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Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах: Chief Accountant в Lenovo (Москва)

Lenovo has a significant opportunity for a Chief Accountant to become the main contact point for accounting information and control of one of the world’s leading personal technology companies.

As a Chief Accountant you will be in charge of a financial statement preparation for Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, successful passing of Accounting and Tax Audits and control of all supporting accounting documents for the internal reporting.

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CFO East Europe в Lenovo (Москва)

Lenovo is looking for an experienced Chief Financial Officer (Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Belarus & Azerbaijan) to perform an effective risk management and plan the organization’s financial strategy.

As a leader of the financial team you will direct and oversee organizational activities including preparation of financial reports, cash management, insurance, audit, tax and legal. Your responsibilities will also include investment budgets control.

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Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах: Russia & EECA Country General Manager for Data Center Business group в Lenovo (Москва)

Lenovo is looking for an experienced Country General Manager who will be responsible for leading successful customer first acquisition, development and retention strategy to unleash the full business potential for Lenovo Data Centre Group within the Russia and EECA region.

This position includes responsibility for the overall sales, marketing coverage, go-to-market strategy and team coaching.

Good customer base in territory Russia & EECA is an advantage.

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Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах: CFO East Europe в Lenovo (Москва)

Крупнейший в мире производитель техники Lenovo ведет поиск CFО с зоной ответственности — Восточная Европа.

Успешному кандидату доверят полное руководство финансовой деятельностью подразделения. Главная цель работы будет заключаться в увеличении доходов компании и укреплении присутствия Lenovo на региональном рынке.

Одним из условий сотрудничества является опыт в должности — от 10 лет.

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