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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
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#Nebenzia at UNSC briefing on #Colombia 🇨🇴: There has been some progress with implementation of obligations under the Final Peace Agreement by the government. However a lot more needs to be done in order to achieve true and lasting peace. https://t.co/5BG8Pq2Wc9 https://t.co/lkMw5rgmNu
#Nebenzia: Safety & security of peace process participants and other representatives of the civil society is the primary task [in #Colombia]. The scourge of criminal groups’ activity turned additional 15,000 people into #IDPs, thus increasing the total number of IDPs to >57,000. https://t.co/JAUXWMOJNx
#Nebenzia at UNSC briefing on #Colombia🇨🇴: It is high time everyone recognized that full implementation of the Final Peace Agreement is not possible unless the problem of drug trafficking is solved, because this is the main reason and source of violence in Colombia. https://t.co/Ja4v9Q4q4i
Vassily #Nebenzia at UNSC briefing on #Colombia🇨🇴: The key role in consolidating public accord around the Final Peace Agreement belongs to the Special Jurisdiction for Peace and the Truth Commission that must remain fully independent. https://t.co/UkwEQILbJl
#Nebenzia: Improvement of relations with #Venezuela would help ensure lasting peace & stability in #Colombia. We welcome the efforts aimed at resuming the operation of border checkpoints, and hope that recovery of dialogue between the law enforcement mechanisms will come next. https://t.co/Gtm7XfTGSi
#Polyanskiy: Recent visit of @antonioguterres to #Colombia was another manifestation of intn'l support for the FPA. As a good guest, the SG emphasized the achievements made. Yet #UNSC realizes that the main work related to implementation of government’s obligations is still ahead https://t.co/NKvQqRxamj
#Polyanskiy on the situation in #Colombia🇨🇴: Issues that have been traditionally considered problematic are: safety of civilians, incl. rights advocates & peace process participants, their economic, political, legal reintegration, land reform and #crop substitution programs. https://t.co/b2OYmXBFS5
#Polyanskiy at UNSC briefing on #Colombia: We admit that there's certain progress at a number of #peacebuilding tracks. In this context, we express our full support for the UN Verification Mission in Colombia🇨🇴, and for guarantors to the Final Peace Agreement – #Cuba and #Norway. https://t.co/zTxBTKPDjU
#Polyanskiy: Normalization of relations with #Venezuela🇻🇪 could promote achievement of lasting peace & stability in #Colombia🇨🇴. It's needed to combat the outrage of crime in border areas and serve as a safeguard against confusions & provocations w/ rather dangerous consequences. https://t.co/LY1BNKalhk
#Polyanskiy: Yet it's hard to disagree with the conclusions of the SG report saying that the progress of #peacebuilding in #Colombia is still at risk. As one of the key problems, the Secretary-General cites the deep-rooted factors that cause discords in the society. @mfa_russia https://t.co/tElPVCpE9G
#Polyanskiy: Some political actors [in #Colombia] included the topic of implementing the Final Peace Agreement in their electoral platforms. Yet this's not enough. 🇺🇳needs to send a signal to all participants of 🇨🇴electoral race about the need to strictly uphold this document. https://t.co/qzXaMRbWma