Embassy of Russia in the USA / Посольство России в США
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Официальный новостной канал Посольства России в США.
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🇷🇺 Embassy's #comment
🔹 We took note of another series of accusations against our country by the United States of alleged violations of the Chemical Weapons Convention (#CWC) and the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons (#BTWC). To back up the insinuations, the U.S. Department of State distributed a video through social networks, clearly designed to distract the attention of the international community from its own illegal activities in the field of military biology. The arguments of the U.S. Side do not stand up to criticism.
🔹 Cited below are the facts about the non-compliance of the United States with its international obligations under the abovementioned agreements.
1️⃣. In the course of the special operation in #Ukraine, the Russian #Defence Ministry received evidence of the creation of biological weapons components with the direct participation of the #Pentagon. The financing by the #US side of military biological projects on the Ukrainian territory is documented. The total funding amounted to $32 million. One of the curators of this activity was the head of the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (#DTRA) office at the US Embassy in #Kiev, Joanna #Wintrall.
2️⃣ . The Russian Federation is fully aware that radical Ukrainian groups under the control of representatives of American special services have prepared several potential scenarios of the use of toxic chemicals in order to carry out various types of provocations against civilians.
🔹 The objective of such inhumane actions is to accuse #Russia of the use of chemical weapons against the civil population of Ukraine. Such information cannot but raise serious concern, taking into account that the United States has not yet destroyed its national stocks of chemical warfare agents.
🔹 We demand that the US Side disclose information about military biological activity in laboratories on the territory of Ukraine as soon as possible. What kind of peaceful research we are talking about if the Pentagon stands behind these projects.

#ZaМир #ZаРоссию #ZаПрезидента
🇷🇺 🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's #answer to a media question
: Dear Ambassador, what do you think of the continuing arms supplies to #Ukraine by the United States and its allies?
💬 Anatoly #Antonov: Pumping the #Kiev regime with weapons and sending foreign mercenaries to the Ukrainian territory is irresponsible and extremely dangerous. The militarization of Ukraine poses a direct threat to the European and global security.
🔷 The transfer of lethal weapons takes place through the arbitrary interpretation of national export control legislations by the authorities of Western countries. Licenses are often approved in a "simplified" mode. As a result, a significant part of weapons falls into the hands of bandits, Nazis, terrorists and criminals.
🔷 Do Western countries not realize that militants who have come from all over the world to #Europe can afterwards apply the combat experience gained in Ukraine anywhere, including back at home? Do they not understand the risks of the spread of missile weapons transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukrane across the European Union and neighboring regions as well as their use against civil aviation?
🔷 US politicians who make decisions regarding the uncontrolled supply of Stingers and other combat systems to Kiev should abandon their illusions and complacency. The #USA is not an isolated "island of prosperity". There is no guarantee that the weapons would not fall into the hands of extremists on its territory.
🔷 NATO member states have apparently forgotten how the United States were fishing the #MANPADS handed over to the #Afghan mujahideens in the 1980s throughout the entire Middle and Near East. And now, in the pursuit of financial gain, companies of the military-industrial complex have completely lost their moral guidelines and are willing to earn blood money.
🔷 We call on sponsors of the Kiev regime to stop encouraging bloodshed in Ukraine and give a serious consideration to the consequences of their activities.