EducationUSA Tips of Day💡
We are going live again! When? On Thursday, October 11th, 2018 at 10 AM EDT. #EducationUSA experts will explain about U.S. campus life and culture, extracurricular groups, religious life, community service, and student government: #studyintheusa #intlstudents #usstudy
“Engineering and business are common "get-a-job" college program choices.” See how colleges prepare you both academically and with the skills essential to succeed beyond the classroom: #EducationUSA
We are going live again! When? On Thursday, October 11th, 2018 at 10 AM EDT. #EducationUSA experts will explain about U.S. campus life and culture, extracurricular groups, religious life, community service, and student government: #studyintheusa #intlstudents #usstudy
“Engineering and business are common "get-a-job" college program choices.” See how colleges prepare you both academically and with the skills essential to succeed beyond the classroom: #EducationUSA
EducationUSA Tips of the Day #2 💡
· “Engineering and business are common "get-a-job" college program choices.” See how colleges prepare you both academically and with the skills essential to succeed beyond the classroom: #EducationUSA
· Graduate students, remember that you shouldn't try to match yourself to a school, but rather find the school that matches you, your priorities, and long-term goals. Ready? Okay, the first step is to find your priorities: #EducationUSA
· “Engineering and business are common "get-a-job" college program choices.” See how colleges prepare you both academically and with the skills essential to succeed beyond the classroom: #EducationUSA
· Graduate students, remember that you shouldn't try to match yourself to a school, but rather find the school that matches you, your priorities, and long-term goals. Ready? Okay, the first step is to find your priorities: #EducationUSA
Define Your Priorities
When searching for a graduate program in the United States, first consider your individual priorities to help locate a program that is the best fit for...
EducationUSA Tips of the day !
Who do I contact when I arrive in the U.S.? #EducationUSA
Who do I contact when I arrive in the U.S.? #EducationUSA
Who do I contact when I arrive?
EducationUSA is a U.S. Department of State network of over 425 international student advising centers in more than 175 countries.
Do you want to know how schools evaluate your GRE score? How much do GRE scores matter? How to study for the GRE? Everything you need to know about the test is here: #EducationUSA
@RutgersNB in #NewJersey is offering an #international student #scholarship ranging from $2,000–$10,000 per year.
Learn more ⏩ here ⏪!
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
@RutgersNB in #NewJersey is offering an #international student #scholarship ranging from $2,000–$10,000 per year.
Learn more ⏩ here ⏪!
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
#scholarship #internationalstudent
Golden Gate University welcomes students from all over the world and offers scholarship for all qualified international students who enroll in a master's degree program.
Scholarships range from $2,000-$20,000.
Click ⏩ here ⏪ to learn more!
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Golden Gate University welcomes students from all over the world and offers scholarship for all qualified international students who enroll in a master's degree program.
Scholarships range from $2,000-$20,000.
Click ⏩ here ⏪ to learn more!
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Dear Friends,
Check new EducationUSA November Calendar of Events.
✒️To register fill in the online registration form at
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Dear Friends,
Check new EducationUSA November Calendar of Events.
✒️To register fill in the online registration form at
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Join the worldwide celebration of International Education Week 2019!
Title: International Education Week 2019
Dates: November 18-22, 2019
Where: U.S. Embassy in Tashkent
❗️Register online ⏩ here ⏪ by 11:00 am on Friday, November 15, 2019
International Education Week 2019 starts on Monday, November 18!
Here is the calendar of events!
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Join the worldwide celebration of International Education Week 2019!
Title: International Education Week 2019
Dates: November 18-22, 2019
Where: U.S. Embassy in Tashkent
❗️Register online ⏩ here ⏪ by 11:00 am on Friday, November 15, 2019
International Education Week 2019 starts on Monday, November 18!
Throughout the week, the EducationUSA Advising Center is holding events celebrating international education to provide you with information about opportunities to engage in international educational experiences.
Here is the calendar of events!
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Yetakchi bo’lishni ko’zlagan 18-23 yoshli qizlar diqqatiga! YANGI MAVSUM YAQINLASHMOQDA.
Tezroq ariza topshirib, WomanUP a’zosi bo’ling!
Arizani ⏩ bu yerda ⏪ tõldiring.
Javoblaringizning aniqligiga e'tibor bering. Arizalarni o'rganish davomida til bilish darajasi hisobga olinadi, chunki klub sessiyalari asosan ingliz tilida o'tkaziladi. Eng yaxshi va keng qamrovli javob egalari tanlab olinadi.
Qabul qilish muddati: 15-noyabr, soat 18:00 gacha.
Savollaringizni quyidagi elektron manzilga yuborishingiz mumkin: [email protected] .
Imkoniyatni boy bermang, ishtirokchilar soni cheklangan!
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Yetakchi bo’lishni ko’zlagan 18-23 yoshli qizlar diqqatiga! YANGI MAVSUM YAQINLASHMOQDA.
Tezroq ariza topshirib, WomanUP a’zosi bo’ling!
Arizani ⏩ bu yerda ⏪ tõldiring.
Javoblaringizning aniqligiga e'tibor bering. Arizalarni o'rganish davomida til bilish darajasi hisobga olinadi, chunki klub sessiyalari asosan ingliz tilida o'tkaziladi. Eng yaxshi va keng qamrovli javob egalari tanlab olinadi.
Qabul qilish muddati: 15-noyabr, soat 18:00 gacha.
Savollaringizni quyidagi elektron manzilga yuborishingiz mumkin: [email protected] .
Imkoniyatni boy bermang, ishtirokchilar soni cheklangan!
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
The TechGirls 2020 application is now open!
Apply today and join the community of Uzbek TechGirls changing the world of STEM!
#globaltechgirls #gtechgirls #techgirls #tech
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
The TechGirls 2020 application is now open!
Apply today and join the community of Uzbek TechGirls changing the world of STEM!
#globaltechgirls #gtechgirls #techgirls #tech
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz