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#karnaval #milliy


🗓 27-dekabr
📍 Navoiy, O'zbekiston

"Carnival of robotics"ni tashkillashtirishdan asosiy maqsadlar quyidagicha:
1.Yoshlar oʼrtasida ilmiy-texnik ijodkorlikni ommalashtirish va muhandislik kasblarining obro’-e`tiborini yuksaltirish;
2.Dolzarb muhandislik masalalari va texnika bilan ishlash boʼyicha amaliy koʼnikmalarni rivojlantirish;
3.Innovatsiya va yuksak texnologiyalar sohalariga yoshlarning qiziqishlarini oshirish;
4.Qatnashuvchilarni texnika sohaga oid ixtiro, kashfiyot, foydali modellar, astronomik va kosmik taʼlim, radio va telekommunikatsion tizimlari, robototexnika, energiya va energiya tejovchi texnologiyalarga oid bilimlarni takomillashtirish va ragʼbatlantirish;
5.Yoshlarning qiziqishlari bilan tanishish va fikr almashish;
6.Turli viloyat yoshlarini jamlagan holda master klasslar tashkillashtirish;
7.Yoshlarning fikrlarini inobatga olgan holda dolzarb loyiha ishlab chiqish hamda amalyotga joriy qilish;

“Carnival of Robotics”ning oʼtkazish tartibi:
1.“Carnival of Robotics” oʼtkaziladigan manzil: Navoiy shahar Yoshlar markazi
2.“Carnival of Robotics” oʼtkaziladigan kun: 2019 yilning 27-dekabr.

“Carnival of Robotics” yoʼnalishlari:
1. Robo-exhibition (Robotlar va turli xil sohaga oid ixtirolar koʼrgazmasi).
2. Robo fashion (Robotlar chiqishi).
4. Robo-art. (Ushbu yo’nalishda ishtirokchilar robotlar rasmini chizishadi, robotlarni loydan, plastilindan,…. yasashadi)
5.Robo-battle (Robotlar jangi).
6. Robo-racing (Robotlar poygasi).
7.Cyber sport (Playstation o’yinlarida musoboqalar).
8.Start-up projects (Start up g’oyalar).

Carnival of Robotics” o’z ichiga coffee break, o’zgacha robotlar konsert dasturlari, robotlarning chiqishlarini, robotlar yordamida teatr sahnalari, robotlar qiyofasida yangi yil kayfiyat kabi dasturlarni qamrab oladi.

Ishtirokchilar “Carnival of Robotics” so’ngida turli xil sovg’alar, Respublika miqyosidagi sertifikat bilan mukofotlanishadi.

Ro’yxatdan o’tish bu yerda .

Murojaat uchun: +99891 338 70 67


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🍀 UNIL Summer Internship in Switzerland

6-Weeks | No IELTS/TOEFL Required | Fully Funded
Link here !

🍀 NIG Summer Internship in Japan

6-Weeks | No IELTS/TOEFL Required | Fully Funded
Link here !

🍀 UTRIP Summer Internship in Japan

6-Weeks | No IELTS/TOEFL Required (If you are studying in English) | Fully Funded
Link here !

🍀 The LPI Summer Internship in the United States of America

10-Weeks | No IELTS/TOEFL Required | Fully Funded
Link here !

🍀 RIPS Summer Internship in the United States of America

09-Weeks | No IELTS/TOEFL Required | Fully Funded
Link here !

🍀 CERN Summer Student Program in Switzerland

8 to 13 weeks | No IELTS/TOEFL Required | Fully Funded
Link here !

🍀 The University of Tokyo Summer Internship in Japan

2 Months | Fully Funded
Link here !

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🗓 July, 202
📍 New York, USA

International Exchange and Leadership Program to the USA

Participants with any Academic Field can Apply

✔️All Nationality Students can apply.
✔️No Application Fee.
✔️No Need of IELTS, TOEFL.

Participants will Travel in the Summer of 2020 in July for 10 Days.

Financial Coverage:

1) Housing/Accommodation.
2) Food/Meals
3) Round Airfare Travel Tickets
4) Inner Transport to Venues
5) Other Necessary Materials

Tap here to apply!

Deadline: 5th January 2020

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🍀 Northwestern Polytechnical University CSC Scholarships 2020
💸Aid Coverage: Fully Funded
🔖Programs: Undergraduate, Master and PhD
📌Link to Apply

🍀 Zhejiang University Chinese Government Scholarship(CSC) 2020
💸Aid Coverage: Fully Funded
🔖Programs: Undergraduate, Master and PhD
📌Link to Apply

🍀 Donghua University Scholarships 2020
💸Aid Coverage: Fully Funded
🔖Programs: Undergraduate, Master and PhD
📌Link to Apply

🍀 Beijing Institute of Technology CSC Scholarship 2020
💸Aid Coverage: Fully Funded
🔖Programs: Master and PhD Degree Programs.
📌Link to Apply

🍀 Shanghai Jiaotong University Scholarship 2020 in China
💸Aid Coverage: Fully Funded
🔖Programs: Master and PhD Degree Programs.
📌 Link to Apply

🍀 NPU President Scholarship Program 2020 For MS & PhD Studies
💸Aid Coverage: Fully Funded
🔖Programs: Master and PhD Degree Programs.
📌Link to Apply

🍀 Harbin Institute of Technology CSC Scholarship 2020
💸Aid Coverage: Fully Funded
🔖Programs: Master and PhD Degree Programs.
📌 Link to Apply

🍀 Northeast Agricultural University CSC Scholarship 2020
💸Aid Coverage: Fully Funded
🔖Programs: Master and PhD Degree Programs.
📌Link to Apply

Keep Sharing with your friends and Family!

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🗓 July 1 - August 28
📍 Austria

Are you looking for a fully-funded summer school? If yes, then apply for the Vienna Biocenter Summer School in Austria 2020.

The duration of the summer undergraduate fellowships in Austria is 9 weeks.

The international summer school 2020 starts on Wednesday 1 July and ends on the 28 August.

The summer school does not charge an application fee.

The best part of this summer school scholarship is that No IELTS/TOEFL required.

📌Students from all over the world can apply for the summer school in Europe. The summer fellowship starts on the last Friday in June and finishes on the last Friday of August each year. The VBC summer school will cover accommodation, a travel allowance and a stipend for the duration of the scholarship.

📌The aim of the Vienna Biocenter Summer School scholarship for international students is to attract talented students from around the world, creating a vibrant and diverse atmosphere. The school is a collaboration between five of Europe’s leading research institutes: Research Center for Molecular Medicine (CEMM), Gregor Mendel Institute (GMI), Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA), Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) and the Max F. Perutz Laboratories (MFPL) and is generously sponsored by the Max Birnstiel Foundation.

Deadline is January 31 (23:59 CET - Vienna time)

Click here for more info or tap here to apply!

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#konferensiya ​​#mun #xalqaro

Online Model UN🇺🇳New Silk Way MUN 2020!

🗓 07.05.2020 — 08.05.2020
14:00 - 17:30.

The following committees will be represented at the conference:

1. General Assembly – 75 years of the United Nations🇺🇳
Topic: United Nations peacekeeping and peacebuilding. Importance of global ceasefire for humanitarian aid delivery and migration. (SDG 16/17)

2. World Health Organization 🇺🇳💊
Topic: The COVID—19 Pandemic and “infodemic”. (SDG 3/11/17)

3. UNESCO 🇺🇳 📈
Topic: Youth and online access to education during the pandemic. (SDG4/8/11)

4. ECOSOC 🇺🇳🏛
Topic: Socio-economic impact of the COVID–19 pandemic on the SDGs.

!Registration is required!

Tap here to apply!

Deadline: 02.05.2020, 18:00 Nur-Sultan.

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#foydalimanba #xalqaro


Want to learn Korean for free? Now you can Learn Korean Language Online for Free. The free online Korean course is offered through Coursera by 연세대학교 – Yonsei University. Yonsei University was established in 1885 and is the oldest private university in Korea.

The instructors for this Korean language course is Sang Mee Han. Sang Mee Han is a professor at the Korean Language Institute, a part of the Institute of Language Research and Education at Yonsei University.

The Learn to Speak Korean 1 is one of the top courses at Coursera. Enroll now and learn from the top instructor.

Tap here to apply.

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#foydalimanba #milliy

📍 Future Learn

Make your time productive by gaining new knowledge or skill. Here is an excellent opportunity to start learning something new!

FutureLearn is offering 44 Short Online Courses with free certificates.

All the 44 online courses are free of charge and upon completion, you will get a free digital certificate in PDF form. Chance to learn from world top-class instructors.

FutureLearn partners with top international universities and specialist organizations to offer online courses and degrees. Since 2013, they run hundreds of courses on a diverse range of topics, which have attracted over seven million learners from around the world.

FutureLearn is also offering free courses without a certificate. Free certificates are available for the following online courses.

1) Basic English 1: Elementary
2) COVID-19 Critical Care: Understanding and Application
3) Earth Day at 50 Teach-Out
4) English for Healthcare
5) Motivation and Engagement in an Uncertain World
6) Bacterial Genomes: Antimicrobial Resistance in Bacterial Pathogens
7) Collaborative Working in a Remote Team
8) Communication and Interpersonal Skills at Work
9) Computer Programming for Everyone
10) Create a Professional Online Presence
11) Create a Social Media Marketing Campaign
12) Creating a Great User Experience for Mobile Apps
13) Decision Making: How to Choose the Right Problem to Solve
14) Essential Skills for your Career Development
15) Evidence and Data Collection for Problem Solving
16) Get Creative with People to Solve Problems
17) How to Create Great Online Content
18) Learn about Current Digital Workplace Trends
19) Learn to Code for the Web
20) Presenting Your Work with Impact
21) Safeguarding Adults: Level 3 Training
22) Wellbeing and Resilience at Work
23) Work-Life Balance and the Impact of Remote Working
24) COVID-19: Tackling the Novel Coronavirus
25) Health Systems Strengthening
26) How To Teach Online: Providing Continuity for Students
27) Introduction to Business Management
28) Bacterial Genomes: Disease Outbreaks and Antimicrobial Resistance
29) Transforming Digital Learning: Learning Design Meets Service Design
30) Digital Skills: Artificial Intelligence
31) Digital Skills: Digital Marketing
32) Digital Skills: Grow Your Career
33) Digital Skills: Mobile
34) Digital Skills: Retail
35) Digital Skills: Social Media
36) Digital Skills: User Experience
37) Digital Skills: Web Analytics
38) Pathways to Property: Starting Your Career in Real Estate
39) Study UK: a Guide for Education Agents and School Counsellors
40) Plagues, Pestilence and Pandemics: Are You Ready?
41) Study UK: Preparing for work
42) Basic English 2: Pre-Intermediate
43) Introduction to Nursing: The Role of Nurses Around the World
44) What is Genetic Counselling?

Tap here to enroll courses.

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🗓 Deadline: 15 May, 2020

Call for applications for the AKS Non-Degree Program 2020 in South Korea. The duration of the AKS Graduate Fellowship is 6 months starting from 1st Sep 2020 to 28th Feb 2021. Both foreign national or a Korean national who has completed education outside of Korea can apply for this AKS fellowship.

The AKS Graduate Fellowship is GSKS’ non-degree program is a fully-funded opportunity which will cover all the expenses of the selected students.

The Graduate School of Korean Studies (GSKS), the Academy of Korean Studies(AKS), which is responsible for the Ministry of Education, is a research-oriented graduate school in the fields of humanities and social sciences pertinent to Korea.

GSKS was established in 1980 with the aim of nurturing scholars who will contribute to the development and globalization of Korean studies.

For more information, visit here !

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#tanlov #xalqaro

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: The OIC Youth Debate Championship 2020

🗓 Deadline: 7 June, 2020

The year 2020 is all about breaking barriers and following your passion despite the odds not being in your favor. Keeping this in mind, we’ve digitalized the debating process, bringing the excitement of debate right to your screens! If you’ve been unable to polish your debating skills in the recent months, now’s your chance to do so.

The Islamic Conference Youth Forum (ICYF), in collaboration with National MOIC Pakistan, is proud to deliver an open call for the OIC Debate Championship 2020. This championship will consist of 16 teams from all over the Muslim geography, locking horns and competing for the title for ‘OIC Debate Champion’, and (prize money).

For more information, tap here !

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