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Yenching Global Symposium Conference in Beijing 2020 🇨🇳

Country: China
When: 27th to 29th March 2020
Participants: 200
Financial Coverage: Fully Funded
- Free Round-Trip Airfare Travel Tickets to and from Beijing.
- Free Accommodation during the Conference.
- Free Meals for the length of the conference.
- Opportunity to explore Beijing & Chinese Culture during the Conference.

- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in any field, at the time of application
- Has Not Participated in a previous Yenching Global Symposium or Yenching Social Innovation Forum
- Is proficient in English. English Proficiency Letter is Not Required.
- Holds a valid passport that does not expire within 6 months from February 2020.

Deadline: 1st December 2019
Click here and apply right now!

#forum #xalqaro

Samarqandda xalqaro lider yoshlar konferensiyasi-2020



Yangi loyihalar, yangicha fikrlar bilan izlanishda davom etayotgan faol yoshlar!


"Samarqandda xalqaro lider yoshlar konferensiyasi-2020'' barcha yoshlar uchun rasman ochiq!

"Samarqandda xalqaro lider yoshlar konferensiyasi-2020'' ni o'tkazishdan maqsad:

🛑 Yoshlarni innovatsiyaga qiziqtirish va yangi loyihalar yaratish uchun real atmosfera.

🛑 "Samarqandda xalqaro lider yoshlar konferensiyasi-2020'' da Yoshlarni bitta maqsad yo’lida birlashtirish. Ularni o’z loyihalari va g’oyalarini o’zi muallifligi ostida yurtimizga, qolaversa xalqaro miqyosda targ’ib qilish.

🛑 Faol yoshlarni birlashtirish, yoshlar o’rtasida do’stlik munosabatlarini mustahkamlash, yangi do’stlar orttirish , ijtimoiy va siyosiy hayotda yoshlar faolligini kuchaytirish, kuchli bilimga ega bo’lgan, o’z mutaxassisligi bo’yicha yangilik yarata oladigan, yetuk marralarga erisha oladigan yoshlar safini ko’paytirish.

🛑 Yangi loyihalarni hayotga tatbiq etish uchun homiy tashkilotlar koʻmagi bilan yoshlarga imkoniyat eshiklarini ochish.


Konferensiyada siz nimalarga erishasiz?

📌 1. QR kodli sertifikat🔖
📌 2. "International youth leadership conference in Samarkand-2020 " konferensiya Prezidenti tomonidan tavsiyanoma, tashakkurnoma
📌 3.Ilmiy maqola yozishni o'rgatishga bag'ishlangan trening
📌 4. Kulgu QVZ
📌 5. Yangi do'stlar orttirasiz👫

✴️ Konferensiyada jami qancha delegat ishtirok etishi mumkin?

Jami: 350 delegat. Shundan:

Oʻzbekiston hududidan: 300 nafar;
Boshqa davlatlardan: 50 nafar.


✴️ Konferensiya aynan qaysi tashkilotlarni qamrab oladi?

1. Samarqand Viloyati hokimiyati
2.Xotin-qizlar qómitasi
3. Yoshlar ittifoqi
4.Tadbirkor ayol tashkiloti
5. Samarqand OTMlari

✴️ Yo'nalishingizni tanlang:

🔵 1.Ilmiy faoliyat 40 Delegat
🔵 2.Tadbirkorlik ,xotin-qizlarni ish bilan ta'minlash 40 Delegat
🔵 3.Leading Leader 60 Delegat
🔵 4.Ta'limda innovatsiya 40 Delegat
🔵 5.Turizm va IT (Ing);40 Delegat
🔵 6.OAV va Jurnalistika (O'zb);40 Delegat
🔵 7.Ekologiya va Iqtisod 40 Delegat

🎁 Har bir konferensiya ishtirokchisiga beriladigan sovgʻalar:

📌 Maxsus sumka
📌 Bloknot
📌 Ruchka

📌 Har bir xalqaro delegat uchun taklifnomalar tarqatiladi.

♻️ Imkoniyatingizni qo’ldan boy bermang!

♨️Hoziroq a'zo bo'ling va kelajagingizni biz bilan birga quring!

Konferensiya bo'lish vaqti : 28-29-mart kunlari


Konferensiya a'zosi bo'lish uchun oxirgi muddat:👇

❗️2020-yil 20-fevralgacha va yaqin kunlarda qabul boshlanadi.

2020-yilning yangi gʻoyalarga boy Birinchi va fantastik konferensiyasining delegatiga aylaning!


🛑 To'lov : 150 ming

🛑 Xalqaro qatnashchilar uchun: 50 USD

👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
#loyiha #imkoniyat

ICT dan Siz yoshlar uchun super tuhfa ! 🥳🥳🥳

Siz 🇺🇿UzYoshlar loyihasiga qiziqyapsizmi ? 🤔🤔
Unda ishtirok etishni juda juda xohlaysizmi? 🙏🙏
Ammo ro'yxatdan o'tishga ulgurmadingizmi?😅
Yoki sizga qabul qilinganlik haqida sms xabar bormadi ? 😔
Unda hech ham tushkunlikka tushmang! 😎

Siz hoziroq hech qanday saralash va registratsiyasiz, faqat GRANDprix asosida (birinchi 20 talikni) quyida ko'rsatilgan
karta raqamiga to'lov qilish orqali
🇺🇿UzYoshlar ishtirokchisiga aylanishingiz mumkin!
Shoshiling, joylar soni cheklangan! 😱

Hammasi juda oson:
-To'lovni tasdiqlovchi Screen;
-Xat uchun ma'lumotlaringiz;
-Ishtirokchilar guruhiga a'zolik;

Toshkent shahrida (2 hafta mobaynida) Yotoq joyi izlashda ko'mak beramiz!

💹 Umumiy summa:
199.000 so'm

💳Karta raqami:
8600 0201 1135 0638 .

❗️To'lov qilganlar, to'lovni tasdiqlovchi "Screenshot"ni quyidagi raqamga yuboring:

👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
​​#mun #conference

Future We Want Model United Nations 2020!

Conference Location: Manhattan, New York, The U.S
Conference Dates: 21-23 February, 2020

The biggest Model United Nations Conference around the world with over 3000 delegates!

The Future We Want MUN NYC is the most inclusive and diverse conference in the world.

It’s more than just MUN! Students don’t simulate the UN, they engage in actual debates that are critical to the UN agenda.

We are currently gathering Uzbekistan Delegation to visit Future We Want Model United Nations!

Open for: All (students of lyceum, college, university students,graduates are welcome to join)

Why to join our delegation?

-Delegation consist of experienced delegates;
-Delegation preparation to conference and visa interview
-Possibility to get delegation visa type altogether
-Visiting the conference as the team and representatives of Uzbeksitan

Deadline for application for this delegation: 30 November, 2019.

If interested or going to participate, contact via Telegram: @HNMUN2020

👉🏻 @yourchance_uz

🇪🇺The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree 'Germaniya va Frantsiyaning falsafasi: Zamonaviy muammolar' (PhiAFEC) har yili tanlangan yigirmaga yaqin xalqaro talabalar uchun yuqori malakali frantsuz / nemis ikki tilli falsafa kurslarini taklif etadi.

Magistrlik dasturining ikki yilligi davomida dastur turli hamkor universitetlarda dasturni taklif etadi.

EuroFhilosophie 2020-2022 magistratura kursiga qabul ochiq deb e'lon qilindi.

Barcha qo'shimcha ma'lumotlar bu yerda !

👉🏻 @yourchance_uz

Сенат томонидан “Волонтёрлик фаолияти тўғрисида”ги Қонун маъқулланди

Қонунда волонтёрлик фаолияти соҳасида юзага келадиган ижтимоий муносабатлар тизимини белгилаш, нодавлат нотижорат ташкилотлари фаолияти самарадорлигини ошириш, мамлакатда фуқаролик жамиятини ривожлантиришни давом эттириш, шунингдек ҳозирги замон шароитларида волонтёрлик фаолияти самарали амалга оширилиши ва ривожланишини таъминлайдиган қонунчилик асосларини такомиллаштириш назарда тутилган.

❗️Маъқулланган Қонун Президент томонидан имзоланиб, белгиланган тартибда эълон қилингач расмий кучга эга бўлади.

👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
​​#mun #xalqaro


🗓 April 22-24
💳 $23 (no accom.)/$49 (with accom.)
📍 Almaty, Kazakhstan

The New Silk Way Model United Nations (NSW MUN) is a platform where high school students, university students, lecturers, and other interested people can improve their diplomatic, public speaking and leadership skills. It comprises discussion clubs and conferences which reproduce the activities of the various UN agencies in real time. Participants act as delegates or observers, representing one of the UN member countries or organizations. Moreover, they work together to suggest ways to solve issues on the UN’s regional and global agenda.

Tap here for more info!

🍀 @yourchanceuz
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YourChance | Yoshlar hamjamiyati
​​#mun #xalqaro NEW SILK WAY MODEL UNITED NATIONS 2020 🗓 April 22-24 💳 $23 (no accom.)/$49 (with accom.) 📍 Almaty, Kazakhstan The New Silk Way Model United Nations (NSW MUN) is a platform where high school students, university students, lecturers, and…
#mun #xalqaro


New Silk Way Model United Nations (NSWMUN)
is an international Model UN conferece based in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

NSWMUN 2020 will have total of six committees: UN GA ECOFIN, UN GA SOCHUM, Security Council, UNESCO, International Organization for Migration and UN Environment. Committees will only discuss one topic each. You will have the option of indicating your preferred committee choice in the form below.

Dates: April 23-25, 2020 (Thursday to Saturday)

Age restrictions: 18+

Deadline for completing the form: February 9, 2020

Click here to apply!

🍀 @yourchanceuz
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#konferensiya #mun #milliy

TIMUN 2020

🗓 March 27-29

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!

We are glad to announce that the Application for the DIAS positions of TIMUN 2020📋is open now.
Take your chance to become the part of the history!
Great experience, valuable knowledges and unforgettable emotions are waiting for you!

You are welcome to fill the form below and participate in this great event!📃
Hurry up!

📆Deadline: February 20, 2020
11:59 PM

❗️Expenditures of International Chairs will be fully covered!

Registration: Link

🍀 @yourchanceuz
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#mun #xalqaro

New Silk Way International MUN 2020

🗓 23-24-25-aprel, 2020-yil

Application form for Delegate's position NSW MUN 2020 is now open.

What is NSW MUN?

The New Silk Way Model United Nations (NSW MUN) is a platform where high school students, university students, lecturers, and other interested people can improve their diplomatic, public speaking and leadership skills.

What does it give to you?

Young people do not only gain valuable experience but also meet many interesting people, form networks with common interests and learn about the cultural aspects of diplomacy. All delegates work together to solve challenging global problems.

Why us?

The Model United Nations New Silk Way has become one of the most prestigious and highly respected programs in the Central and South Asia region. MUN NSW actively works on promoting peacebuilding, cultural exchanges, economic prosperity and cooperation among the Silk Way countries by using diplomatic skills and utilizing the opportunities provided by the UN.

NSWMUN 2020 will have total of six committees:

3️⃣. Security Council
5️⃣. International Organization for Migration
6️⃣. UN Environment

Delegate fee:
25$ without accommodation
75$ with accommodation

Age restrictions: 16+

Deadline: March 2, 2020

Click here to apply!

🍀 @yourchanceuz
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#konferensiya #mun #milliy

Honorable delegates and followers of Samarkand Model United Nations-2020!

SUPER conference for supers!!!
Hurry up!!

Email: [email protected]
Telegram: @sammun_bot

For registration:

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#konferensiya #mun #milliy

Honorable delegates and followers of Samarkand Model United Nations-2020!

SUPER conference for supers!!!
Hurry up!!

Email: [email protected]
Telegram: @sammun_bot

For registration:

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#konferensiya #mun #milliy


🗓 Deadline : April 26
Time : 23:59

The application for the long-awaited EXECUTIVE BOARD(Dais)and SECRETARIAT(Main Organizing Committee)is open for the registration.

The Positions we offer :

✔️ Chair/Co-chair
✔️ Coordinator
✔️ Assistant

MWLMUN( Modern World Leaders Model United Nations )Conference is a great opportunity to develop debating, negotiating and public speaking skills. Feel the importance of diplomacy, be the one who can change the world for the better place to live in !

🎯Responsibilities of the members in the mentioned Secretariat is to assist and help in the organization of different events in the framework of the society, especially, one of the the biggest International MUN in Central Asia.

📌You can apply for the Secretariat and Committee Executive Board Members through the link below:

❗️Don't miss the opportunity to stack up best diplomatic and professional experience!

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#konferensiya #mun #xalqaro

EMUN 2020

🗓 9-10.05.2020
💳 Free of charge (online)

The EMUN BOD is delighted to invite you all to the first edition of EMUN, to be held on May 9-10. This dire time of quarantine in the biggest global pandemic in a century necessitates solidarity and camaraderie, as such, we have decided to make conference cost a grand total of 0€. 

StOff Applications

In order to apply for a student officer position (i.e. Chair/Deputy Chair), please click the button below. It is important to note that registration for StOff will close on the 20th of April 2020 at 9PM CET

Register here !

Delegate Applications

In order to apply to EMUN 2020 as a delegate, please click the link below. It is important to note that registration for delegates will close on the 24th of April 2020 at 9PM CET

Register here !

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#konferensiya ​​#mun #xalqaro

Online Model UN🇺🇳New Silk Way MUN 2020!

🗓 07.05.2020 — 08.05.2020
14:00 - 17:30.

The following committees will be represented at the conference:

1. General Assembly – 75 years of the United Nations🇺🇳
Topic: United Nations peacekeeping and peacebuilding. Importance of global ceasefire for humanitarian aid delivery and migration. (SDG 16/17)

2. World Health Organization 🇺🇳💊
Topic: The COVID—19 Pandemic and “infodemic”. (SDG 3/11/17)

3. UNESCO 🇺🇳 📈
Topic: Youth and online access to education during the pandemic. (SDG4/8/11)

4. ECOSOC 🇺🇳🏛
Topic: Socio-economic impact of the COVID–19 pandemic on the SDGs.

!Registration is required!

Tap here to apply!

Deadline: 02.05.2020, 18:00 Nur-Sultan.

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#konferensiya #mun #milliy


🗓 May 16-17

🔥The wait is over now!

🇺🇳 Application form for the International Virtual Model United Nations Conference 2020 is officially Open.

Click to Register.
Deadline is May 7

It is a 🆕 era of MUN conferences!
It is a call for young diplomats!
Follow us on Instagram
For more detailed information:

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#konferensiya #mun #milliy


🗓 31-may, 2020

O'zbek tilida birinchi bor Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti Modeli!

Umumiy delegatlar soni: 120 delegat (110 nafar mahalliy va 10 nafar xalqaro ishtirokchilar)

Konferensiya o'tkaziladigan platforma: Zoom

Konferensiyaning asosiy maqsadi:

-Yoshlarning xalqaro huquqiy madaniyatini oshirish;
-Xalqaro siyosiy va iqtisodiy vaziyatlar bilan yaqindan tanishtirish;
-Hozirgi vaziyatdan kelib chiqib iqtisodiyot, tibbiyot va barcha soxalarga yoshlar fikrini o'rganish;
-Yoshlarning omma oldida nutq so'zlash qobiliyatlarini rivojlantirish.

BMT modellari bu dunyo yoshlari orasida eng ommalashgan, xalqaro siyosiy va iqtisodiy jarayonlar va muammolarga yoshlar muayyan davlat rahbari sifatida ishtirok etib, davlatidan kelib chiqqan holda o'z taklif va yechimlarini beradigan, munozaralarga boy bo'lgan xalqaro yoshlar konferensiyasi hisoblanadi.

Quyidagi qo'mitalar va tashkilot modellashtiriladi:

1) BMTning Iqtisodiy va Ijtimoiy Kengashi-40 delegat (O'zbek tilida)
2) BMT Bosh Assambleyasi-40 nafar (O'zbek tilida)
3) BMT Xavfsizlik Kengashi-20 nafar (Rus tilida)
4) Jahon Sog'liqni Saqlash Tashkiloti -20 nafar (Ingliz tilida)

"Diplomat MUN" onlayn konferensiyasida qatnashishning Top 5 afzalligi:

1) "Digital Certificate" elektron xalqaro sertifikat (Ishtirokchilar bazasi bilan);
2) Xalqaro ishtirokchilar bilan fikr almashish va munozaralarda qatnashish imkoniyati;
3) 5 yildan ziyod tajribaga ega bo'lgan moderatorlar tomonidan sessiyalarning olib borilishi;
4) Birinchi marotaba O'zbek tilida BMT modeli va har bir ishtirokchining davlat rahbarlari sifatida ishtirok etishi;
5) Tanlov g'oliblari maxsus tavsiyanomalar va sertifikatlar bilan taqdirlanishi.

Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun:

@diplomatmunuz profiliga "Diplomat" so'zini yuboring va avtomatik ravishda delegat arizasini to'ldiring!

Ro'yxatdan o'tishning oxirgi sanasi: 20-may, 20:00

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#konferensiya #mun #xalqaro


🗓 June 20, 2020
💳 free participation with free digital certificate

The Canadian Online Model United Nations is one of the first Canadian Online Model UNs. COMUN wants delegates to practice diplomacy in the current times. We want people to be more aware of the situation the world is in, especially in this time of quarantine. 

The registration link is here .

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💳 Free participation with digital certificate

MUNIVERSAL have decided to organize an online international session of Model United Nations to help spread education and hope worldwide.

The purpose and task at hand would be difficult to accomplish now more than ever given the situation we are in. However, we need to keep our minds sharp and fresh, continue our education through self-development, and see the true heroes, the heroes that live among us eager to burst out into a world full of potential and will.

​By joining us in our attempt to utilize our best efforts around the world to preserve and carry on with our forever mission to enhance this world that we live in into a more advanced, prosperous, and peaceful, we will be forever grateful for your effort in achieving this common goal.

Register here .

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