RT @RussianEmbassy: 🇷🇺delegation at #UNGA76 First Committee: #Salisbury and #Navalny incidents are links in the same chain of Western propaganda – no substantive discussion, no transparency, no willingness to abide by #internationallaw from the West. #Russia will continue to seek the truth. https://t.co/yNkh1Qzp7z
— Russian Mission UN (@RussiaUN) Oct 7, 2021
— Russian Mission UN (@RussiaUN) Oct 7, 2021
Russian Embassy, UK
🇷🇺delegation at #UNGA76 First Committee: #Salisbury and #Navalny incidents are links in the same chain of Western propaganda – no substantive discussion, no transparency, no willingness to abide by #internationallaw from the West. #Russia will continue to…
October 7, 2021