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⚡️ A new word of the day...


🔰 A balanced mind means peace of mind, giving you the ability to think clearly. You keep calm. You are not run by emotions or stress. You can control your body, spirit and mind.

☀️ If you have a “balanced mind”, then you have excellent emotional health.

❇️ That’s why, they say: “to balance your life, you have to balance your mind”.

✔️ If you can keep calm and have a balanced mind, you will be able to manage very difficult situations in life and at work.

So, think about always keeping your mind balanced!

📖 Learn related words: mental balance, emotional balance (imbalance), inner balance, emotional well-being.


When applying for a job, a young candidate was asked:
“What Was Your Biggest Challenge as a Student?”

And this was his response: 👇

🗯 “Acquiring successful time management skills was the biggest challenge I faced as a student. It was an aspect of college life that I underestimated the significance of. Now that I am in the workforce, I continue to use the skills I gained, and I am always trying to improve on them as well”.

⚡️Time management challenges are common to all students worldwide.

❗️You are not the exception either.

❇️ Effective time management will allow you to make the most of your day, week, month, year and, surely, all your life.

✔️ So try to learn how to plan your time in the most effective way.

Useful expressions:
successful time management skills, to underestimate the significance of, to be in the workforce (to be one of those who have a job), to improve on the (existing) skills

👉 @think_global_act_local

⚡️ A new word of the day...


🔰 Bugun kundalik hayotimiz va kasbiy faoliyatimizda eng ko’p qoʻllaniladigan iboralardan biri – bu “kreativ fikrlash”dir.

✳️ Ya’ni, muammolarni yechishda yangi usullar va noan’anaviy yondashuvlardan foydalanish.

💠 Shular qatorida “qobigʻidan chiqish” degan ibora ham bor. U ingliz tilida “thinking outside the box” iborasiga toʻgʻri keladi.

✳️ Agar Tomas Edison “qobigʻidan” chiqib fikrlamaganida, u balki elektr lampasini kashf qilmagan boʻlar edi. Agar A nuqtadan B nuqtaga an’anaviy usulda fikrlab bora olmayotgan boʻlsangiz, “qobigʻingizdan chiqib” firklab koʻring.

“Qobigʻ” ichida dunyo tor va muammolarga toʻla koʻrinadi.

🔆 “Qobigʻdan” tashqarida esa dunyo keng va yangi imkoniyatlarga boy koʻrinadi.

👉 @think_global_act_local

⚡️ A new word of the day...


🔰 Thinking success conditions your mind to create plans that produce success.

Failure thinking conditions the mind to think other thoughts that produce failure.

Remind yourself regularly that you are better than you think you are. So, never sell yourself short.

📖 To sell oneself short means to belittle oneself in judgment; to underestimate one's abilities.
