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Samarqandda bo‘lib o‘tgan Yevropa ishlari bo‘yicha komissiyaning 69-yig‘ilishida asosiy kun tartibi muhokama qilindi

UNWTO Butunjahon turizm tashkiloti Bosh assambleyasining 25-sessiyasi doirasida Yevropa ishlari bo‘yicha komissiyaning 69-yig‘ilishi bo‘lib o‘tdi.

Tadbirda Yevropa turizm sanoati yetakchilari ishtirok etib, mintaqada ham, undan tashqarida ham, shu jumladan, “Yevropa 2030” kun tartibi" tashabbusi doirasida hamkorlikni mustahkamlash masalalarini muhokama qildilar. Joriy yildagi ikkinchi uchrashuv Yevropa mintaqasidagi muammolar va ularning yechimlarini muhokama qilish uchun 40 mamlakatdan yuqori darajali vakillarni bir joyga to‘pladi.

The main Agenda of the 69th Meeting of the Commission on European Affairs was discussed in Samarkand

The 69th Meeting of the Commission on European Affairs
was held within the framework of the 25th session of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) General Assembly.

The event was attended by leaders of the European tourism industry ,where they discussed issues related to strengthening cooperation both within the region and beyond, including within the "Agenda for Europe 2030" initiative. High-level representatives from 40 countries gathered for the second meeting this year to discuss challenges in the European region and their solutions.

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UNWTO-2023: Global investitsiya forumi bo'lib o‘tmoqda

Samarqandda, UNWTO Bosh Assambleyasining 25-sessiyasi doirasida Global investitsiya forumi o’z ishini boshladi. "Silk Road Samarkand" turistik markazidagi “Expomarkaz”da bo‘lib o’tayotgan forumda 140 dan ortiq xorijiy davlatlardan kelgan delegatlar, xorijiy investorlar, shuningdek, 600 ga yaqin mahalliy kompaniyalar ishtirok etmoqda.

UNWTO-2023: The Global Investment Forum is taking place

During the 25th session of the UNWTO General Assembly in Samarkand, the Global Investment Forum has commenced. The forum is taking place at the "Expomarkaz" in the "Silk Road Samarkand" tourist center, with the participation of delegates from more than 140 foreign countries, foreign investors, and over 600 local companies.

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UNWTO Bosh Assambleyasining 25-sessiyasi doirasida Markaziy Osiyoda turizmni rivojlantirish bo‘yicha konferensiya ochilishi

O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Turizm qo‘mitasi raisi Umid Shodiyev Samarqand shahrida YUNVTO Bosh Assambleyasining 25-sessiyasi doirasida Markaziy Osiyoda turizmni rivojlantirishga bag‘ishlangan konferensiyani ochdi. Umid Shodiyev ishtirokchilarni qutlab, UNWTO bilan hamkorlik mintaqada turizm bozorining barqaror va jadal rivojlanishini ta’minlashiga ishonch bildirdi.

Открытие конференции по развитию туризма в Центральной Азии в рамках 25-й сессии Генеральной ассамблеи UNWTO

Умид Шадиев, Председатель Комитета по Туризму Республики Узбекистан, в Самарканде открыл конференцию по развитию туризма в Центральной Азии в рамках 25-й сессии Генеральной ассамблеи UNWTO. У. Шадиев поприветствовал участников и выразил уверенность в обеспечении стабильного и динамичного развития туристического рынка региона в партнерстве с UNWTO.

Opening of the Conference on Tourism Development in Central Asia within the framework of the 25th session of the UNWTO General Assembly

Umid Shadiev, Chairman of the Tourism Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, opened the Central Asian Tourism Workshop within the framework of the 25th UNWTO General Assembly in Samarkand. U.Shadiev welcomed the participants and expressed confidence in ensuring stable and dynamic development of the region's tourism market in partnership with UNWTO.

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