Sign up as a presenter or participant. https://goo.gl/forms/Pef1TKvG1OYJIjxl2
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Sign up as a presenter or participant. https://goo.gl/forms/Pef1TKvG1OYJIjxl2
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Education by Westminster International University in Tashkent
1) Register yourself as a visitor👇🏻
2) Then submit your abstract👇🏻 https://conference.wiut
Deadline: March 30, 2019
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Education by Westminster International University in Tashkent
1) Register yourself as a visitor👇🏻
2) Then submit your abstract👇🏻 https://conference.wiut
Deadline: March 30, 2019
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
The University of Reading's Model United Nations Society cordially invites you to attend the ReadiMUN, the Reading University International Model United Nations conference in December 2019!
ReadiMUN is a three-day academic conference, modeled on the plenary sessions of the United Nations, which provides young people from around the world with near-boundless opportunities. Be that engaging with contemporary world issues, polishing your public-speaking and communication skills, or becoming more confident and articulate global citizens, our conference will doubtlessly have something for you.
ReadiMUN 2019 will be the eighth session of the conference, and will take place on the 6th to the 8th of December, 2019.
United Nations Security council (UNSC)
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
European Council (EC)
Historical Crisis (Crisis)
Applications can be made via MyMUN page.
If you wish to learn more about ReadiMUN 2019, here other social media pages:
Website: www.readimun.org
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/readimun_conference/
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/readimun
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
The University of Reading's Model United Nations Society cordially invites you to attend the ReadiMUN, the Reading University International Model United Nations conference in December 2019!
ReadiMUN is a three-day academic conference, modeled on the plenary sessions of the United Nations, which provides young people from around the world with near-boundless opportunities. Be that engaging with contemporary world issues, polishing your public-speaking and communication skills, or becoming more confident and articulate global citizens, our conference will doubtlessly have something for you.
ReadiMUN 2019 will be the eighth session of the conference, and will take place on the 6th to the 8th of December, 2019.
United Nations Security council (UNSC)
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
European Council (EC)
Historical Crisis (Crisis)
Applications can be made via MyMUN page.
If you wish to learn more about ReadiMUN 2019, here other social media pages:
Website: www.readimun.org
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/readimun_conference/
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/readimun
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
The Delegate application for MIMUN 2019 is open for the first time. Secure your spot in the Early Bird Registration Phase and get discount. There will be a limited number of seats for Early Bird Phase, do not miss the chance!
Venue: Kabul
Date: 5-7 September
Early Bird Deadline: 25 July
Apply Now: https://forms.gle/sVtouA33hrCejjAM8
#YouthForPeace #MIMUN19
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
The Delegate application for MIMUN 2019 is open for the first time. Secure your spot in the Early Bird Registration Phase and get discount. There will be a limited number of seats for Early Bird Phase, do not miss the chance!
Venue: Kabul
Date: 5-7 September
Early Bird Deadline: 25 July
Apply Now: https://forms.gle/sVtouA33hrCejjAM8
#YouthForPeace #MIMUN19
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
11th Asian conference on Education
This exactly is what you are looking for, students and teachers!
Conference theme: "Independence & Interdependence"
The 2019 conference theme for The 11th Asian Conference on Education is “Independence & Interdependence”, and invites reflections on the desirability, extent and limits of our individual independence and autonomy, of that of our students, and of the institutions and structures within which we work, teach and learn. We do not educate, and are not educated in vacuums, but in such contexts and constraints as families, groups, and societies; of nations and cultures; of identities and religions; and of political and financial realities
Apply now ⏩ here ⏪!
Deadline: 22nd of August.
October 31 – November 03, 2019 | Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
11th Asian conference on Education
This exactly is what you are looking for, students and teachers!
Conference theme: "Independence & Interdependence"
The 2019 conference theme for The 11th Asian Conference on Education is “Independence & Interdependence”, and invites reflections on the desirability, extent and limits of our individual independence and autonomy, of that of our students, and of the institutions and structures within which we work, teach and learn. We do not educate, and are not educated in vacuums, but in such contexts and constraints as families, groups, and societies; of nations and cultures; of identities and religions; and of political and financial realities
Apply now ⏩ here ⏪!
Deadline: 22nd of August.
October 31 – November 03, 2019 | Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
The Asian Conference on Education (ACE)
The 12th Asian Conference on Education (ACE2020)
Welcome to The 12th Asian Conference on Education (ACE2020) – proudly organised by The International Academic Forum (IAFOR).
Republican Scientific-Practical Centre for Developing Innovative Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages under UzSWLU
Trends in Teaching Foreign Languages: Achievements, Challenges and Solutions
Call for Proposals
Republican Scientific-Practical Centre for Developing Innovative Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages under the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages is organizing an international conference “Trends in Teaching Foreign Languages: Achievements, Challenges and Solutions” on October 16–17, 2019 at the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages. The Conference is supported by the Embassy of the USA in Tashkent.
This conference invites papers and presentations that investigate foreign language teaching and learning in the following streams:
1) Language assessment and evaluation;
2) Teaching ESP (English for Specific Purposes);
3) Developing programs, syllabuses, teaching and learning materials;
4) Developing language and study skills, culture studies;
5) The role of skills integration in learning foreign languages;
6) Young learners’ language learning skills improvement;
7) IT technologies in teaching foreign languages;
8) Teaching content and language (CLIL, CBLT, EMI, CBI);
9) From theory to practice: challenges and solutions in teaching foreign languages;
10) Topical issues of linguistics and applied linguistics: traditions and innovations.
The language of the conference: English
NB: articles can be submitted in English, Uzbek, Russian and other languages. The presentations can be done only in English.
Please submit your proposals for presentations and articles not later than September22, 2019 to [email protected]
The conference proceeding will be issued after the conference.
Address of organizing committee: 21A, KichikKhalkayuli, G-9A, Tashkent city, 100138.
Contacts: Khan Svetlana +99890 189-84-11, NasirovZukhriddin +99897 740-86-06
For more details look at https://uzspic.uz
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Republican Scientific-Practical Centre for Developing Innovative Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages under UzSWLU
Trends in Teaching Foreign Languages: Achievements, Challenges and Solutions
Call for Proposals
Republican Scientific-Practical Centre for Developing Innovative Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages under the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages is organizing an international conference “Trends in Teaching Foreign Languages: Achievements, Challenges and Solutions” on October 16–17, 2019 at the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages. The Conference is supported by the Embassy of the USA in Tashkent.
This conference invites papers and presentations that investigate foreign language teaching and learning in the following streams:
1) Language assessment and evaluation;
2) Teaching ESP (English for Specific Purposes);
3) Developing programs, syllabuses, teaching and learning materials;
4) Developing language and study skills, culture studies;
5) The role of skills integration in learning foreign languages;
6) Young learners’ language learning skills improvement;
7) IT technologies in teaching foreign languages;
8) Teaching content and language (CLIL, CBLT, EMI, CBI);
9) From theory to practice: challenges and solutions in teaching foreign languages;
10) Topical issues of linguistics and applied linguistics: traditions and innovations.
The language of the conference: English
NB: articles can be submitted in English, Uzbek, Russian and other languages. The presentations can be done only in English.
Please submit your proposals for presentations and articles not later than September22, 2019 to [email protected]
The conference proceeding will be issued after the conference.
Address of organizing committee: 21A, KichikKhalkayuli, G-9A, Tashkent city, 100138.
Contacts: Khan Svetlana +99890 189-84-11, NasirovZukhriddin +99897 740-86-06
For more details look at https://uzspic.uz
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
National Youth Conference in Kashkadarya 2019
Assalomu alaykum,
Yangi loyihalar, yangicha fikrlar bilan izlanishda davom etayotgan faol yoshlar!
"Milliy Yoshlar Konferensiyasi" anjumani barcha yoshlar uchun rasman ochiq deb eʼlon qilamiz!
Anjumanning vazifasi:
Anjumanning asosiy vazifasi yoshlarni innovatsiyaga qiziqtirish va yangi loyihalar yaratish uchun real atmosfera yaratishdan iborat. "Milliy Yoshlar Konferensiyasi"da qatnashish orqali ishtirokchilar yangi gʻoyalar, intensiv dunyoqarash hamda rivojlangan mamlakatlardagi start-up loyihalar bilan tanishadilar.
-Barcha yoshlarga rivojlangan davlatlarning yangi loyihalari va
start - uplarini oʻrgatish;
-Chet elda boʻladigan start-up tanlovlariga yosh avlodni tayyorlash;
-Yangi loyihalarni hayotga tadbiq qilish uchun homiy tashkilotlar koʻmagi bilan yoshlarga imkoniyat eshiklarini ochish;
Nega siz aynan shu anjumanda ishtirok etishingiz kerak?
1. QR kodli sertifikat
2. "Milliy Yoshlar Konferensiyasi" Presidenti tomonidan tavsiyanoma
3. "Olovli Gulxan" ijtimoiy madaniy kechasi
4. " Chempionlar kubogi- 2019" koʻchma kubogini yutib olish imkoniyati.
Anjumanda qancha delegat ishtirok etadi:
Jami: 150 delegat
Oʻzbekiston hududidan: 110 ta
MDX davlatlaridan: 40 ta
Anjuman qaysi tashkilotlarni qamrab oladi?
1. Innovatsion vazirlik
2. Turizm agentligi
3. Partiyalar
4. Yuksalish umummilliy harakati
5. Qashqadaryo OTM lari
6. Yoshlar ittifoqi
7. Qashqadaryo hokimiyati
Yo'nalishingizni tanlang:
Marketing va reklama bo'yicha menejer (Ing)
Ta'limda innovatsiya (O'zb)
Turizm va IT (Ing)
Psixologiya va Jurnalistika (Rus)
Ekologiya va Iqtisodiyot (O'zb)
Anjumanda ishtirok etish narxi qancha?
Toʻlov miqdori mahalliy delegatlar uchun: 150 ming soʻm
Anjumandagi ishtirok xalqaro delegatlar uchun: 30 AQSH dollari
To’lov summasi quyidagilarni o’z ichiga oladi:
1. Anjuman ishtirokchisiga beriladigan sovgʻalar: yon daftarcha, ruchka, kalendar hamda qishki bezrukavka!
2. Uch kun davomida milliy Qashqadaryo taomlari
3. Uch kun davomida kofe break
4. Yuqori darajadagi sertifikat va tavsiyanoma
5. "Olovli Gulxan" ijtimoiy- madaniy kechada qatnashish
6. "Talant show" tanlovida qatnashish va maxsus sertifikatlarga ega boʻlib imkoniyati ( gitara, skirpka, nay, doira, tor kabi musiqa asboblari bilan takrorlanmas chiqishlar)
Barcha delegatlar turar-joy bilan ta’minlanadi!!!
O’qish bo’yicha ruxsatnomalar har bir ishtirokchiga taqdim etiladi.
Har bir xalqaro delegat uchun taklifnomalar tarqatiladi.
Imkoniyatingizni qo’ldan boy bermang! Hoziroq ariza to’ldiring!
Konferensiya arizalari uchun oxirgi muddat: 2019-yil 28-oktabr!
2019-yilning yangi gʻoyalarga boy konferensiyasi a’zosi bo’l!
#inno_kashkadarya #start_up_kashkadarya
Registratsiyadan oʻtish uchun⤵️
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
National Youth Conference in Kashkadarya 2019
Assalomu alaykum,
Yangi loyihalar, yangicha fikrlar bilan izlanishda davom etayotgan faol yoshlar!
"Milliy Yoshlar Konferensiyasi" anjumani barcha yoshlar uchun rasman ochiq deb eʼlon qilamiz!
Anjumanning vazifasi:
Anjumanning asosiy vazifasi yoshlarni innovatsiyaga qiziqtirish va yangi loyihalar yaratish uchun real atmosfera yaratishdan iborat. "Milliy Yoshlar Konferensiyasi"da qatnashish orqali ishtirokchilar yangi gʻoyalar, intensiv dunyoqarash hamda rivojlangan mamlakatlardagi start-up loyihalar bilan tanishadilar.
-Barcha yoshlarga rivojlangan davlatlarning yangi loyihalari va
start - uplarini oʻrgatish;
-Chet elda boʻladigan start-up tanlovlariga yosh avlodni tayyorlash;
-Yangi loyihalarni hayotga tadbiq qilish uchun homiy tashkilotlar koʻmagi bilan yoshlarga imkoniyat eshiklarini ochish;
Nega siz aynan shu anjumanda ishtirok etishingiz kerak?
1. QR kodli sertifikat
2. "Milliy Yoshlar Konferensiyasi" Presidenti tomonidan tavsiyanoma
3. "Olovli Gulxan" ijtimoiy madaniy kechasi
4. " Chempionlar kubogi- 2019" koʻchma kubogini yutib olish imkoniyati.
Anjumanda qancha delegat ishtirok etadi:
Jami: 150 delegat
Oʻzbekiston hududidan: 110 ta
MDX davlatlaridan: 40 ta
Anjuman qaysi tashkilotlarni qamrab oladi?
1. Innovatsion vazirlik
2. Turizm agentligi
3. Partiyalar
4. Yuksalish umummilliy harakati
5. Qashqadaryo OTM lari
6. Yoshlar ittifoqi
7. Qashqadaryo hokimiyati
Yo'nalishingizni tanlang:
Marketing va reklama bo'yicha menejer (Ing)
Ta'limda innovatsiya (O'zb)
Turizm va IT (Ing)
Psixologiya va Jurnalistika (Rus)
Ekologiya va Iqtisodiyot (O'zb)
Anjumanda ishtirok etish narxi qancha?
Toʻlov miqdori mahalliy delegatlar uchun: 150 ming soʻm
Anjumandagi ishtirok xalqaro delegatlar uchun: 30 AQSH dollari
To’lov summasi quyidagilarni o’z ichiga oladi:
1. Anjuman ishtirokchisiga beriladigan sovgʻalar: yon daftarcha, ruchka, kalendar hamda qishki bezrukavka!
2. Uch kun davomida milliy Qashqadaryo taomlari
3. Uch kun davomida kofe break
4. Yuqori darajadagi sertifikat va tavsiyanoma
5. "Olovli Gulxan" ijtimoiy- madaniy kechada qatnashish
6. "Talant show" tanlovida qatnashish va maxsus sertifikatlarga ega boʻlib imkoniyati ( gitara, skirpka, nay, doira, tor kabi musiqa asboblari bilan takrorlanmas chiqishlar)
Barcha delegatlar turar-joy bilan ta’minlanadi!!!
O’qish bo’yicha ruxsatnomalar har bir ishtirokchiga taqdim etiladi.
Har bir xalqaro delegat uchun taklifnomalar tarqatiladi.
Imkoniyatingizni qo’ldan boy bermang! Hoziroq ariza to’ldiring!
Konferensiya arizalari uchun oxirgi muddat: 2019-yil 28-oktabr!
2019-yilning yangi gʻoyalarga boy konferensiyasi a’zosi bo’l!
#inno_kashkadarya #start_up_kashkadarya
Registratsiyadan oʻtish uchun⤵️
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Xonimlar va janoblar,
Yangi va hayajonli qish mavsumi u bilan birga Markaziy va Janubiy Osiyoning bir guruh muvofaqiyatli yosh Liderlari tomonidan qadimiy va tarixiy shahar Buxorodagi milliy va xalqaro hamkorlari bilan birgalikda tashkil etilayotgan UIMUN (O'zbekiston Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti Xalqaro modeli) ning birinchi mavsumi tashkillashtirilishi.
Bu progressiv tadbirda butun dunyodan 400 nafar mahalliy va xalqaro delegatlar nafaqat o'z bilim va ko'nikmalarini rivojlantirish, balki Buxoro va O'zbekiston tarixining shon-shuhratini his etish uchun ishtirok etadi.
Tez orada bizdan yangiliklar va qo'shimchalarni kuting.
Dream it, Love it , Achieve it
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Xonimlar va janoblar,
Yangi va hayajonli qish mavsumi u bilan birga Markaziy va Janubiy Osiyoning bir guruh muvofaqiyatli yosh Liderlari tomonidan qadimiy va tarixiy shahar Buxorodagi milliy va xalqaro hamkorlari bilan birgalikda tashkil etilayotgan UIMUN (O'zbekiston Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti Xalqaro modeli) ning birinchi mavsumi tashkillashtirilishi.
Bu progressiv tadbirda butun dunyodan 400 nafar mahalliy va xalqaro delegatlar nafaqat o'z bilim va ko'nikmalarini rivojlantirish, balki Buxoro va O'zbekiston tarixining shon-shuhratini his etish uchun ishtirok etadi.
Tez orada bizdan yangiliklar va qo'shimchalarni kuting.
Dream it, Love it , Achieve it
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
YourChance | Yoshlar hamjamiyati
#mun Uzbekistan International Model United Nations 2019 What: “UIMUN 2019” Youth conference When: 17-18-19 December, 2019 Where: Bukhara city, Uzbekistan Uzbekistan International Model United Nations is the academic simulation of 4 international organizations…
#mun #conference
Uzbekistan International MUN announces the opening of the application form for Dais members!
If you are interested, apply ⏩ here ⏪!
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Uzbekistan International MUN announces the opening of the application form for Dais members!
If you are interested, apply ⏩ here ⏪!
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Google Docs
Application for Dias members of UIMUN-2019
Dear young Leaders,
A new and exciting winter season brings with it the anticipation of the first edition of UIMUN (Uzbekistan international Model United Nations) which is organizing by a group of emerging young leaders of central and south Asia’s in cooperation…
A new and exciting winter season brings with it the anticipation of the first edition of UIMUN (Uzbekistan international Model United Nations) which is organizing by a group of emerging young leaders of central and south Asia’s in cooperation…
#mun #conference
Future We Want Model United Nations 2020!
Conference Location: Manhattan, New York, The U.S
Conference Dates: 21-23 February, 2020
The Future We Want MUN NYC is the most inclusive and diverse conference in the world.
It’s more than just MUN! Students don’t simulate the UN, they engage in actual debates that are critical to the UN agenda.
We are currently gathering Uzbekistan Delegation to visit Future We Want Model United Nations!
Open for: All (students of lyceum, college, university students,graduates are welcome to join)
Why to join our delegation?
-Delegation consist of experienced delegates;
-Delegation preparation to conference and visa interview
-Possibility to get delegation visa type altogether
-Visiting the conference as the team and representatives of Uzbeksitan
Deadline for application for this delegation: 30 November, 2019.
If interested or going to participate, contact via Telegram: @HNMUN2020
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
Future We Want Model United Nations 2020!
Conference Location: Manhattan, New York, The U.S
Conference Dates: 21-23 February, 2020
The biggest Model United Nations Conference around the world with over 3000 delegates!
The Future We Want MUN NYC is the most inclusive and diverse conference in the world.
It’s more than just MUN! Students don’t simulate the UN, they engage in actual debates that are critical to the UN agenda.
We are currently gathering Uzbekistan Delegation to visit Future We Want Model United Nations!
Open for: All (students of lyceum, college, university students,graduates are welcome to join)
Why to join our delegation?
-Delegation consist of experienced delegates;
-Delegation preparation to conference and visa interview
-Possibility to get delegation visa type altogether
-Visiting the conference as the team and representatives of Uzbeksitan
Deadline for application for this delegation: 30 November, 2019.
If interested or going to participate, contact via Telegram: @HNMUN2020
👉🏻 @yourchance_uz
🍀 Kanadadagi Brescia Universiteti Xalqaro Stipendiyasi 2021
🍀 Janubiy Avstraliya Universiteti Stipendiyasi 2021
🍀 Xitoyning Schwarzman to'liq qoplanuvchi stipendiyasi 2020
🍀 To'liq qoplanuvchi CERN Administrativ talaba dasturi 2021 | Shvetsariya
🍀 Germaniyada doktarantura va magistratura bosqichlariga to'liq qoplanuvchi DAAD Stipendiyasi
🍀 To'liq qoplanuvchi Janubiy Koreya UST Stipendiyasi 2021
🍀 AQSHdagi Michigan Universiteti Dearborn bakalavriat stipendiyasi 2021
🍀 To'liq qoplanuvchi Garvard Universiteti Biznesni boshqarish magistratura (MBA) stipendiyasi
🍀 To'liq qoplanuvchi BMT volontyorlar dasturi 2021
🍀 Chulalongkorn Universitetida Tayland Davlat Stipendiyasi 2021
#xalqaro #ycgrant #conference_forum
🍀 Kanadadagi Brescia Universiteti Xalqaro Stipendiyasi 2021
🍀 Janubiy Avstraliya Universiteti Stipendiyasi 2021
🍀 Xitoyning Schwarzman to'liq qoplanuvchi stipendiyasi 2020
🍀 To'liq qoplanuvchi CERN Administrativ talaba dasturi 2021 | Shvetsariya
🍀 Germaniyada doktarantura va magistratura bosqichlariga to'liq qoplanuvchi DAAD Stipendiyasi
🍀 To'liq qoplanuvchi Janubiy Koreya UST Stipendiyasi 2021
🍀 AQSHdagi Michigan Universiteti Dearborn bakalavriat stipendiyasi 2021
🍀 To'liq qoplanuvchi Garvard Universiteti Biznesni boshqarish magistratura (MBA) stipendiyasi
🍀 To'liq qoplanuvchi BMT volontyorlar dasturi 2021
🍀 Chulalongkorn Universitetida Tayland Davlat Stipendiyasi 2021
#xalqaro #ycgrant #conference_forum