Embassy of Russia in the USA / Посольство России в США
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🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's answer to a media question:
: Dear Ambassador, how would you comment on the intention of the State Department to assist Ukraine in demining its territories? It was announced that the US side is allocating $89 million for these purposes.
💬 Anatoly #Antonov: The wordings used by the State Department in the preparation of the statement are fundamental. Washington unfairly holds us responsible for mining the territory of the Republic. In the Russophobic campaign, the Americans surpassed themselves by comparing the actions of the Russian Armed Forces with the tactics of ISIS in Syria. We were accused, among other things, of blocking access to farmland.
🔹We strongly reject these insinuations. During the negotiations on grain exports, the international community has already made sure that the Ukrainians themselves mined the coastal waters of the Black Sea. This practice extends to numerous social and infrastructure facilities. In particular, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are installing explosive devices on the territory of schools and kindergartens, literally dotting forests and fields with mines in various directions. By the way, some of the ammunition (for example, Claymore and C-4) is supplied from the USA.
🔹Ukrainian terrorists are firing shells equipped with Butterfly anti-personnel high explosive mines (PFM-1) at the cities of Donbass. More than 30 people, including children and elderly people, have already been blown up on them. Such actions clearly demonstrate the attitude of the Zelensky regime towards the population of those lands that Kiev would like to consider its own.
🔹As for farmland, there is evidence of repeated targeted arson of crops by Ukrainian formations. Even helicopters are used for this, scattering heat traps.
🔹All this proves that the real situation is the exact opposite of what the State Department states. However, this does not stop the organizers of the disinformation campaign against Russia. They do not stop attributing to us the deeds of the thugs from Kiev. The time has long come to truthfully show the crimes of the Kiev regime to the world, calling it to account for atrocities, primarily against its population.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's answer to a media question:

: How could you comment on the recent State Department publications aimed at “debunking myths” of the resilience of Russia’s economy to the western sanctions?

💬 Anatoly #Antonov: It seems that U.S. Administration is wishing to convince itself and its allies of the effectiveness of their favorite geopolitical weapon, is ready to resort to any biased and agenda-driven assessments. Obsession with restrictions does not allow Washington to understand that the chosen strategy has failed. Obviously, all the attempts to “strangle” and “cripple” our economy failed.
☝️The only result that the United States managed to achieve is further destabilization of the global economy, which, in the context of ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, is already going through hard times. At the same time, restrictions ricochet against the initiators of this sanctions madness.
🔹Another result of Washington's chaotic spreading of senseless restrictions has been an inflicted huge cost on businesses and ordinary citizens. Financial institutions and international companies, intimidated by U.S. regulators, are afraid to carry out routine operations. It has come to the point that even U.S. authorities’ attempts to explain to firms «exemptions» allowed within the sanctions regime, for instance in agricultural industry, do not work. Normal trade and economic cooperation have fallen victim to such situation.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's answer to the question by TASS news agency:

: Dear Anatoly Ivanovich, how accurate is State Department spokesperson Mr. Price's statement on the US working with Russia to resume New START inspection activity, and on the US sanctions not affecting the inspections?

💬Anatoly #Antonov: After the inspection activity under the New START Treaty was “frozen” in 2020 due to COVID-19, we engaged in an active dialogue with the Americans on its resumption. We used the appropriate diplomatic channels including the Bilateral Consultative Commission. We were able to solve a number of organizational and technical issues related to conducting inspections during the pandemic. However, the process was seriously complicated by the anti-Russian sanctions imposed by Washington.
❗️The lack of normal air communication with the United States, closing of airspace to Russian aircraft by American allies, and problems in obtaining transit visas for members of our inspection teams and flight crews all have created conditions which impede, if not block, our ability to conduct inspections on the US territory. State Department claims to the contrary are untrue.
☝️The New START verification mechanism cannot function one-sided. The Treaty is based on principles of equality and mutual consideration of interests. Until they are fully implemented, resumption of inspections is detrimental to us.
🔹We continue to work with the US side to resolve the issues at hand. Washington should not in word but in deed demonstrate adherence to the Treaty and a good faith commitment to its obligations. It is in the interests of both Russia and the United States to promptly return to the full-fledged inspection regime.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's answer to a media question

: Dear Anatoly Ivanovich, how would you comment on the administration officials’ statements circulating in the media linking the talks on a new framework to follow New START to the resumption of inspection activities under the Treaty?

💬 Anatoly #Antonov: We believe this way of raising the issue is inappropriate. The US Side distorts the value of the arms control dialogue, including on the developing of a follow-on agreement to New START. The fact that in February Washington made a unilateral decision to freeze the strategic stability dialogue and is now imposing preconditions to restart it shows the US disregard for the NPT.
☝️At the core of the problem with resuming New START inspections lies the US anti-Russian sanctions policy that de facto prevents our country from conducting verification activities on the US territory. The interruption of regular air traffic between Russia and the United States, closure of airspace to our aircrafts by Washington’s European allies, impeding Russian inspection teams and flight crews from obtaining transit visas – all these issues need to be resolved for the verification regime to resume functioning in full.
🔹Also, we must not forget about the need to settle the remaining differences on the precautionary measures related to COVID-19 pandemic. Ensuring the safety and health of both Russian and US inspectors is our main priority.
🔹We call on the United States to continue the interaction through diplomatic channels – instead of feeding the media with misleading statements – in order to resume inspection activities as soon as possible and in conformity with the New START Treaty’s principle of equality.
🇷🇺🇺🇸The answer of the Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov to the question of the media

:Dear Anatoly Ivanovich, how would you comment on the introduction of the next round of anti-Russian sanctions on September 15?

💬Anatoly #Antonov: Washington's stubbornness, which continues to unwind the sanctions spiral, is no longer surprising. The US authorities refuse to acknowledge that unilateral illegitimate steps are unable to achieve their stated goals. On the contrary, they are attacking the interests of the United States and the prospects for the recovery of the global economy.
❗️Confirmation of this is the confusion of the next "package of restrictions". The list includes high-tech companies and "fashion houses", Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights, Aide to the President of Russia. Contradicting themselves, the Americans, on the one hand, declare the importance of cooperation in space, and on the other hand, impose sanctions against the structures of Roscosmos. Unable to withstand competition with advanced financial technologies, they are trying to prohibit their use. The impression is that the administration, no longer knowing how else to draw attention to its restrictions, is rushing around like a cowboy with not very good eyesight and shooting randomly.
☝️I would like to emphasize that such hostile steps cannot affect the approaches and positions of our country. They will only lead to further freezing of the bilateral dialogue. It will not be possible to isolate Russia with sanctions. A good example of this is the tight schedule of Vladimir Putin's international meetings in Samarkand at the summit of the SCO member states.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's answer to a media question
: Dear Anatoliy Ivanovich, how would you comment on the Secretary of State Blinken's statement that the United States does not object to Kiev using Western weapons to attack the DPR, LPR, as well as the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions?
💬 Anatoly #Antonov: The administration continues to ignore the fact that arms deliveries to Ukraine lead to further escalation of the conflict. The U.S. and NATO military equipment is sowing death and destruction.
🔹Civilians and children are being killed. Residential areas, schools and hospitals are being irreparably damaged.
In instigating Kiev to continue using the military equipment received from the West, Washington does not realize the riskiness of its actions.
🔹The sponsors of neo-Nazi criminals are approaching the dangerous line that Russia has repeatedly and clearly warned about. The United States becomes a party to the Ukrainian conflict.
🔹Diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the crisis cannot be effective as long as the collective West uses the Zelensky regime as a military mercenary against Russia. Our steps to defend the Fatherland will be firm and decisive.
🇷🇺🇺🇸Answer of the Ambassador Anatoly Antonov to the question of the media
: Dear Ambassador, how would you comment on the reports of a new “package” of American military products for Ukraine?
💬Anatoly #Antonov: The administration’s decision to continue pumping the Kiev regime with heavy weapons only secures Washington’s status as a participant of the conflict.
🔹We perceive this as an immediate threat to the strategic interests of our country.
🔹The supply of military products by the US and its allies not only entails protracted bloodshed and new casualties, but also increases the danger of a direct military clash between Russia and Western countries.
❗️We call on Washington to stop its provocative actions that could lead to the most serious consequences.
🇷🇺🇺🇸Answer of the Ambassador to the USA A.I.Antonov to the question of the media
: Dear Ambassador, how would you comment on the latest statements by the administration promising further US support to the Kiev regime?
💬Anatoly #Antonov: Russia’s decision to strike with precision-guided weapons at infrastructure facilities in Ukraine was a response to terrorist acts committed in our country. The responsibility for them lies entirely with the Kiev regime.
🔹We did not expect any other reaction from the administration. However, we perceive the statements by the U.S. leadership about their intention to support Zelensky with additional supplies of military products, including the latest models, as another proof that Washington has secured its own status as a participant of the conflict.
🔹Such assistance, as well as providing Kiev with intelligence, instructors and combat guidelines, leads to further escalation and increased the risks of a clash between Russia and NATO. Not to speak of Ukrainian forces repeatedly using Western arms to hit civilian infrastructure and residential buildings.
🔹We call on the United States and its allies not to cross the “red lines” they have approached. Stop pumping the Kiev regime with lethal arms. It will only lead to new victims and destruction, as well as further prolonging the conflict.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Answer of the Ambassador to the U.S. A.Antonov to the question of the media
: Dear Ambassador, how could you comment on the representatives of the Azov battalion arriving in the United States and engaging in "educational activities" in American academic centers?
💬Anatoly #Antonov: We have noted media reports about the meetings of fighters of the Azov battalion (recognized in Russia as a terrorist organization) with students of top U.S. universities. Representatives of the neo-Nazi paramilitary organization spoke in front of an audience in Stanford University.
🔹There is no doubt regarding the kind of ideas the Ukrainian terrorists – with blood on their hands from the killings of civilians – are spreading among the youth. Let us recall the martyrs of Odessa burned alive in the House of Trade Unions in May 2014, the elderly, women and children of Donbass killed in atrocious and barbaric shelling by neo-Nazis.
🔹The mentioned organization professes a misanthropic and fascist ideology, which the West is well aware of. The official symbol of Azov is a sign of one of the SS divisions of Nazi Germany.
🔹We would like to remind that American lawmakers appealed to the US Secretary of State in 2019 to include the Azov in the list of foreign terrorist organizations. It was said that congressmen were shocked by the report of Soufan Center that Azov had turned into an international agency for recruiting and training ultra-right radicals around the world.
🔹It seems that in a maniacal desire to "denigrate and abolish" Russia, the United States is ready even to glorify Nazism, against which the peoples of our countries heroically fought during World War II.
🔹In the U.S., the glorious past – the Soviet-American brotherhood during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 when our grandfathers died at the hands of fascists, blood was shed for a future without Nazism – is being increasing forgotten. Is it really for the sake of defeating Russia on the battlefield that Americans will stand in line with the fascist thugs from the Azov battalion and defend the Nazi ideology?
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's answer to a media question

: Dear Anatoly Ivanovich, how would you comment on the allegations by the U.S. authorities that Russia is weaponizing food and provoking hunger by suspending the implementation of the “Black Sea Grain Initiative”?
💬 Anatoly #Antonov: Washington's reaction to the terrorist attack on the port of Sevastopol is truly outrageous. We have not seen any signs of condemnation of the reckless actions by the Kiev regime. Instead, all the indications that the British military specialists were involved in organizing today's massive strike with the use of drones, are disregarded.

The situation has escalated even further. But in the U.S., they do not intend to acknowledge this. Again, everything is reduced to false accusations that our country is exacerbating the global food problem. In the face of attacks and provocations against Russian military and merchant vessels involved in the “Black Sea Initiative”, we cannot turn a blind eye to security issues and continue working. It is unfair to condemn Russia in suspending the implementation of the deal. This happened because of the reckless actions by the Ukrainian authorities.

As for the insinuations about “provoking” hunger, we would like to remind you of our repeated calls to send food shipments, first of all, to countries in need. Instead, however, a good half of all carriers under the “grain deal” went to developed countries. While Somalia, Ethiopia, Yemen, Sudan and Afghanistan received only about 3% of the volume of agricultural products.

In addition, the Russian agricultural sector continues to face serious problems against the background of unilateral Western sanctions, despite all the declarations by Washington and Brussels about the alleged absence of any restrictions.

Russia, as one of the world's leading agroproducers, remains a reliable and responsible supplier to global markets. We have proved this by our concrete actions. It is obvious to reasonable politicians, as well as to ordinary people that those who hinder our supplies are the ones exacerbating hunger. Moreover, Washington and its satellites with their steps and rhetoric are encouraging the Kiev regime to carry on with its military escalation. This only contributes to the protraction of the conflict, delaying the possibility of its settlement at the negotiating table.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov's answer to a media question

: Dear Anatoly Ivanovich, how could you comment on the U.S. Treasury Department’s publication of a general license, allowing banks to process financial transactions for Russian diplomatic offices abroad?

💬Anatoly #Antonov: On the whole, we consider the decision by the U.S. administration to lift financial restrictions on Russian diplomatic missions to be a step in the right direction, although belated. It took a lot of work to bring Washington to realize the significant damage that sanctions inflict on our diplomats around the world. We hope that banks will correctly perceive the signal from the financial regulator and stop blocking the transactions necessary to ensure the normal functioning of Russian diplomatic institutions.

However, the U.S. Treasury Department’s license does not relieve the United States of responsibility for imbalances in world markets, which are caused by numerous illegitimate unilateral barriers. I am referring to rising prices, supply chain disruptions, problems in the food security sphere. Today’s illogical announcement by the U.S. administration - that Russia is now somehow considered a non-market economy - falls into the same category.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov’s answer to a media question

: How do you assess Zelensky’s visit to the United States and the statements made by the U.S. officials?

💬Anatoly #Antonov: The Hollywood-style trip to Washington by the head of the Kiev regime has confirmed that the administration's conciliatory statements about the lack of intention to start a confrontation with Russia are just empty words.

What was essentially announced
to applauses and sarcastic smirks, was the need to continue the "proxy war" against our country. Till a full victory over us.

Enormous resources, weapons, intelligence capabilities are thrown in. The manic idea of "victory over the Russians on the battlefield" is put at the forefront. Some legislators even argue that the Russian Federation can be conquered in three days.

our warnings, Patriot air defense system will be sent to Kyiv. However, the country does not have specialists to work with them. So, will those be American specialists? Or citizens of another NATO country? They cannot but realize here that Western weapons are being systematically destroyed by our military. I think everyone understands perfectly well what fate the personnel, manning these complexes on the territory of Ukraine, can face.

I want to emphasize that we have repeatedly tried and are still trying to appeal to common sense at all levels. It was stressed that the provocative actions by the U.S. are steadily leading to an escalation, the consequences of which cannot even be imagined. Thusly, discussions about the hypothetical supply of ATACMS missiles and long-range strike UAVs to Ukrainians are deeply disturbing.

The United States are fully responsible for unleashing the Ukrainian conflict in 2014.
All these years, Washington has stubbornly ignored or pretended not to notice the inhuman crimes of the Kiev regime against the Russian population in Ukraine.

Zelensky's visit to the American capital, the talks in Washington showed that neither the administration nor Zelensky is ready for peace. Focus is on war, on the death of ordinary soldiers, on further tying the Ukrainian regime to the needs of Washington. The notions mulled by the U.S. media that Russia is not interested in achieving peace are a blatant lie. The Russian position was repeatedly voiced by the President of Russia.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's answer to a media question on the Washington's intention to transfer Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles to Kiev

: Dear Mr. Ambassador, how could you comment on the Administration’s decision on January the 5th to transfer Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles to the Kiev regime?

💬Anatoly #Antonov: This step comes as a confirmation that our interlocutors in the United States have not even tried to listen to our numerous calls to take into account possible consequences of such a dangerous course by Washington.

☝️It is finally becoming clear to the whole international community that in 2014 the US unleashed a real proxy-war against Russia by supporting nazi criminals in Kiev. Any talk about a “defensive nature” of weapons supplied to Ukraine has long become absurd.

❗️The actions of the Administration spur Ukrainian radicals to proceed with their terrible deeds. With every consecutive transfer of arms their feeling of impunity grows stronger. They continue to kill civilians in Donbas, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions of the Russian Federation in an extremely cynical way.

Even more remarkably, the Administration revealed the abovementioned decision after a phone conversation between President Biden and German Chancellor Scholz. The international community must not ignore the fact that Angela Merkel and François Hollande confessed: the Minsk agreements served to give time to Kiev to enhance its military capabilities. In view of close ties between Washington and Berlin it becomes clear that the West under US leadership simply deceived our country and started to purposefully weaken Russia much earlier than February 24, 2022. How shall one trust the politicians of major west European states if and when there comes a moment to talk about the future world order, the system and substance of agreements possibly needed to this end?

Nobody should still have doubts who bears responsibility for prolonging this conflict. All the actions by the Administration indicate a lack of any desire for a political settlement. Even the unilaterally declared ceasefire by the Russian Federation along the entire line of contact in Ukraine during Orthodox Christmas was labeled as an attempt to “find some oxygen”. All this means that Washington is committed to fighting with us “to the last Ukrainian”, while the destiny of people of Ukraine means nothing to the US.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov’s answer to a media question

: Dear Mr. Ambassador, how could you comment on the Pentagon’s statement regarding the training of the Ukrainian military for the operation of the Patriot air defense system in the U.S.?

💬Anatoly #Antonov: The decision by the U.S. Department of Defense to organize training at Fort Sill in Oklahoma is another confirmation of Washington's de facto involvement in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of Nazi criminals from Kiev.

☝️It is noteworthy that our efforts to bring to the attention of the American audience the true danger of such a line by the White House are step by step recognized by the local expert community. For example, Washington Post observers openly admitted that the training of Ukrainian troops in the United States means that U.S. involvement into the confrontation is growing. They noted that the administration is no longer limiting itself to strengthening the defense potential of Kiev, but is transferring new weapons to the republic in order to increase its offensive capabilities.

❗️The last argument, voiced by the local journalists, vividly shows that Washington deliberately misled our country and the world, speaking about the desire to strengthen Ukraine's self-defense ability. The real goal of the administration is to inflict on Russia as much damage on the battlefield as possible, using Ukrainians as proxies.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's answer to a media question

: Dear Anatoly Ivanovich, how could you comment on the statements of the State Department Press Secretary about the actual possibility of Ukrainians to strike at Crimea using the weapons supplied from the United States?

Anatoly #Antonov: We can state that the rhetoric of American officials is becoming more belligerent. The State Department, through out-of-touch assertions that “Crimea is Ukraine” and that the Armed Forces of Ukraine can use American weapons to protect their territory, is essentially pushing the Kiev regime to carry out terrorist attacks in Russia. Hearing such remarks from Washington, the criminals in Kiev will once again feel complete permissiveness. The risks of conflict escalation will only increase.

Against this background, local journalists support such an attitude of the administration and justify strikes of the Kiev regime against Crimea. It is said that American MLRS HIMARS as well as Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles could be used in the future to launch the offensive in the Crimean direction. Commentators naively believe that Russia will not respond to attacks on its territory.

❗️It should be clear for everyone – we will destroy any weapons supplied to the Zelensky's regime by either the United States or NATO. That is true now as it was true during the Great Patriotic War. The emergence of tanks, bearing Nazi insignia, on the former Soviet soil unequivocally makes us aim at toppling the neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine and creating normal conditions so that the neighboring peoples in the region could live peacefully like in the old days.

☝️Doesn’t it really remain unclear for anyone that pumping up Ukraine with materiel from the U.S. or other NATO countries will only lead to an increase in civilian casualties and create additional difficulties in the former Soviet republic. Ponder over the theses of Vladimir Putin. Listen carefully to today's news conference by Sergey Lavrov. It is just impossible to defeat the Russian Federation. Victory will be ours.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov’s answer to a media question

: Dear Anatoly Ivanovich, what do you think of the Administration’s January 19 statements that Russia is using dangerous and reckless rhetoric in the nuclear sphere?

💬Anatoly #Antonov: Frankly speaking, we long stopped being surprised by the empty and irresponsible allegations that our country is threatening to use nuclear weapons. No one in the Russian political or military leadership has ever spoken in such a way.

🤝In this matter we proceed from the 2021 Joint Statement of the Presidents of Russia and the United States that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. This principle was reaffirmed by the P5 leaders in January 2022.

☝️The only thing we do is to constantly warn Washington that its policy of ensuring strategic defeat for our country on the battlefield is rapidly leading the world to a catastrophic scenario.

The Americans and their allies have unleashed an all-out hybrid war against Russia on our own territory. At the same time they are profiting from their NATO partners by forcing them to finance the renaissance of the United States’ military industrial complex. The US defense industry did not see this kind of money even during the Cold War.

Washington is completely deaf to our signals. I would like to ask the American public a long overdue question: what else should Russia say or do to make the hotheads in the Administration come to their senses and avert the nuclear Armageddon that the White House publicly is so keen to prevent?