⭐️ The Cadastre Agency Gurlan district department found an illegal building of total 200 square meters built arbitrarily by Ch.A, a resident of "Olga" neighborhood of Gurlan district.
🔴Regarding this situation, clarification work was conducted to the person who committed the violation of the land law, and the citizen's voluntary violation was ensured at his own expense, and the building was removed on the spot.
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🔴Regarding this situation, clarification work was conducted to the person who committed the violation of the land law, and the citizen's voluntary violation was ensured at his own expense, and the building was removed on the spot.
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#Bartaraf #XorazmKadastrAgentlik
⭐️ Kadastr agentligi Yangiariq tuman bo‘limi tomonidan Yangiariq tumani “Egrisolma” mahallasida yashovchi fuqaro B.B tomonidan o‘zboshimchalik bilan qurilgan jami 107 kv.metrdan iborat noqonuniy qurilma aniqlandi.
🔴 Mazkur holat yuzasidan yer qonunbuzilishini sodir etgan shaxsga tushuntirish ishlari olib borildi hamda fuqaroning o‘z hisobidan ixtiyoriy ravishda buzilishi taʼminlanib, qurilma joyida bartaraf qilindi.
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⭐️ Cadastre agency Yangariq district department has discovered an illegal construction of total 107 square meters, built arbitrarily by B.B, a resident of "Egrisolma" neighborhood of Yangariq district.
🔴 In connection with this situation, the person who committed the violation of the land law was informed, and the citizen's voluntary violation was ensured at his own expense, and the building was removed on the spot.
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