Alexander Dugin
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International Channel, Doctor of Sociology and of Political sciences, PhD of Philosophy.
Founder of Russian geopolitical school and Eurasian Movement.
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Forwarded from Eurasian Youth Union
The future tense is in any case a distorted time, a painful and even perverted time. Appeals to it and its grammatical arrangement (rather later among the Russians) testify to the loss of the art of equipotent dialectics, the cooling of the flow of life.

The term "equivalent" is derived from the Latin "equi-", "equal", and "pollens" (from "pollere", "to be strong", "to be able", "to be able"). This term has four meanings in scientific literature:

1) equal in strength, value, efficiency;

2) (in logic) validly inferred from another, deductible;

3) equivalent;

4) (in mathematics and mathematical logic) a class that has the same cardinality as another class.

©A.G. Dugin "In Search of the Dark Logos"

Wang Wen: ... I recall that back in 2008 you wrote about the inevitability of conflict between Russia and the West. However, when Chinese scholars recognize that a Sino-American conflict may be becoming inevitable, they usually try their best to propose avoiding war with the United States. For example, when Professor Graham Tillett Allison of Harvard University proposed the "Thucydides Trap" between China and the United States, Chinese scholars would refute it and try to change this "fulfillable Prophecy”.

What I want to know is, why don't the Russian elites advise President Putin to try his best to avoid conflict, or to do something that might be better than ad hoc military action? In Russia, a wise political philosopher like you must have a better solution, no?

: It has to do with the balance of consciousness between individuals and groups. It was not President Putin who voluntarily wanted to launch this special military operation, but the whole society demanded this special operation. Russian society is very special and needs a "father" type of leader (such as a Tsar) who must also provide security assurances to the whole society. Putin has been trying to reconcile this connection. Accepting the West and ensuring Russia's independence are a set of contradictions. Putin hopes to reconcile this contradiction and maintain a certain balance, but this balance is very fragile.

Putin has always been trying to proceed in a peaceful way, without the use of military means, to avoid a conflict escalation with the West. Since Crimea “returned to Russia”, we noticed early on, that Russia can easily liberate eastern Ukraine, but President Putin had always refused to do so. He believed for a time the assurances given by the West, but the West deceived Russia. Putin wants to avoid war, but war is increasingly inevitable. It is a pity that we were not fully prepared for this special military operation in terms of politics, economy, culture, and military. In fact, we should have been better prepared.
Alexander Dugin
Wang Wen: ... I recall that back in 2008 you wrote about the inevitability of conflict between Russia and the West. However, when Chinese scholars recognize that a Sino-American conflict may be becoming inevitable, they usually try their best to propose avoiding…
Wang Wen: Yes. But I am very worried, if Russia completely decouples from the West in the future, will Russia be able to continue to develop rapidly in the short term? We all believe that the West is weakening, but for now, Western hegemony still has significant influence in areas such as high technology and economic trade.

Maintaining cooperation with the West appears to be a "rational, pragmatic choice". Will Russia be reduced to nothing more than a “big Iran”, if it gets completely cut off from the West? I have travelled to Iran many times. Iran presents huge potential and rich resources. In the 1970s, Iran’s economy grew rapidly. However, after being sanctioned by the West for 40 years, Iran’s development has been greatly affected. Will Russia repeat the mistakes of Iran?

: I'd love to know what the definition of "Western" is. The West is not just synonymous with economic and technological development, the West represents a kind of consciousness, including hegemony, racism, and ontology, which can be extended to colonialism and unipolarity. This is the essence of the West. Russia has "declared war" against the West and has been forced to cut off cooperation with the West. We hope that by defeating Western hegemony, the "West" will become a province of the world, not the center of the world. To achieve this, we must not only elevate and “de-Western” ourselves, but also marginalize the West. Russia alone cannot accomplish this goal. We hope to work with other non-Western countries in the world to resist Western hegemony. If we unite, we may be able to defeat them. This is a multipolar versus unipolar war.

Wang Wen in Dialogue with Dugin: If Russia seeks to solve issues, it should take China as an example to be studied
Forwarded from Катехон
💫 Русская Идеология и цивилизация Антихриста

Лимит на компромиссы и полумеры исчерпан. Россия будет либо русской, либо ее не будет вообще. А русской значит и великой, и справедливой, и духовной, и народной, и сильной, и верной, и честной, и светлой, и жертвенной, и нежной, и святой. Но главное – это значит, что наш народ, наше государство и наша Церковь исполнят тот Божий Замысел о нас и о нашей судьбе, которым и ради которого мы жили, страдали, шли на подвиги, проливали кровь – зачем мы и были созданы и рождены именно как русские.

💫 Анализ ситуации на Гаити

За последние недели жители карибского острова в очередной раз вышли на улицы, но теперь налицо полная дисфункция властей и их западных кураторов.

💫 Некрополитика Конца Времен

Лагеря смерти — высшая эманация некрополитики Запада
"La arquitectura del posmoderno está desprovista de centro, eje, equilibrio y armonía. La posmodernidad es medianoche. La modernidad corresponde a la tarde, a la puesta del sol: todavía quedan residuos del mundo tradicional, de luz, de subjetividad, de racionalidad y de totalidad. Hay familias, sociedades, estados y hombres. En la posmodernidad todo esto es suplantado por dividuos, cyborgs y entidades posthumanas. En lugar de realidad hay virtualidad; en lugar de inteligencia, inteligencia artificial; en lugar del hombre, el posthombre; en lugar del racionalismo moderno, la esquizofrenia de Deleuze y Guattari. Es una sociedad líquida (Bauman) en la que todo se disuelve, en realidad, ni siquiera es una sociedad, sino una destrucción caótica de estructuras que libera gran cantidad de energía, inmediatamente disuelta en un proceso entrópico. Es una caída ininterrumpida hacia abajo".

Alexander Duguin
Улица Дарьи Дугиной: Мэру Москвы Собянину направили обращение об увековечивании памяти погибшей журналистки

8 ноября общероссийское молодёжное общественное движение "Евразийский союз молодежи" (ЕСМ) направило письмо мэру Москвы Сергею Собянину с предложением о переименовании улицы или другого объекта в честь философа, журналиста Дарьи Дугиной, погибшей от рук украинских террористов в Подмосковье. Также в письме участники ЕСМ попросили мэра рассмотреть вопрос об установке памятнике Дарье в столице.

"Обращаемся к Вам с ходатайством рекомендовать присвоение имени Дарьи Дугиной одной из новых улиц г. Москвы, площади, парку или скверу. Просим рассмотреть вопрос о возможности установки в памятника Дугиной Дарье Александровне в г. Москве", - резюмируется в обращении.

В письме отмечается, что Москва была родным для Дарьи городом, в котором она выросла.

Ранее в Ясногорске назвали улицу в честь Дарьи Дугиной. Также прозвучал ряд инициатив об установке памятника в разных городах России, поскольку Дарья стала жертвой акта террора Украины, будучи верным патриотом своей страны. Друзья и коллеги Дарьи по всему миру устраивали акции памяти и призывали увековечить имя Дарьи в улицах и памятниках, как символа борьбы против глобализма за многополярный мир.
Forwarded from Editora ARS REGIA
A obra Teoria do Mundo Multipolar finalmente chegou da gráfica. Começaremos amanhã o processo de remessa de todas as recompensas dos que apoiaram nossa campanha de pré-venda.

Ademais, já é possível comprar o livro avulso ou junto com outros livros pelo e-mail [email protected]
Neo-Eurasianism is the political theory of the construction of Empire, of a “large space,” in the present and the future. Either Neo-Eurasianism will become the fundamental paradigm of the Russian elite, or an occupation awaits us. Let us notice that other potential “large spaces” and other peoples are all without exception interested in an Eurasianist renaissance starting in Russia. Everybody wins from this, since Eurasianists speak up strongly not for universalism, but for “large spaces,” not for imperialism, but for “empire,” not for the “interests of any one people,” but for “the rights of peoples.

#FourthPoliticalTheory #AlexanderDugin #Eurasianism

Illustration: Heralds of the Resurrection - Ge, Nikolai Nikolaevich
Forwarded from Idee&Azione
Il neoeurasiatismo è la teoria politica della costruzione dell'Impero, di un "grande spazio", nel presente e nel futuro. O il neoeurasiatismo diventerà il paradigma fondamentale dell'élite russa, o ci aspetta un'occupazione. Notiamo che altri potenziali "grandi spazi" e altri popoli sono tutti, senza eccezione, interessati a una rinascita eurasiatica a partire dalla Russia. Tutti ne traggono vantaggio, poiché gli eurasiatici si esprimono con forza non per l'universalismo, ma per i "grandi spazi", non per l'imperialismo, ma per l'"impero", non per gli "interessi di un solo popolo", ma per i "diritti dei popoli".

Aleksandr Dugin

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Forwarded from Eurasian Youth Union
The Imperial Renaissance

What does it mean for Russia to “wake up” under such conditions? This means to fully restore its historical, geopolitical and civilizational scale. Become the pole of a new multipolar world.

Russia has never been “just a country”, much less “just one of the European countries”. With all the unity with Europe of our roots, which go back to Greco-Roman culture, Russia at all stages of its history followed its own special - path. This was also reflected in our firm and unshakable choice of Orthodoxy and Byzantium in general, which largely predetermined our detachment from Western Europe, which chose Catholicism, and later also Protestantism.

So Russia turned out to be the heir of two Empires at once, which collapsed at approximately same time, in the 15th century: the Byzantine and Mongolian. The empire has become our destiny. Our awakening is unthinkable without a return to the fulfillment of the imperial mission laid down in our historical destiny.

© A.G. Dugin

Александр Дугин:

«… На уласку у Ново доба, Запад је одбацио Хришћанство, било какву веру и почео да гради свет без Бога и против Бога. То је оно што се зове секуларизам, победа привременог над вечним, светског над верским, овостраног над оностраним, материјалног над духовним. На овим претпоставкама заснивају се све структуре Новог доба - наука, култура, технологија, индустрија, тржиште, «напредак». «Напредак» је, у очима идеолога модерног Запада, битка земље против Небеса, дна против врха. И сви су томе подлегли и поверовали. Сви су се повели за тим…»
