by striving to substitute generally recognized principles of cooperation between the states with non-consensual constructs.


The UN Security Council reform should aim to strengthen the representation of developing states from Africa, Asia and Latin America in the Security Council without prejudice to the UNSC's effectiveness and operational efficiency. Low twenties seems the optimum number of members of the reformed Council.

We support realistic initiatives to revitalize the work of the UN General Assembly within the relevant Ad Hoc Working Group. It is of paramount importance to fine-tune UNGA working methods, streamline its overloaded agenda and strengthen multilingualism.


Sanctions are an important auxiliary tool for the UNSC to suppress activities threatening international peace and security. They must not be used as a means of punishment. They should be carefully measured, targeted and time-limited and take into account political, socio-economic, human rights and humanitarian consequences.

❗️It is unacceptable to introduce, in addition to UNSC sanctions, further unilateral coercive measures, especially those with extraterritorial effect. We advocate for including this requirement in relevant SC resolutions.