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Itai Anghel is an Israeli filmmaker with known ties to the Zionist IDF. Here he recently posted this picture of himself in Damascus smoking shisha. The tweet has garnered over 1.2 million views.

He captioned it “From Damascus With ❤️.” A pun on the 1956 novel by the creator of James Bond (and himself a British intelligence asset) Ian Fleming, “From Russia With Love.”
It was later adapted into an excellent film with the same name, starring the iconic Sean Connery in 1962, the second installment of the James Bond film series.

Those who have read the story or have watched the film will know the implications of Itai Anghel’s message. This wouldn’t be the first time either. Those who remember the story of Eli Cohen, the Israeli spy who pretended and to be Arab positioned himself high into Syria’s military from 1962-1965, will know what the Zionist playbook is.

[Ironically, Jeff Bezos and Amazon have recently bought out the rights to the James Bond films. While the early ones with Sean Connery were superb and gave away many secrets regarding real world political events, the later versions haven’t always been as good. Now that Amazon has bought the rights, we can expect more woke/lgbtq nonsense and propaganda. More posts on real life espionage to come in the future, reality is stranger than fiction.]
The pseudo-Salafi, Wahhabi cult once again resorting to the Chewbacca Defense 😅
Ironic here because Maimonides himself explicitly copied from Muslim authors.
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Media is too big
Know Thy Enemy

Dr. Fawzi Al Badawi is a professor at Tunisia’s Manouba University. His field is Jewish studies. He is one of the few Arab/Muslim intellectuals who has researched the history of Jews, Zionism, and has kept up with Hebrew publications, at an academic level.
It is no secret that for well over a century, Muslims have lagged behind in education overall and have known next to nothing about any of their enemies.

In this clip Dr Fawzi Al Badawi explains the vast array of dozens of institutes, university departments, and think tanks that the Zionists have created that focus on studying the Muslim world. They analyze us from a political, historical, linguistic, and even religious angle. Meanwhile Muslims only came to the realization that studying the Zionists is worthwhile, after the embarrassing defeat in 1967. Even then we have barely a handful of university departments/institutes dedicated to this task.

To watch the full 2 hour 45 minute interview, please use the link below. It is in Arabic but you can turn on English captions, they are accurate.

In the past there have been many Arab/Muslim politicians and officials that didn’t even know basic facts. For example, one Egyptian official didn’t even know Hebrew is written from right to left just like Arabic! Or that the most Jewish authors like Maimonides and Sadia Gaon wrote their works in Arabic. And that Hebrew grammar etc is copied from Arabic. The Zionists and their allies have studied us inside out and this allows them to kick us around like a football.

For those who have paid attention, this has been going on for a long time. The Templars took a bunch of Arabic manuscripts with them back from the Holy Land during the Crusades. The Vatican funded many translations of these, and families such as the Medici (and other Black Nobility families) were heavily involved in gathering intelligence using the guise of philanthropy and promotion of arts/culture.

The Venetians were masters of this as well. Marco Polo was an intelligence asset, not merely an explorer.
The same thing happened later when the Templars re emerged as the Jesuit order. The Jesuit priests were sent out to the corners of the globe mainly for intelligence, not simply for missionary work.

The Freemasons after becoming public in the 1700s were heavily involved in gathering intelligence for the British Empire among others. This is why the East India Company also funded several scholars and spies. The East India Company records have manuscripts from the likes of the great Shah Waliyullah Dehlawi and others. The British Library, Venetian archives, Vatican, and other libraries in places like Germany, France etc contain troves of information about our history.

So it is no surprise that the European Orientalists were used by the colonial powers in their efforts to undermine Islam. Yale University was named after Elihu Yale, the head of the East India Company. His opium selling pals were among those who set up Skull and Bones. Similarly by the turn of the 20th century, the Rothschilds were bankrolling several media companies and university departments. The Rockefellers had set up the University of Chicago, set up the General Education Board, and effectively taken over the practice of medicine in both America and China.

Now we have places like the RAND corporation and others all publicly bragging about what they would like to see in the Muslim world. We have seldom paid any attention. As the likes of Miles Copeland have shown, (and the case of the Oded Yinon plan that Imam Al Bouti and others kept warning about but no one listened) we have been easy to divide and conquer.
More examples of espionage and information warfare will be shown later. Thank God more folks are beginning to wake up.
The tide will turn in shā’ Allāh.
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Stewart Copeland 1990 Interview

In this interview from 1990 with Bob Costas, Stewart Copeland, the lead drummer for the famous band “The Police”, speaks about his childhood.
Stewart Copeland says his father Miles Copeland was not only the CIA station chief in Cairo, but also one of the very founding members of the CIA itself. He speaks about his life growing up from age 2 until age 18 in Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon.

He mentions he always assumed that his father was a businessman who advised oil companies. He speaks candidly about the CIA being involved in toppling regimes. He also says his parents threw many cocktail parties in Beirut where they would meet their KGB counterparts and the officials they wanted to back for coups.

This is just one example of how open and easy it is for intelligence agencies (be they MI-6, Mossad, CIA, or the other older secret societies like the Jesuits/Freemasons) to operate and gain intel. Not just in the Muslim world but across the globe.
Set up a bunch of international schools, religious missionary centers, fund university departments, use fake charities, throw lots of lavish parties, and when needed, use drugs and sex. Voila, all the information they need gets squeezed out easily. Most of the time there is no need for any blackmail, economic sanctions, torture, or assassinations.

[n.b. During the 1953 coup in Iran, Miles Copeland referred to Iranians as “sheep that needed herding”.
Copeland’s wife herself was a member of British intelligence.
No wonder why their son Stewart’s band was called “The Police”. Many other famous bands and singers from the Counter Culture era have intelligence connections which we can cover at a later date. More case studies on espionage and tips to counter it will follow.]
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Intentions for Ramadan

Posted above are intentions for Ramadan from the Habaib. Abu Bakr Al Adani (may Allāh have mercy upon him), Kazim al Saqqaf, and Umar ibn Hafiz (May Allāh preserve them) .
Make sure to add in your own intentions and goals. This is the time for a fresh start.

May Allāh make this upcoming Ramadan the best month of our lives.

[The moon will be sighted easily in North America, according to the highly reliable visibility charts. Making tonight the first night, and tomorrow the first day of Ramadan]
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Ottoman Music Therapy

Shaykh Dr. Abdul Hakim Murad shared some fascinating insights about Turkey’s unique blend of ancient traditions and modern life. He spoke about Edirne, a historic town in Turkey that was an important center of Islamic knowledge during the Ottoman Empire. Near the grand mosque in Edirne, there’s an old hospital, now turned into a museum, that used to treat mental illnesses with music therapy.

Patients would be brought out by the physician, and musicians would play specific tunes based on their symptoms, believing the music could help heal them. Though the museum’s displays—wax figures in traditional outfits—are a bit outdated, you can still get a sense of how the therapy worked.

This tradition of healing through music wasn’t unique to Edirne; there’s a similar history in Damascus and other parts of the Islamic world. Interestingly, this practice is still alive today—you can even buy recordings of therapeutic Ottoman music in Istanbul.

He also mentioned another ancient therapy still practiced in some parts of Turkey: the use of horses. The rhythmic movement of riding a horse was believed to help people with mental health issues, a tradition that predates Islam but has been preserved in Turkish culture.

Finally, he touched on the therapeutic benefits of singing. In some cases, people with asthma are trained to use their voices in a way that helps open up their airways. Singing can improve the function of the vocal cords, counteracting the effects of modern urban lifestyles and pollution. It’s not just about the physical benefits; singing also nurtures emotional and mental well-being.

Turkey, he said, is an intriguing place—modern in many ways but still holding on to ancient practices that continue to benefit people today.

🔗 @ZabAkbar
Forwarded from Political Animals
В общем, дочитал я книгу Патрика Денина. И стоит сказать пару слов в заключение.

Главная стержневая мысль книги — это фиксация непреодолимого разрыва в культурном, социально-политическом и экономическом мышлении элит и масс, который наступил в эпоху доминирования либерализма. Поэтому он называет либерализм «идеологией дезинтеграции».

Однако Денин не только фиксирует, но и предлагает рецепт преодоления пропасти, разделившую общество. Своей проект он называет «постлиберальной интеграцией».

В его основе лежит несколько концепций:

▪️Смешанное правление по модели Аристотеля

▪️Консерватизм общего блага

▪️децентрализация государства

Если воплотить теоретические рецепты Денина, то по его итогу должно возникнуть новое общество. Оно будет лишено двух ключевых недостатков либерализма:

📍Прогрессизма, служащего источником постоянной дестабилизации

📍Чрезмерной индивидуализации общества, разлагающей любой формат коллективной общности

Это общество будет ориентировано в первую очередь на поддержание благополучия масс, а не элит, которые будут работать на благо всех, а не только передовой части человечества. Это то что Денин назвал «аристопопулизмом».

Свои мысли по ходу чтения я изложил в хронологическом порядке в следующих постах:

Несмотря на то что основная идея Денина обладает рядом достоинств, воплотить ее в жизнь будет трудно без определённых, не самых приятных последствий и изменений. Продолжение в следующем посте ⬇️



🔹Подпишись на Political Animals
Гегель известен своей Феноменологией, философией права, религии, истории и искусства. Однако, особенно у нас в России (как и прочих русскоязычных странах), его логика почти неизвестная, и разбирательство с ней как правило ограничивается дежурными фразами.
В параграфе 24 Энциклопедии Гегель пишет, что его логика совпадает с метафизикой. Она выступает в качестве основания для всех иных, производных дисциплин реальной философии.
Более года мы готовили переводы текстов по метафизике Гегеля, впервые представляя некоторых авторов на русском языке. Разумеется, тексты некоторых авторов не были включены в сборник, но все эти тексты представляют интерес.

Здесь дается содержание нашего выпуска.
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Media is too big
MBC Series On Muawiyah

One thing we definitely shouldn’t do this Ramadan is watch Saudi channel MBC’s cringeworthy series on Muawiyah. This trailer itself is loaded with historical inaccuracies. The very depiction and portrayal of the main character is the opposite of reality.

They had a production budget of over $100 million dollars! This money could have been put to far better use. The series will serve as propaganda for the Saudi Wahhabi pro Zionist regime. Glorifying and whitewashing this entire period of history is a travesty.
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April Fools came a bit early this year for this jewess.🤣
Yeah all the production houses in Hollywood are definitely run by Islamists. That’s why so many Oscar winning movies have Arabs/Muslims as the villains, and so many movies about the Holocaust are made. And why Hollywood promotes the IDF and Pentagon.

Everyone from Roman Polanski to Harvey Weinstein to Jeffrey Epstein are all actually Muslims.
The Bolshevik-Communist party in Russia in 1918 was also 80% Muslim, not Jewish.
Leon Trotsky was a Muslim.
Karl Marx was also Muslim.

Forwarded from Stalag Null
Наконец-то настала пора вынуть из рукава цитату, которая все объяснит.
Итак: «Кризис заключается именно в том, что старое умирает, а новое не успевает родиться; этот зазор и порождает всевозможные патологические феномены».

Этой цитате не очень повезло с переводом на русский, поэтому дам и оригинал.
«La crisi consiste appunto nel fatto che il vecchio muore e il nuovo non può nascere: in questo interregno si verificano i fenomeni morbosi piú svariati.»

Оригинал, конечно, итальянский – потому, что это Антонио Грамши. Рассуждая о зазоре – в оригинале интеррегнуме, «междуцарствии» – он имеет в виду свое время, 1910е-1930е, но нет ничего удивительного, что история периодически входит в такие вот полосы трансформаций.

Вообще писать о природе глобальных изменений – любимое занятие у историков. «Точки бифуркации», «переломные моменты», периоды «кризисов» (Адам Туз сейчас, например, пишет о «поликризисе») всегда привлекают много внимания.
Еще историки охотно расскажут, что ни один «поворотный момент» не станет возможен без трансформации глубинных структур – социальных, политических, экономических. Их изменения можно сравнить с тектонической активностью: они не видны глазу и всегда действуют постепенно, зато как накроет, так накроет.

В идеальной модели они встречаются: трансформации глубинных структур и «поворотные моменты» – кризисы, создаваемые здесь и сейчас, будь то войны, политические решения или революции.

Однако наблюдение Грамши хорошо кое-чем другим: оно обращает наше внимание на сам разрыв.
И слово «interregnum», промежуток между тем, как прежний монарх скончался, а новый не сел на престол, подходит очень хорошо.
Старый мир с его структурами и решениями был по-своему емок и устойчив. Новый мир, какой он там ни народится, тоже будет емок и устойчив.
А вот это черти что посередине – между эпохами, ни то, ни другое – по каким правилам будет работать оно?

В период «междуцарствия» становится возможным то, что не сработало бы в старом мире – и что не сработает в новом.
Сама зыбкая, поломанная, переходная реальность позволяет случаться чему угодно. Здесь к власти приходят люди, которым в нормальных обстоятельствах это не светило бы никогда. Здесь раскручиваются идеологии, от которых в нормальных обстоятельствах отмахнулись бы даже маргиналы. Здесь рушатся и возносятся государства, от которых никто и никогда такого не ждал бы. Здесь ломаются старые правила и не существует новых.
В общем, здесь правят бал те самые fenomeni morbosi – патологические (или болезненные) феномены.

(В западном мире, где эту цитату любят страшно, иногда дают ее в пересказе, запущенном с чьей-то легкой руки. «The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters», — тот редкий случай, когда пересказ не так уж и плох.
«Время чудовищ»; а как еще это все называть?)
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Монголы и ориентализм

Парадоксально, но факт: даже те, кто яростно отвергает «ориенталистские тезисы», зачастую сами не замечают, как воспроизводят их по отношению к другим восточным народам.

Возьмём, к примеру, китайцев. Многие из них, не задумываясь, тиражируют мифы об отсталости уйгуров, связывая её исключительно с их приверженностью исламу. Этот стереотип, словно калька, списан с аргументов европейских ориенталистов XIX–XX веков, которые утверждали, что ислам якобы тормозит прогресс. Но сегодня речь не о них.

Современные мусульмане, особенно с Ближнего Востока, часто рисуют образ монголов и их правления в мрачных тонах. Согласно этим представлениям, именно монгольские завоевания положили конец «золотому веку» ислама, остановили научный прогресс и ввергли исламскую цивилизацию в стагнацию, что якобы и стало причиной её отставания от Европы (жаль европейцы об этом не знают).

Однако современная историческая наука давно развеяла эти мифы. Завоевания монголов, вопреки устоявшимся стереотипам, принесли на Ближний Восток не разрушение и упадок, а новые идеи и технологии для развития. Не раз было упомянуто, что благодаря монголам была переформулирована идея халифа и халифата, изменив всю политическую философию до сегодняшнего времени. Из новых данных: идея Ирана была воссоздана при правлении ильханидского хана Газана.

Они стали катализатором изменений во многих сферах жизни, от культуры до экономики, и их влияние оказалось куда более плодотворным, чем правление предшествующих государств.

Так что, возможно, пора пересмотреть устаревшие взгляды и взглянуть на историю монголов без предвзятости, освободившись от пут ориенталистских клише.
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Ireland, Colonialism, and India

The Empire Podcast with William Dalrymple and Anita Anand has just started a series analyzing the British Empire’s brutal colonization of Ireland. Ireland has been a laboratory for the British imperialists’ experiments. Many of the tactics used in Ireland were later tried in other parts of the world such as India. (And also Palestine)
This is why historically Ireland has had good relations with India and has also been very anti Zionist, pro Palestine.
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More Pattern Recognition and Gullible Muslims

In the two images above you can see the multi faceted approach the globo-homo enemies of Islam use to dupe the average Muslim. In one you have the technocratic globalist scumbag Zbigniew Brzezinski, a protege of Henry Kissinger, promoting Jeeeeeeee Haaaawd. The Muslims of Afghanistan were right to fight the Soviets, but the jihad was later infiltrated by stupid Wahhabi elements, which have had consequences that both Afghanistan and Pakistan have not recovered from until this day.

In the other picture you see Prince (now King) Charles , a buddy of pedophile Jimmy Saville, and arch priest for globalism, speaking about the importance of faith. Many ignorant Muslims today actually think he is a true Sufi. Some even say that Charlie will be a vicegerent for Imam al Mahdi (peace be upon him) himself and will aid in the
fight against the Dajjal/Anti-Christ! Remember that King Charlie is the man who literally called for the Great Reset. Don’t be fooled by his lovey dovey rhetoric and supposed fondness for traditionalism, Arab culture, and Tassawuf.

Wahhabi extremism and phony jihad on one side, perennialist pseudo spirituality and on the other side.
As Imam al Bouti and other scholars warned, true grassroots Islamic movements, must be free of this type of interference. We cannot allow ourselves to be used for the geopolitical gains of others. Taking actions without proper knowledge of the political situation is a major problem.

American, Russian, British, German, and Israeli intelligence files are filled with examples of how actual Islamic movements, such as the authentic Orthodox Sunni Sufi orders, which engaged in actually teaching the religion and spirituality to the masses, while also engaging in jihad against colonial powers, were weakened by our enemies. And to counter these, different groups were set up. Including both phony jihadist circles and phony spiritual groups.

The RAND Corp publicly published several papers after 9/11 on how to divide and conquer Muslims and which types of deviants/heretic to promote, in order to weaken actual normative Sunni Islam, and to strip us of both our political activism and spiritual dimensions. Don’t let anyone gaslight you into supporting anything backed by globo-homo.
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За несколько недель до своей смерти в интервью французскому журналу Le Figaro Мисиму спросили, что для него является «по-настоящему важным». Он ответил:

«Однажды журналист спросил меня, что я ненавижу больше всего на свете. Я задумался на мгновение, а затем ответил: одиночество. Затем он спросил, что я люблю больше всего. Без малейших колебаний я ответил: одиночество».

Интервью в Le Figaro, 3 декабря 1970 года, цитируется по: Cecchi, Mishima Yukio: Esthétique classique, univers tragique, 252.