Embassy of Russia in the USA / Посольство России в США
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Официальный новостной канал Посольства России в США.
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🇷🇺 🇺🇸 The Embassy's #comment in response to the new US sanctions

🔹 The US sanctions pressure on Russia has long crossed all the boundaries of political and economic sense. The last few weeks have demonstrated this quite clearly.
🔹 Today’s decision by Washington to ban purchases of oil, petroleum products, gas and coal from Russia are from the same category. The goal is to demonstrate a willingness to sacrifice its own interests in order to "hit our country harder". As usual, the United States does not give a thought to the fact that restrictions are always a double-edged weapon. Now ordinary Americans have to deal with rising prices for gasoline, electricity and heating, and with the introduction of new sanctions, they will suffer even more.
🔹 It is obvious that the rejection of our resources will lead to significant fluctuations in the global energy markets. It will negatively affect the interests of companies and consumers, primarily in the United States itself.
🔹 Russia has variants where to redirect its high-quality and competitive products to. It is time for the U.S. Side to realize the illusory nature of the attempts to dictate its will and force us to abandon the protection of national interests with the help of the sanctions bat.
🇷🇺 🇺🇸 The Embassy's #comment on the situation with Elena Branson

🔹 On March 8, the The United States Department of Justice indicted the head of the Russian Community Coordinating Council (RCCC) in the United States, Elena #Branson, in connection with her allegedly illegal activities as a foreign agent in favor of Russia.
🔹 Such claims are outrageous and absolutely unfounded. This is an element of a large-scale anti-Russian campaign that resembles a "witch hunt" in the worst traditions of McCarthyism.
🔹 We regard the persecution of Elena Branson as a hostile action. Thus, the U.S. are denying emigrants from Russia their right to maintain communication with their Motherland, to take an active part in preserving their own cultural and linguistic heritage. The public activities of our fellow citizens in the humanitarian field are absolutely open and transparent. Information about their events is published on websites and social networks.
🔹 Russian position on egregious cases of persecution of representatives of the Russian diaspora has been communicated to U.S. authorities. However, US officials continue to ignore our calls to provide the community with basic rights, which are spelled out, among other things, in the First Amendment to the US Constitution. In fact, we are talking about a gross violation of personal freedoms in a country that claims to be called a "stronghold of democracy."
🔹 We demand an end to the persecution of compatriots. Give them the opportunity to speak freely their native Russian language, maintain contacts with the Motherland, implement cultural and historical projects, especially those that link the glorious past of Russia and the United States.
🇷🇺 🇺🇸 #Комментарий Посольства
🔹 Как сообщил телеканал Fox Business, чиновники Белого дома принялись подключать популярных блогеров к пропагандисткой кампании по возложению вины за топливный кризис в #США на российское руководство.
🔹 Данная новость подтверждает стремление Вашингтона зарабатывать политические очки за счет русофобии. Трезво мыслящим людям понятно, что образ внешнего врага в лице нашей страны нужен правящим кругам для оправдания собственных провалов в решении внутриамериканских проблем.
🔹 Здесь предпочитают закрывать глаза на то, что истинная причина кризиса и рекордной инфляции в США - необеспеченные триллионные финвливания в экономику, а также санкционные войны против неугодных государств.
🔹 #Россия – надежный поставщик энергоресурсов, доказавший это десятилетиями взаимовыгодного партнерства со всеми государствами мира.
🔹 Не мы отказались от поставок топлива в США. Администрация, игнорируя потребности простых граждан, сама прекратила покупать у нас #углеводороды.
🔹 Политизация Соединенными Штатами экономических проблем продемонстрировала свою ущербность, что оборачивается сильнейшим и болезненным ударом по благосостоянию рядовых американцев. В результате такой политики двусторонние отношения между Россией и Америкой продолжают ухудшаться. Это наносит серьезный урон связям наших народов.

🇷🇺 🇺🇸 The Embassy’s #Comment
🔹 According to the Fox Business channel, The White House officials have begun to involve popular #bloggers in a propaganda campaign aimed at pinning the blame for the #fuel crisis in the United States on the Russian leadership.
🔹 This news confirms #Washington's desire to earn political points on #Russophobia. It is clear to reasonable people that the external enemy image of Russia is needed for the US leadership to justify its own failures in addressing domestic problems.
🔹 Here they prefer to ignore the fact that the true cause of the crisis and the record inflation in the United States is unsecured trillion-dollar financial injections into the #economy and #sanctions wars against undesirable states.
🔹 #Russia is a reliable supplier of #energy resources. This fact has been proven through decades of mutually beneficial partnership with all countries of the world.
🔹 Our country did not refuse to supply fuel to the #USA. It was the US administration that ceased purchasing hydrocarbons from Russia, ignoring the needs of ordinary American citizens.
🔹 The politicization of economic problems by the United States has demonstrated its lameness, which is delivering a strong and painful blow to the welfare of ordinary Americans. Such a policy results in further deterioration of bilateral relations between Russia and the USA and causes a serious damage to the ties between our peoples.
🇷🇺 🇺🇸 #Комментарий Посольства в связи с новыми персональными санкциями США
🔹15 марта после многочисленных публикаций и их удаления с ведомственных сайтов Госдепартамент и Минфин объявили о дополнительных персональных санкциях против официальных представителей России.
🔹Очередная враждебная акция продолжает загонять российско-американские отношения в еще более глухой тупик. Препятствует сохранению немногочисленных каналов взаимодействия между нашими странами.
🔹Подобные выпады не останутся без ответа, как того требует принцип взаимности.

🇷🇺 🇺🇸 The Embassy's #Comment regarding the new personal sanctions imposed by the United States
🔹 On March 15, after numerous publications and their removals from the websites, the U.S. Department of State and The U.S. Department of the Treasury announced additional personal sanctions against Russian officials.
🔹 Another hostile action drives Russian-U.S. relations further into an even more dead end. It hinders the maintainance of the few channels of interaction between our countries.
🔹 Such attacks will not go unanswered, as is required by the principle of reciprocity.
🇷🇺 Embassy's #comment
🔹 We took note of another series of accusations against our country by the United States of alleged violations of the Chemical Weapons Convention (#CWC) and the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons (#BTWC). To back up the insinuations, the U.S. Department of State distributed a video through social networks, clearly designed to distract the attention of the international community from its own illegal activities in the field of military biology. The arguments of the U.S. Side do not stand up to criticism.
🔹 Cited below are the facts about the non-compliance of the United States with its international obligations under the abovementioned agreements.
1️⃣. In the course of the special operation in #Ukraine, the Russian #Defence Ministry received evidence of the creation of biological weapons components with the direct participation of the #Pentagon. The financing by the #US side of military biological projects on the Ukrainian territory is documented. The total funding amounted to $32 million. One of the curators of this activity was the head of the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (#DTRA) office at the US Embassy in #Kiev, Joanna #Wintrall.
2️⃣ . The Russian Federation is fully aware that radical Ukrainian groups under the control of representatives of American special services have prepared several potential scenarios of the use of toxic chemicals in order to carry out various types of provocations against civilians.
🔹 The objective of such inhumane actions is to accuse #Russia of the use of chemical weapons against the civil population of Ukraine. Such information cannot but raise serious concern, taking into account that the United States has not yet destroyed its national stocks of chemical warfare agents.
🔹 We demand that the US Side disclose information about military biological activity in laboratories on the territory of Ukraine as soon as possible. What kind of peaceful research we are talking about if the Pentagon stands behind these projects.

#ZaМир #ZаРоссию #ZаПрезидента
🇷🇺 The Embassy’s #Comment
🔹 We took note of the provocative statements made by Press Secretary of the U.S. Department of State Ned #Price at a briefing on April 12 that our country could possibly use chemical weapons in the light of the alleged failures of the special military operation in #Ukraine.
🔹 Ned Price once again distinguished himself by his idle talk, not substantiated by a single piece of evidence.
🔹 The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are successfully carrying out all their tasks on the Ukrainian territory. At the same time, they do not and cannot have any chemical warfare agents at their disposal because our country eliminated all chemical weapons stockpiles back in 2017.
🔹 The information confirmed by the Russian Defence Ministry on the preparation of provocations by Ukrainian radicals with the use of chemicals is disturbing. We also have questions about the origin of these substances.
🔹 We call on Washington to stop spreading disinformation. Instead, colleagues should have intensified the process of chemical demilitarization of their country. The United States remains the only state party to the Chemical Weapons Convention that has not fulfilled the international commitments it made. The American arsenal of weapons of this type poses a real threat to humanity.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 #Comment by the Russian Embassy in the #USA
🔹 We paid attention to the new anti-Russian statements by representatives of the US administration regarding the special operation in #Ukraine. Our country is accused of organizing a system of "filtration facilities" in the "occupied territories" for Ukrainians who are allegedly tortured and then deported to isolated regions of #Russia.
🔹 Washington's attempt to vilify the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is apparently connected with dissatisfaction with the success of a special military operation. The desire to raise the degree of #Russophobia in order to attract global attention to the events in Ukraine and to mobilize additional resources to support the Kiev regime is also obvious.
❗️ The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, public organizations and ordinary Russians provide comprehensive assistance to residents of the liberated territories. Humanitarian supplies are carried out regularly. More than 43 thousand tons of basic necessities, food and medicines have already been transferred to the population of the People's Republics of Donbass, as well as Kharkiv, Zaporizhia and Kherson regions. Humanitarian corridors are functioning, through which civilians can freely move in any direction. Ukrainians obtain Russian citizenship voluntarily. Statements about the forcible confiscation of Ukrainian passports are poor quality Western disinformation.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 #Comment by the Russian Embassy in the USA
🔹 The US media keep on waging the campaign to discredit Russia by exaggerating the imaginary threat of the Russian Armed Forces using biological weapons.
🔹 We emphasize that it is the United States, but not our country that tarnished its reputation in that field. The Russian Ministry of Defense has repeatedly cited documentary evidence of it on the basis of the American reports.
🔹 Thus, in March 2022, the U.S. Army Strategic Studies Institute published a report on the chemical and biological weapons program during the Korean War. According to the document, while preparing for the Korean campaign, “the U.S. Air Force secured additional funds to purchase large quantities of chemical and biological munitions, obtained a testing range for them in Canada and carried out an extensive conceptual work on their use”.
🔹 The Americans considered brucellosis pathogens and economically important infections, including wheat stem rust, as priority biological agents. 2,500 munitions of this type were planned to use, including “to attack Soviet grain crops”
🔹 The report of the Pentagon contractors in Ukraine, Black&Veatch and Metabiota, also includes projects codenamed “TAP” aimed at studying infections capable of damaging the agriculture, such as glanders, African swine fever (ASF), classical swine fever, highly pathogenic avian influenza and Newcastle disease.
🔹 The comparative analysis of U.S. programs during the Korean War and currently in Ukraine demonstrates the persistence of the U.S. policy of building up its own military and biological capabilities in circumvention of international agreements.
❗️ We urge local experts to acquaint themselves with the above mentioned documents and give it a hard thought as to why the US has been hindering the attempts of the responsible members of the world community, including Russia, to strengthen the BWC regime as well as blocking the development of the legally binding verification protocol to the Convention.