Kompyuteringiz bilan muloqot vaqtida siz uchratadigan inglizcha so'zlar va ularning ma'nolari:
1. Recharge the battery-Batareykalarni quvvatlash
2. Click on the link with the mouse-Sichqoncha orqali link ustiga bosish
3. Give a presentation-taqdimot qilish
4. Print out some pages- Bir necha sahifalarni chop etish
5. Send and receive emails-Emaillarni yuborish va qabul qilish
6. Press the button-Tugmachani bosish
7. Turn on the computer-Kompyuterni ishga tushirish
Kompyuteringiz bilan muloqot vaqtida siz uchratadigan inglizcha so'zlar va ularning ma'nolari:
1. Recharge the battery-
2. Click on the link with the mouse-
3. Give a presentation-
4. Print out some pages-
5. Send and receive emails-
6. Press the button-
7. Turn on the computer-