Xonobod shahrida bo‘lib o‘tayotgan “Hanabad wellness-resort” I Xalqaro ekoturizm forumi qatnashchilari tadbirning keyingi dasturiga asosan, "Abdulhay xalq amaliy san'at tarix uy muzeyi"ga tashrif buyurib, xalqimizning qadimiy hunarmandchilik buyumlari, qo‘l mehnati va kulolchilik namunalari, milliy cholg‘u asboblari va xalqning amaliy san'atini aks ettiruvchi boshqa jihozlari bilan yaqindan tanishib chiqdilar.
Participants of the 1st International Ecotourism Forum "Hanabad Wellness-Resort" in the city of Khanabad, according to the next program of the event, visited the "Abdulhay House Museum of Applied Art and History" and saw the ancient handicrafts, handicrafts and ceramics of our people. samples, national musical instruments and other equipment reflecting the practical art of the people.
Xonobod shahrida bo‘lib o‘tayotgan “Hanabad wellness-resort” I Xalqaro ekoturizm forumi qatnashchilari tadbirning keyingi dasturiga asosan, "Abdulhay xalq amaliy san'at tarix uy muzeyi"ga tashrif buyurib, xalqimizning qadimiy hunarmandchilik buyumlari, qo‘l mehnati va kulolchilik namunalari, milliy cholg‘u asboblari va xalqning amaliy san'atini aks ettiruvchi boshqa jihozlari bilan yaqindan tanishib chiqdilar.
Participants of the 1st International Ecotourism Forum "Hanabad Wellness-Resort" in the city of Khanabad, according to the next program of the event, visited the "Abdulhay House Museum of Applied Art and History" and saw the ancient handicrafts, handicrafts and ceramics of our people. samples, national musical instruments and other equipment reflecting the practical art of the people.