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#forum #milliy


🗓 26-yanvar
💳 20,000 UZS

Bu yerda yoshlarlar o'zlarining birinchi biznes loyihalarini yaratadilar, o'zlarining imkoniyatlarini ochish uchun foydali bilim va amaliy tajribaga ega bo'ladilar.

Biz kelajakni ko'rishni va kelajak kasblarini o'rgatamiz!

🔎Siz 5 yildan keyin o’zingizni qayerda ko’rasiz?
🔎Umuman, 5 yildan keyin kadrlar bozirida qadri baland kadrlar nimalarni yoki qanday bilimlarni o’rganishlari kerak?

Shular haqida batafsil bilishni istaysizmi?
Unda sizlarni 26-yanvar kuni soat 09:00 da “Talabalar Business
Forum”iga taklif qilamiz!
Bunday imkoniyatni qo’ldan boy bermanag Business Academy Avlod21 da ko’rishguncha🙋‍♂️

🔰 Ro'yhatdan o'tish!

🍀 @yourchanceuz
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#forum #milliy


When: May 29-30-31
Where: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Location: Youth Creative Palace
No. of Delegates: 350
No. of committees: 6

Application form will open in 10th February, 2020!

P.S. Yoshlar kuchli🔥
🍀 @yourchanceuz
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#stajorlik #milliy


The British Embassy in Tashkent is seeking three (3) interns to work in the Political and Public Diplomacy Section, the Commercial Section, and the Programmes Team of the mission.

Duration: 3 months (with the possibility to extend)

Start date: from 10 February 2020

🔸We are looking for people who are creative and driven and can demonstrate a range of skills. Good English, Uzbek and Russian language skills - both written and oral - are essential. The key tasks during the internship include but are not limited to:
Assisting the teams' outreach efforts by maintaining a database of relevant contacts;
Compiling monthly media searches on trade and business issues and monitoring tender opportunities;
Assisting with event planning and administration of Bimonthly Lunches for UK companies (prepare invitations, track RSVPs etc.);
Providing general administrative assistance to the Commercial Team;
Assisting in organising meetings and logistics for UK visitors;
Attending trade shows, exhibition and other trade related events in Tashkent;
Assisting with social and mass media monitoring, Public Diplomacy events, communications work;
Providing general administrative and logistical support to the Programmes Team;
Attending project events, preparing texts and creative communication materials for Embassy's social media channels about projects funded by British Embassy in Tashkent.

☝️The role requires enthusiasm, flexibility, good interpersonal and communication skills, creativity and strong teamwork. You should have strong IT skills, and able to work with minimum supervision. Good photography skills are an added bonus.

The Internship would ideally suit a 3-4 course student who is looking to gain experience in international and domestic affairs and make good use of their IT skills. You will be working in a team with local and British staff so this is a fantastic and unique opportunity to work in a native English-speaking environment. The Embassy also offers an inclusive, friendly and sociable environment.

📩 Interested applicants must submit their CV along with motivation letters via email to the Embassy at [email protected] by COB 31 January 2020. Please indicate "British Embassy Internship Vacancy" in the subject line of your email.

🍀 @yourchanceuz
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​​#forum #milliy


🗓 3-5 – aprel
📍 Surxondaryo. Termiz. Amu-sohil sport va sog'lomlashtirish oromgohi

Siz insonlarga yaxshilik qilmoqchimisiz ?
Sizda jamiyatimizning turli qatlamiga foyda olib keladigan yangi loyihalar, fikrlar bormi?
Siz yurtimizning eng oldi ko'ngililari bilan tanishmoqchimisiz?

📎Unda bizning forum aynan siz uchun!

✔️ O'z faoliyatini ko'ngilli (volontyor) sifatida boshlagan malakali spikerlar darslari.
✔️ Eng ajoyib xayriya yarmarkasi.
✔️ Foydali dasturlar.
✔️ Ko'ngillilar jamoasi burchaklari
✔️ Foto-zona
✔️ Oromgohda unutilmas ikki kecha va ko'plab boshqa kutilgan va kutilmagan dasturlar.

Forum ishtirokchisiga aylaning, unutilmas ikki kunni ko'ngillilar jamoasi bilan o'tkazing!

Ro'yxatdan o'tish bu yerda !

🍀 @yourchanceuz
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​​#forum #milliy


🗓 22 fevral
📍Toshkent shahar, Turkiston san'at saroyi

🗨22 fevralda Toshkent shahrida Turkiston san'at saroyida 16:00 da "GRADUS" deb nomlangan Motivatsion Biznes Forum bo'lib o'tadi.

Qo'chimcha ma'lumot yoki biletga buyurtma berish uchun @ortikovna_00 va @dinnoja ga murojaat qiling!

🍀 @yourchanceuz
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#forum #xalqaro

​​International Volunteers Forum of Islamic Countries

🗓 February 27 – 28, 2020
📍 Baku, Azerbaijan

Forum organizers:
In connection with the announcement of 2020 as the “Year of Volunteers” in Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan in partnership with the Organization of İslamic Cooperation General Secretariat (OİC GS) and the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF), will organize the International Youth Forum of Volunteers.                 

Participants of the Forum
2 young people aged 16 to 30 years who have direct experience in the volunteer movement will be invited from each OIC Member States. The forum participants can be as follows;

–  Representatives of governmental bodies which responsible for implementing youth policy,     
–  Youth NGOs’ representatives;
–  Young leaders, professionals, volunteers and experts

The plane ticket, accommodation and meals will be covered by the Host Country.


Read here for more info!

🍀 @yourchanceuz
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#yarmarka #milliy

Assalomu alaykum, qadrli dõstlar!

Bugun soat 16:00 ga qadar Yoshlar ijod saroyida Bandlikka ko'maklashuvchi markazlar, davlat va nodavlat tashkilotlari, yirik kompaniyalar ishtirokida bo'sh ish o'rinlari mehnat yarmarkasi bo'layotgan ekan.

🍀 @yourchanceuz
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​​#forum #milliy


🗓 3-5 – aprel
📍 Surxondaryo. Termiz. Amu-sohil sport va sog'lomlashtirish oromgohi

Siz insonlarga yaxshilik qilmoqchimisiz ?
Sizda jamiyatimizning turli qatlamiga foyda olib keladigan yangi loyihalar, fikrlar bormi?
Siz yurtimizning eng oldi ko'ngililari bilan tanishmoqchimisiz?

📎Unda bizning forum aynan siz uchun!

✔️ O'z faoliyatini ko'ngilli (volontyor) sifatida boshlagan malakali spikerlar darslari.
✔️ Eng ajoyib xayriya yarmarkasi.
✔️ Foydali dasturlar.
✔️ Ko'ngillilar jamoasi burchaklari
✔️ Foto-zona
✔️ Oromgohda unutilmas ikki kecha va ko'plab boshqa kutilgan va kutilmagan dasturlar.

Forum ishtirokchisiga aylaning, unutilmas ikki kunni ko'ngillilar jamoasi bilan o'tkazing!

Ro'yxatdan o'tish bu yerda !

🍀 @yourchanceuz
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#stajorlik #xalqaro


KIST School provides 6 to 9 month-long internship for outstanding applicants, and it offers English classes (to help students getting an official English score for entering Masters and Doctoral degree courses), a Korean language program, and R&D field training.

Students’ English scores must meet the minimum requirements in order for them to qualify for the KIST School Internship program.


✔️Participating in National R&D Projects : Over 90% of KIST's R&D budget comes from government and institutional programs $302 million (December 2018)
✔️Excellent Faculty : 150 professors selected from among the 600 Ph.D. researchers at KIST
✔️Infrastructure of National Research Institute : Knowledge/Technology accumulated over 50 years of experience and Cutting-edge research equipment/facilities

Student Benefits

✔️Diverse academic/cultural events for students.
✔️Discounted condominium rates at many major tourist destinations in Korea
✔️First-rate dormitory facilities for 120 USD per month
✔️Comprehensive insurance for 6 month-long internship

Requirements for Eligibility

✔️Must have a bachelor’s or master’s degree, or be expected to receive one
✔️Must get an official recommendation from the country

Full Scholarship

✔️Tuition and registration costs are covered by KIST.

The highest level of financial support in Korea is provided to help students focus on their study and research. 
Monthly stipends of 900 USD for bachelor students and 1,000 USD for Master students

Tap here for more info!

🍀 @yourchanceuz
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​​#dastur #xalqaro


“O’zgarish Liderlari” jamg’armasi 2020/2021 o’quv yilida Polshada LANE KIRKLAND nomidagi stipendiya nomzodlari uchun ochiq tanlov e’lon qiladi.

Ushbu stipendiya yosh rahbarlar va oliy ma’lumotli mutaxassislar uchun mo’ljallangan. Dastur Polshaning besh akademik markazida (Varshava, Krakov, Vroklov, Poznan, Lublin) ikki semestr va kamida ikki hafta davomida davlat, xususiy va notijorat tashkilotlarda malaka oshirishni o’z ichiga oladi.

L. Kirkland stipendiyasining moliyaviy shartlari:
-Oyiga 1600 zlotiy (Polsha pul birligi) miqdorida stipendiya (10 oy davomida).
-Bundan tashqari, dastur sizni ta’minlaydi (oyiga umumiy 4200 zlotiy miqdorda)

Ro’yxatdan o’tish tartibi:
•Dasturning batafsil tavsifi va arizani to’ldirish bo’yicha ko’rsatmalarni veb-saytidan topish mumkin;
•Ro’yxatdan o’tish uchun arizani onlayn tarzda to’ldirish kerak.

L. Kirkland nomidagi stipendiya 2020/2021ga ega bo’lish uchun hujjatlarni topshirishning oxirgi muddati:
2020-yil 1-mart

🍀 @yourchance
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