💬 Savol: Men tadbirkorlik bilan shug‘ullanish uchun auksiondan yer maydoni yutib oldim. Mazkur yer uchastkasiga kadastr hujjatini shakllantirsam bo‘ladimi?
✔️ Javob: Bo‘ladi. Bunda kadastr pasportini shakllantirish uchun arizani my.gov.uz yoki DXM orqali berishingiz mumkin.
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💬 Question: I won a plot of land at an auction to do business. Can I create a cadastral document for this plot of land?
✔️ Answer: Yes. In this case, you can submit an application for the formation of a cadastral passport through my.gov.uz or DXM.
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💬 Savol: Men tadbirkorlik bilan shug‘ullanish uchun auksiondan yer maydoni yutib oldim. Mazkur yer uchastkasiga kadastr hujjatini shakllantirsam bo‘ladimi?
✔️ Javob: Bo‘ladi. Bunda kadastr pasportini shakllantirish uchun arizani my.gov.uz yoki DXM orqali berishingiz mumkin.
🔖 🔖 🔖 🔖 🔖 🔖 🔖 🔖 🔖
💬 Question: I won a plot of land at an auction to do business. Can I create a cadastral document for this plot of land?
✔️ Answer: Yes. In this case, you can submit an application for the formation of a cadastral passport through my.gov.uz or DXM.
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🖥 Ko‘chmas mulkni texnik inventarizatsiyadan o‘tkazish — ko‘chmas mulkni tekshirish natijalari asosida ko‘chmas mulkning mavjudligi, joylashgan yeri, tarkibi, maydoni, holati, qiymati va boshqa tavsiflari to‘g‘risidagi ma’lumotlarni to‘plash, aniqlash hamda ularga ishlov berish.
🖥 Carrying out a technical inventory of real estate - based on the results of the real estate inspection, collecting, determining, and processing them.
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🔖Savol: Fuqarolar o’rtasidagi yer bilan bog’liq nizolarni qonunchilikda belgilangan tartibda hal etish kimning vakolatiga kiradi?
✅ Javob: O’zbekiston Respublikasi Yer kodeksining 89-moddasiga asosan yuridik va jismoniy shaxslar o’rtasidagi yer xususidagi nizolar sud tomonidan hal etiladi (ko’rib chiqiladi).
🔖Question: Who is responsible for resolving land disputes between citizens in accordance with the law?
✅ Answer: Based on Article 89 of the Land Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, land disputes between legal entities and individuals are resolved (considered) by the court.
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🔖Savol: Fuqarolar o’rtasidagi yer bilan bog’liq nizolarni qonunchilikda belgilangan tartibda hal etish kimning vakolatiga kiradi?
✅ Javob: O’zbekiston Respublikasi Yer kodeksining 89-moddasiga asosan yuridik va jismoniy shaxslar o’rtasidagi yer xususidagi nizolar sud tomonidan hal etiladi (ko’rib chiqiladi).
🔖Question: Who is responsible for resolving land disputes between citizens in accordance with the law?
✅ Answer: Based on Article 89 of the Land Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, land disputes between legal entities and individuals are resolved (considered) by the court.
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💬 Savol: Men tadbirkorlik bilan shug‘ullanish uchun auksiondan yer maydoni yutib oldim. Mazkur yer uchastkasiga kadastr hujjatini shakllantirsam bo‘ladimi?
✅ Javob: Bo‘ladi. Bunda kadastr pasportini shakllantirish uchun arizani my.gov.uz yoki DXM orqali berishingiz mumkin.
💬Question: I won a plot of land at an auction to do business. Can I create a cadastral document for this plot of land?
✅Answer: Yes. In this case, you can submit an application for the formation of a cadastral passport through my.gov.uz or DXM.
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💬 Savol: Men tadbirkorlik bilan shug‘ullanish uchun auksiondan yer maydoni yutib oldim. Mazkur yer uchastkasiga kadastr hujjatini shakllantirsam bo‘ladimi?
✅ Javob: Bo‘ladi. Bunda kadastr pasportini shakllantirish uchun arizani my.gov.uz yoki DXM orqali berishingiz mumkin.
💬Question: I won a plot of land at an auction to do business. Can I create a cadastral document for this plot of land?
✅Answer: Yes. In this case, you can submit an application for the formation of a cadastral passport through my.gov.uz or DXM.
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🖥 Qurilishi tugallanmagan obyektlar – qurilishi belgilangan tartibda ajratilgan yer uchastkasida tasdiqlangan loyiha hujjatlariga muvofiq boshlangan, lekin belgilangan kunida tugallanmagan yoki qurilishi tugallangan, ammo qurilishi (rekonstruksiyasi) tugallangan binolar va inshootlarni foydalanish uchun ruxsatnomasi asosida foydalanishga qabul qilinmagan bino va inshootlar.
🖥 Unfinished objects - buildings and structures whose construction began in accordance with the approved project documents on a plot of land allocated in the prescribed manner, but were not completed on the specified date, or the construction of which was completed, but the construction (reconstruction) of buildings and structures was completed and was not accepted for use based on a permit for the use of buildings and structures.
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💬 Savol: Fuqarolar o’rtasidagi yer bilan bog’liq nizolarni qonunchilikda belgilangan tartibda hal etish kimning vakolatiga kiradi?
🖥 Javob: O’zbekiston Respublikasi Yer kodeksining 89-moddasiga asosan yuridik va jismoniy shaxslar o’rtasidagi yer xususidagi nizolar sud tomonidan hal etiladi (ko’rib chiqiladi).
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💬 Question: Who is responsible for resolving land disputes between citizens in accordance with the law?
🖥 Answer: Based on Article 89 of the Land Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, land disputes between legal entities and individuals are resolved (considered) by the court.
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🖥 Ko‘chmas mulkni texnik inventarizatsiyadan o‘tkazish — ko‘chmas mulkni tekshirish natijalari asosida ko‘chmas mulkning mavjudligi, joylashgan yeri, tarkibi, maydoni, holati, qiymati va boshqa tavsiflari to‘g‘risidagi ma’lumotlarni to‘plash, aniqlash hamda ularga ishlov berish.
🖥 Carrying out a technical inventory of real estate - based on the results of the real estate inspection, collecting, determining, and processing them.
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❓ Savol: Kadastr hujjatlarini rasmiylashtirish uchun to'lovlarni to'lashda nogiron yoki nafaqaxo'rlarga imtiyozlar bormi?
❗️ Javob: Kadastr hujjatlarini rasmiylashtirish uchun to'lovlarni to'lashda nogiron yoki nafaqaxo'rlarga imtiyozlar Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2014-yil 10-iyuldagi “Davlat kadastri sohasida davlat xizmatlari narxlarini belgilashda tabaqalashtirilgan yondashuv tartibini takomillashtirish to‘g‘risida”gi 186-son qarori bilan tartibga solinadi. I va II guruh nogironligi bo'lgan shaxslar yoki Ikkinchi jahon urushi qatnashchisi (davlat xizmatlari narxi xizmatlar umumiy qiymatining 50 foizini tashkil qiladi).
*️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣
❓Question: Are there benefits for people with disabilities or pensioners when paying fees for cadastral documents?
❗️ Answer: Privileges for people with disabilities or pensioners in paying fees for cadastral documents according to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated july 10, 2020 No. 186 "On improving the procedure of differentiated approach to determining the prices of public services in the field of state cadastre" regulated. people with group I and II disabilities or a participant of the Second World War (the cost of public services is 50% of the total cost of services).
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❓Question: Are there benefits for people with disabilities or pensioners when paying fees for cadastral documents?
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🖥 Ko‘chmas mulkni texnik inventarizatsiyadan o‘tkazish — ko‘chmas mulkni tekshirish natijalari asosida ko‘chmas mulkning mavjudligi, joylashgan yeri, tarkibi, maydoni, holati, qiymati va boshqa tavsiflari to‘g‘risidagi ma’lumotlarni to‘plash, aniqlash hamda ularga ishlov berish.
🖥 Carrying out a technical inventory of real estate - based on the results of the real estate inspection, collecting, determining, and processing them.
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💬 Savol: Fuqarolar o’rtasidagi yer bilan bog’liq nizolarni qonunchilikda belgilangan tartibda hal etish kimning vakolatiga kiradi?
🖥 Javob: O’zbekiston Respublikasi Yer kodeksining 89-moddasiga asosan yuridik va jismoniy shaxslar o’rtasidagi yer xususidagi nizolar sud tomonidan hal etiladi (ko’rib chiqiladi).
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💬 Question: Who is responsible for resolving land disputes between citizens in accordance with the law?
🖥 Answer: Based on Article 89 of the Land Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, land disputes between legal entities and individuals are resolved (considered) by the court.
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❓ Savol: Kadastr hujjatlarini rasmiylashtirish uchun to'lovlarni to'lashda nogiron yoki nafaqaxo'rlarga imtiyozlar bormi?
❗️ Javob: Kadastr hujjatlarini rasmiylashtirish uchun to'lovlarni to'lashda nogiron yoki nafaqaxo'rlarga imtiyozlar Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2014-yil 10-iyuldagi “Davlat kadastri sohasida davlat xizmatlari narxlarini belgilashda tabaqalashtirilgan yondashuv tartibini takomillashtirish to‘g‘risida”gi 186-son qarori bilan tartibga solinadi. I va II guruh nogironligi bo'lgan shaxslar yoki Ikkinchi jahon urushi qatnashchisi (davlat xizmatlari narxi xizmatlar umumiy qiymatining 50 foizini tashkil qiladi).
*️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣
❓Question: Are there benefits for people with disabilities or pensioners when paying fees for cadastral documents?
❗️ Answer: Privileges for people with disabilities or pensioners in paying fees for cadastral documents according to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated july 10, 2020 No. 186 "On improving the procedure of differentiated approach to determining the prices of public services in the field of state cadastre" regulated. people with group I and II disabilities or a participant of the Second World War (the cost of public services is 50% of the total cost of services).
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❓Question: Are there benefits for people with disabilities or pensioners when paying fees for cadastral documents?
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💬 Savol: Men tadbirkorlik bilan shug‘ullanish uchun auksiondan yer maydoni yutib oldim. Mazkur yer uchastkasiga kadastr hujjatini shakllantirsam bo‘ladimi?
✅ Javob: Bo‘ladi. Bunda kadastr pasportini shakllantirish uchun arizani my.gov.uz yoki DXM orqali berishingiz mumkin.
💬Question: I won a plot of land at an auction to do business. Can I create a cadastral document for this plot of land?
✅Answer: Yes. In this case, you can submit an application for the formation of a cadastral passport through my.gov.uz or DXM.
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💬 Savol: Men tadbirkorlik bilan shug‘ullanish uchun auksiondan yer maydoni yutib oldim. Mazkur yer uchastkasiga kadastr hujjatini shakllantirsam bo‘ladimi?
✅ Javob: Bo‘ladi. Bunda kadastr pasportini shakllantirish uchun arizani my.gov.uz yoki DXM orqali berishingiz mumkin.
💬Question: I won a plot of land at an auction to do business. Can I create a cadastral document for this plot of land?
✅Answer: Yes. In this case, you can submit an application for the formation of a cadastral passport through my.gov.uz or DXM.
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💬 Savol: Men tadbirkorlik bilan shug‘ullanish uchun auksiondan yer maydoni yutib oldim. Mazkur yer uchastkasiga kadastr hujjatini shakllantirsam bo‘ladimi?
✅ Javob: Bo‘ladi. Bunda kadastr pasportini shakllantirish uchun arizani my.gov.uz yoki DXM orqali berishingiz mumkin.
💬Question: I won a plot of land at an auction to do business. Can I create a cadastral document for this plot of land?
✅Answer: Yes. In this case, you can submit an application for the formation of a cadastral passport through my.gov.uz or DXM.
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💬 Savol: Men tadbirkorlik bilan shug‘ullanish uchun auksiondan yer maydoni yutib oldim. Mazkur yer uchastkasiga kadastr hujjatini shakllantirsam bo‘ladimi?
✅ Javob: Bo‘ladi. Bunda kadastr pasportini shakllantirish uchun arizani my.gov.uz yoki DXM orqali berishingiz mumkin.
💬Question: I won a plot of land at an auction to do business. Can I create a cadastral document for this plot of land?
✅Answer: Yes. In this case, you can submit an application for the formation of a cadastral passport through my.gov.uz or DXM.
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🖥 Ko‘chmas mulkni texnik inventarizatsiyadan o‘tkazish — ko‘chmas mulkni tekshirish natijalari asosida ko‘chmas mulkning mavjudligi, joylashgan yeri, tarkibi, maydoni, holati, qiymati va boshqa tavsiflari to‘g‘risidagi ma’lumotlarni to‘plash, aniqlash hamda ularga ishlov berish.
🖥 Carrying out a technical inventory of real estate - based on the results of the real estate inspection, collecting, determining, and processing them.
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💬 Savol: Fuqarolar o’rtasidagi yer bilan bog’liq nizolarni qonunchilikda belgilangan tartibda hal etish kimning vakolatiga kiradi?
🖥 Javob: O’zbekiston Respublikasi Yer kodeksining 89-moddasiga asosan yuridik va jismoniy shaxslar o’rtasidagi yer xususidagi nizolar sud tomonidan hal etiladi (ko’rib chiqiladi).
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💬 Question: Who is responsible for resolving land disputes between citizens in accordance with the law?
🖥 Answer: Based on Article 89 of the Land Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, land disputes between legal entities and individuals are resolved (considered) by the court.
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💬 Savol: Men tadbirkorlik bilan shug‘ullanish uchun auksiondan yer maydoni yutib oldim. Mazkur yer uchastkasiga kadastr hujjatini shakllantirsam bo‘ladimi?
✅ Javob: Bo‘ladi. Bunda kadastr pasportini shakllantirish uchun arizani my.gov.uz yoki DXM orqali berishingiz mumkin.
💬Question: I won a plot of land at an auction to do business. Can I create a cadastral document for this plot of land?
✅Answer: Yes. In this case, you can submit an application for the formation of a cadastral passport through my.gov.uz or DXM.
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💬 Savol: Men tadbirkorlik bilan shug‘ullanish uchun auksiondan yer maydoni yutib oldim. Mazkur yer uchastkasiga kadastr hujjatini shakllantirsam bo‘ladimi?
✅ Javob: Bo‘ladi. Bunda kadastr pasportini shakllantirish uchun arizani my.gov.uz yoki DXM orqali berishingiz mumkin.
💬Question: I won a plot of land at an auction to do business. Can I create a cadastral document for this plot of land?
✅Answer: Yes. In this case, you can submit an application for the formation of a cadastral passport through my.gov.uz or DXM.
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