Where: British Embassy in Uzbekistan. National Crime Agency (NCA)
When: July - September 2019 (starts at approximately 8th July)
Languages: Russian and English at free speech and writing (B2-C1 at least)
Sphere & requirements: Must be a student 3-4 course of Legislation, Foreign Affairs, Social Management and separated spheres (see full requirment by FB link)
How apply: Send CV and motivation letter to ukin [email protected] (headline of e-mail should contain "National Crime Agency Internship Vacancy")
Deadline: 28.06.2019
Official FB link
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Where: British Embassy in Uzbekistan. National Crime Agency (NCA)
When: July - September 2019 (starts at approximately 8th July)
Languages: Russian and English at free speech and writing (B2-C1 at least)
Sphere & requirements: Must be a student 3-4 course of Legislation, Foreign Affairs, Social Management and separated spheres (see full requirment by FB link)
How apply: Send CV and motivation letter to ukin [email protected] (headline of e-mail should contain "National Crime Agency Internship Vacancy")
Deadline: 28.06.2019
Official FB link
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
#challenge #volunteer
Take the best photography and win chance to go abroad as an active volunteer.
(Also other information you can find https://humannatureprojects.org
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Take the best photography and win chance to go abroad as an active volunteer.
(Also other information you can find https://humannatureprojects.org
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Human Nature Projects
Узбекско-Японский Центр сообщает о том, что 10 сентября (Вт.), в 15:00 состоится первая встреча "Узбекско-русско-японского разговорного клуба". На встрече у участников клуба будет возможность представиться и познакомиться друг с другом, а также поговорить на простые темы.
Место встречи: Узбекско-Японский Центр
Время: 15:00-16:00
Возрастное ограничение: с 9 лет
Расписание дальнейших занятий будет обговорено на 1-ой встрече.
Ограничений в уровне знания японского, узбекского, русского языков нет.
Добро пожаловать в Разговорный клуб!
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Место встречи: Узбекско-Японский Центр
Время: 15:00-16:00
Возрастное ограничение: с 9 лет
Расписание дальнейших занятий будет обговорено на 1-ой встрече.
Ограничений в уровне знания японского, узбекского, русского языков нет.
Добро пожаловать в Разговорный клуб!
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
#Volunteers needed!
We are looking for enthusiasts who are motivated and passionate about helping British Council Uzbekistan to take part in education fair.
Date: 26-28 September 2019
Venue: Yoshlar Ijod Saroyi
Please, send a short note to @gisright about your available time.
#havas #abroaduz
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
We are looking for enthusiasts who are motivated and passionate about helping British Council Uzbekistan to take part in education fair.
Date: 26-28 September 2019
Venue: Yoshlar Ijod Saroyi
Please, send a short note to @gisright about your available time.
#havas #abroaduz
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
AQShda o'qish uchun grant:
Sunlife sug'urta kompaniyasi homiyligida tibbiy sug'urta
Borish-qaytish reysi harajati: 1600 AQSh dollari (bir yilda bir marta)
Bakalavr talabalari uchun: 18000 AQSh dollari
Magistr / birinchi kasbiy daraja: 28000 AQSh dollari
Doktorlik darajasi: 26000 AQSh dollari
Postdoktoral darajadagi homiylik: 32000 AQSh dollari
Kitob xarajatlari: yiliga 1000 AQSh dollari
Oylik stipendiya bakalavr talabasi uchun 1200 AQSh dollari, magistr talabasi uchun 1600 AQSh dollari, doktorant uchun 1800 AQSh dollari.
#havas #abroaduz
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Sunlife sug'urta kompaniyasi homiyligida tibbiy sug'urta
Borish-qaytish reysi harajati: 1600 AQSh dollari (bir yilda bir marta)
Bakalavr talabalari uchun: 18000 AQSh dollari
Magistr / birinchi kasbiy daraja: 28000 AQSh dollari
Doktorlik darajasi: 26000 AQSh dollari
Postdoktoral darajadagi homiylik: 32000 AQSh dollari
Kitob xarajatlari: yiliga 1000 AQSh dollari
Oylik stipendiya bakalavr talabasi uchun 1200 AQSh dollari, magistr talabasi uchun 1600 AQSh dollari, doktorant uchun 1800 AQSh dollari.
#havas #abroaduz
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
#Estonia #PhD #DSc
What: The University of Tartu (Estonia) announces a call for applications for doctoral candidates and PhD holding-academics in the Social Sciences supported by the Eurasia Programme of the Open Society Foundations.
Grants for citizens of: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
Where: Johan Skytte Institute of
Political Studies, Tartu Estonia
When: February 3, 2020 – July 2, 2020
Deadline: 14.11.2019
Requirements: See description in the file below👇🏻
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
What: The University of Tartu (Estonia) announces a call for applications for doctoral candidates and PhD holding-academics in the Social Sciences supported by the Eurasia Programme of the Open Society Foundations.
Grants for citizens of: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
Where: Johan Skytte Institute of
Political Studies, Tartu Estonia
When: February 3, 2020 – July 2, 2020
Deadline: 14.11.2019
Requirements: See description in the file below👇🏻
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Tartu Ülikool
Skytte main page
Tartu Ülikool on Eesti juhtiv teadusülikool ja maailma ainus eestikeelne klassikaline ülikool. Meie konkurentsieelised on rahvusvahelisus, õppe- ja teadustöö kvaliteet ning mitmekesisus.
YourChance | Yoshlar hamjamiyati
#Estonia #PhD #DSc OSF EURASIA PROGRAMME FELLOWSHIPS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TARTU What: The University of Tartu (Estonia) announces a call for applications for doctoral candidates and PhD holding-academics in the Social Sciences supported by the Eurasia Programme…
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