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#RIA #worldbank Global RIA Awards: Всембанк объявил конкурс на лучшее проведенное ОРВ. The World Bank, in collaboration with Centre for European Governance, University of Exeter, has just launched the “2017 Global RIA Awards”. The purpose of the competition is to acknowledge and share innovative approaches and outcomes of actual Regulatory Impact Assessments – as opposed to purely looking at design features of RIA systems.
The nomination period for the award is open until March 17:
#RIA #junkfood “Research of the full range of health, regulatory and economic impacts of a tax is required and should include a total dietary intake study; a detailed socio-economic impact assessment study and regulatory impact assessment.”
#RIA CERIS - Instituto Superior Técnico (Португалия) проводит онлайн-опрос "Regulatory Governance & RIA: merits and implications of a mandatory RIA". We would greatly appreciate your participation in the survey "Regulatory Governance & RIA: merits and implications of a mandatory RIA". Your expert opinion about RIA's ability to improve regulatory governance is very important to our analysis reducing its bias and providing insights about such challenging issue. More details are available in the introductory section.
The survey should take no more than 10 minutes. The content and identification shall be kept strictly confidentiality and will be used exclusively for academic purposes. Please complete the survey before March, 26, 2017.
Please follow the link below to complete questionnaire:
#Worldbank #RIA Группа Всемирного банка совместно с Эксетерским университетом (Великобритания) в январе-апреле 2017 года проводили первый конкурс лучших практик оценки регулирующего воздействия в странах с переходной экономикой (The Global RIA Awards). И хотя российских регионов нет среди получивших 1е места, три российских региона получили т.н. Honorable mention во всех трех номинациях: A. Influential RIAs; B. Innovative data collection and consultation; C. Inventive regulatory alternatives - соотв., Самарская область, Ульяновская область и Бурятия.
#courts #RIA One of the most controversial issues in comprehensive regulatory process reform is the role of courts in reviewing the quality of the regulatory impact analysis (or other similar economic analysis) that agencies conduct to inform their regulatory decisions. Proponents of judicial review of regulatory impact analysis see it as a much-needed enforcement mechanism to ensure that agencies have an adequate factual basis for their regulatory decisions. Critics argue that judicial review of this analysis would allow judges to impose their own policy preferences on regulatory agencies and strike down necessary regulations for trivial reasons.